Chapter 7: The Award Show

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Remember my mini contest that I posted about in my last chapter! :D 


Emily's POV:

It has been 2 months since Victoria had adopted me and I'm living the life of fame! I also no longer have a broken leg and I went to my very first concert of hers, watching backstage. We went on so many shopping sprees, life couldn't be any better. 

Victoria's POV:

Having a child wasn't what I expected but Emily was the sweetest girl. She still has those bad flashbacks in the middle of the night but she sleeps a lot better and she stopped flinching when she heard a loud noise or if any stranger touched her. 

Tonight was the Grammy's (I know Victoria Justice probably never goes to the Grammys but just play along) and I wanted to get her a new dress for this occasion. I smiled, knowing it would be her first award show she ever went to. 

"Emilybear!" I laughed. We had made up nicknames for each other one day when we were shopping. 

"Yes Vicks?" She giggled, entering my room. 

"Come here, I want to tell you something." I said holding out my arms, motioning her to sit on my lap. She bounced over and hugged me. She is still so light and small. I try my best to give her some skin but she is still so thin!

"What do you want to tell me, Tori?" She asked, using my character's name off Victorious. 

"Well, I wanted to tell you that I am bringing you to your very first award show." 

"An award show? Like those things where all these famous people come and sing songs and give out awards to each other?" She asked me.

"You never seen one Em?" I asked her stunned. "Like, not even on TV?" 

"No, just heard about them from other girls at the orphanage." 

"Well, tonight can be your first time going to a LIVE one!" I tickled her. "So anyways, I wanted to tell you that we have to buy you a new dress!" 

She impulsively hopped off my lap and pulled me up with her. 

"What are we waiting for then? Let's go!"

4 hours later...

We just finished putting on our dresses, with the help of my mom. 

Emily ended up getting a royal blue dress that went down past her knees and had a bow that wrapped around it. (Picture on the side) 

"I love that colour on you girlie! You're going to be the cutest thing there tonight." I exclaimed.

Emily beamed, blushing.

She wore her hair in curls that hung loose at the bottom of her hair and had a black flats to match. 

Emily's POV:

I looked and felt like a movie star. I can't believe I am going where a bunch a famous people are. But I had a feeling this wouldn't be the last. 

As we all hurried out the door with Jessi, we climbed into the limo and raced away. On the way, Victoria kept practicing these lines introducing a bunch of familiar names I recognized. I asked her what she was doing.

"I am just trying to go over my lines, so that tonight when I am up on the stage I won't forget them." She answered with a nervous smile and then went back at it.

We pulled in this giant parking lot that was by this huge building. As we got out of the limo, I saw a bunch of people going down this red carpet and a bunch a of people standing near them causing flashes every few seconds. I stopped walking. It was the paparazzi. 

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