Chapter 3 (home sweet home)

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Emily's POV:

After they finished talking Victoria walked back to me. She had a beautiful smile on her face. Oh, why couldn't I be that pretty? She sat down with me and looked me in the eye.

"Sweetheart, how would you like to come live with me?" she asks me.

Did I just hear her correctly?

"You mean it? You want me to come and live you?" I was star struck. "Yes! I would love too!"

"Okay!" She beamed. "Well, do you want to start packing your stuff? I could help you if you want." Victoria got up off the bed and lifted off my covers. She opened her mouth in surprise and then closed it again. "How come you didn't tell me you broke your leg?" 

"Cause I thought you wouldn't want me if I did." I looked down at my hands and started crying again. "You still want me, right?" 

Victoria's POV: 

"You still want me right?" She asked me, with tears running down her cheeks. 

I picked her up and held her close to me. Did she ever just need some love in her life. 

"Emily, just because you have a broken bone it doesn't mean I see you any differently. Accidents happen all the time, you can't help it. I think your gorgeous and that you should belong to a family that will love you." I said to her, lifting her chin to make sure she heard what I was saying. "Now, I am going to help you with your clothes and stuff, while Mom signs all of your adoption papers." 

She slowly calmed down and nodded her head while I put her back on the bed and helped her pack. 

Monica's POV:

Emily was getting adopted!  I was so happy for her, not only was she going into a loving family, but a family who she already loved. While I was walking back down the stairs with Mrs. Justice, we ran into Alicia. 

"Is Emily awake now? I wanted to see if she wanted to go play a game." Alicia asked me.

"Well actually honey, Emily just got adopted! She is packing right now in her room. How about you go and say goodbye to her? I know she really looks up to you." I said, while giving her an understanding smile. I just realized it's going to be hard for Alicia. Emily was like a little sister to her. 

She nodded with a pained look in her eyes, but headed up the stairs anyway. 

Alicia POV:

I can't believe Emily's going! I mean I am happy for her and all that, but still I always thought one day, when I turned 18, I could adopt her and we could live together.

But I guess not.

I went to her room and knocked on her door. A girl who was a little bit older than me opened it and smiled. "You must be Alicia, I recognize you from the pictures Emily was showing me." 

"You're correct and you look strangely familiar from somewhere else. I think it was off some posters Emily was showing me a little while back." I said, trying to remember.

"They are actually right here Alicia." Emily stated quietly. 

I nodded and smiled. "They sure are." I walked over to her and pulled her onto my lap and wrapped my arms around her. "I am going to miss you so much my little love bug." I whispered into her ear. She looked up with tears in her eyes and said "Me too." I got up while still holding her on my hip.

"Well I better get going because it looks like you guys are just about ready to go." I said, trying hard not to cry. I placed her back on her bed, kissed her head and then walked out of the room. 

Was I ever going to miss that kid.

Victoria's POV:

The poor girl started sobbing right after Alicia left, so I pulled her onto my lap and let her cry it all out. After a few minutes, she was done, but was still sniffling. With the help of my mom, we managed to carry her and her bags down the stairs. She didn't have very much.

We walked down to the front door when Monica came running down the hall. She asked if we had everything and then kissed Emily's head. She waved at us as she closed the door behind us.

It was not until we finally made it to the limo that I realized that Emily was asleep. I pointed that out to my mom and she took Emily's bags from me. I climbed into the limo and let Emily sleep on my lap and rest her head on the crook of my neck.

We rode home in an peaceful silence. 

Emily's POV:

I woke up when we were still in the limo. I heard hush voices talking.

"Should we wake her up?" I heard Victoria whisper. 

"Just let her be, she looks so sweet nuzzled up against you. Do you want me to take a picture?" I heard her mom ask. 

"Sure, just be quick. I don't want her to wake up and find us taking random pictures of her." I felt her adjusting me on her lap and then a click went off. She opened the car door after that and carried me bridal style into the house. I heard a dog barking and a rush of warmth as we stepped into the house. 

"Sophie...shhhh....go back to your bed." I heard Victoria command. I heard the clinking of paws and a cage door close. Finally, after her walking and going up a few flight of stairs, she set me down on a bed. She carefully put the covers over my legs and tucked me in. I felt her kiss my head and then walk out of the room.

As I heard the door close I decided it was safe to open my eyes. I looked around the room and noticed that the wall were bare. I was laying on a master bed with a flower comforter. There was a large desk in the one corner of the room which had a laptop laying on it. Sitting directly on the wall in front of my bed was a flat screen. There was also a door which I was guessing lead to a bathroom. The rest of the room was empty. 

2 hours later...

I opened my eyes to the feeling of someone rubbing my arm. I looked up and saw Victoria.

"Hi." I said shyly. 

"Hey sweetie, you need to wake up now or else you're not going to able to sleep tonight." She told me with a concerned smile. 

"Okay." I agreed, sitting up and yawning.

"How would you like a tour of the house?" she asked.

"Sure, I would like that." I smiled for one of the first times today.  

"Well come on and we will start our journey!" She laughed, dancing around the room. "Oh! And I almost forgot! I have a present for you." She went out of the room and came back with a pair of crutches. 

I laughed, what a present. I took them from her and I hobbled out of the room.

She showed me each room on the 3rd floor and where the bathrooms were located. We finally stopped at a closed door that was labeled Victoria's Room. We went in and there was turquoise walls. She also had a mini fridge and a bathroom. All over the walls there were posters of famous celebs from Lady Gaga to the Beastie Boyz. I looked around in awe. This was a dream room!  She saw my expression and laughed. 

"Don't worry we can turn your room into something like this too." She ruffled my hair. 

This day just kept getting better and better. 


Hey guys so if you are reading, please don't be shy to comment or give any suggestions! Please do, I want what you guys think what's best for this story!!!! 

And please remember to vote for this book! 


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