Chapter 25: Troubles? Healing? Concerts?

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Victoria's POV:

We had had had a wonderful, eventful night but it was getting later by the minute and it was time to get home. Emily needed to be in bed soon. I nudged Max gently who was seated next to me at the table. Currently all the adults were sitting at the table, sipping either tea or wine and chatting. Not long ago Emily and Jasmine had excused themselves upstairs.

"We should get going soon. Emily is going to be tired and grumpy in the morning, especially with her body still in the midst of healing her leg. She needs her sleep." I said softly to Max. I didn't want to disturb the 1D lads, Ben and Karen. I started to grab my purse off the floor.

"Yeah I totally agree." Max yawned. Obviously he was tired too. "The girl needs her rest. That way we can go skydiving."

I shot back up almost bumping my head on the table. "Max!" I whispered yelled hitting him on the arm.

He chuckled holding out his hands in surrender. "I'm kidding babe...would you like me to go get Emily?"

I sighed. "That be actually, thanks."

"Anything for you my pretty, talented, gorgeous, jaw-dropping -

"Just go!" I interrupted laughing now. Max got up then, excusing himself from the others and heading out the door.

Emily's POV:

I sat in Jazz's room, us both spread out on her queen sized bed, giggling. We decided to play marry, kiss or kill using celebrities and we kept giving each other the worst people we could think of.

"Ewww why them?" Jasmine complained.

"Because I said so." I laughed.

We were interrupted by a soft knocking on the bedroom door.

"Come in!" Jazz yelled out. Max then entered.

"Hey girls." He greeted.

We both chorused "hello." He then walked in a little more and started to look around the room.

After a few minutes he complimented, "Nice room you have here Jasmine."

I saw her cheeks brighten as she "thanked" him.

"Well munchkin." He said facing towards me. "I think we better start heading to your house."

"Aww me?" I whined. I didn't want to leave, not now. Tonight had been one of the most amazing nights I've ever experienced.

"Yes you." He teased.

"Can't we stay a little longer? Pleeeasssee?" I begged.

"I'm afraid not. You can see Jasmine again soon though and I'm sure you'll get to see the 1D lads again before they leave." Max stated. "Now come on." He held out his hand for me to take.


"Come on Emily, don't be stubborn."

"I'm not leaving." I said affirmed.

"Emily." He warned, his eyes hardened.

"Go on Emily, I don't want you getting trouble." Jasmine urged.

I sat still not moving. In one quick movement Max had lifted me off the bed and stood me beside him, him gripping my wrist firmly.

"Say goodbye to Jasmine." He nudged me. I quickly waved to her before he pulled me out the door. In the hall he knelt in front of me.

"When we get back to the house you're going to the corner." He said sternly looking me in the eye.

"What!" I protested. "No please, no I didn't mean to no."

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