Chapter 31: Forgiveness?

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Emily's POV:

The concert ended sometime around 10 and by the time I got outside the night sky was full of stars.

Everyone around me looked so happy and energized. I did too and I loved it considering it was a rare feeling. It's that feeling that you get after you watch a really good movie or listen to an inspiring speech. You feel you want to change something and take action. You feel uplifted and motivated and it doesn't go away for a while.

Mr and Mrs Payne were reconnecting with some old friends they found. Jasmine and I stood silently stood beside each other, not awkwardly, comfortable with the silence that was so much of contrast from the concert.

I smiled as I thought back to after the show and my conversation with all the boys. We got to go backstage and see everyone.

I connected with Liam and we had a light conversation about random things and then I ended up with Louis who made me laugh with everything he said.

Jasmine and I switched from boy to boy and had time to talk with everyone before we left. I had them sorted out at the end ~

Liam: Sweet, caring, protective boy who was Jasmine's cousin. He is the "daddy" of the group.

Niall: Funny, Irish, sweet, blonde boy who loved to eat and seemed to have a hollow leg.

Harry: The confident, charming, curly haired boy who was also the youngest of the group.

Zayn: Quiet, sophisticated, sensible, friendly boy who is skilled at art.

Louis: Hilarious, outgoing, childlike boy who was actually a really good listener.

I was so glad I got the chance to meet all of them and got the chance to know them. The goodbyes were rough for everyone including me. That was going to be the last time I was going to see the boys before they started back on the road to continue their tour. I had grown attached to them too, especially Liam, and I hated that I had to let go of the people that made me feel naturally happy inside.

"We'll see you again." Liam reassured me as he wrapped me into one of his bear hugs. I loved that he made feel wanted and special. Isabel was so lucky to him as a cousin.

Thinking about Jasmine reminded me that she was probably hurting a lot more than me about this matter. I looked to her as she was standing casually stood beside me, looking at the night sky.

"You okay?" I asked. She blinked a few times, I guess she was thinking deep too, she finally regained her focus on me and gave me a small smile.

"Yeah...I mean I will be. I just don't like seeing him go. I know this is my first time ever actually meeting him but he has lasting impression, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah.." We both fell silent again and found ourselves looking up at the stars. 

"What about you?" Jasmine broke the calmness and she looked at me with worried eyes. "You're obviously not okay, Max and Victoria just had a huge fight."

Max's POV: 

I called a cab and was currently on the side of the street waiting for it to come bring me home. I wiped furiously the tears that managed to escape. I didn't want any fans finding out what happened and then the paparazzi bombing Victoria. Even though I was mad at her she didn't deserve that, no one did. 

When the driver finally did pull up, I hurriedly climbed in the back of the vehicle and told him my address. I watched out the window watching the city pass by me, my mind racing. 

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