Chapter 10: Mistakes and Solutions

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Victoria's POV:

As the taxi pulled in front of our house, I quickly paid him and hurried out onto the sidewalk. I cuddled Emily closer to me since she was still fast asleep and slowly walked up to the house. I opened the door and was shocked to see my mother standing there, glaring at me. 

"Young lady, where in the world were you?" She hollered. 

I quickly covered Emily's ear with my free hand and whispered "Mom, she's asleep, I am really sorry and its all a really big story, so let me go and put her down and I will explain." 

Before she could say another word, I scurried off in the direction of Emily's room. Once I made sure that she resting in a comfortable place so that she wasn't in any more pain than she was in, I closed the door and found my mom sitting in the kitchen. I took a seat at the table and began.


Minutes went by after I explained the events that went down the previous night while I studied my mom's face trying to figure out if she was mad, worried, frustrated or all three. Finally, she spoke up by pulling me in her embrace,

"Oh Victoria, I was just so worried about you two, but now I know how responsible you are for her and how much you really care. I admit I was mad at first but after hearing how much you girls went through in the past 12 hours, I really can't hold a grudge. I feel so bad for Emily. She just keeps getting injured and I hate seeing how weak and how much pain she's in.  But you are a good mom for her Victoria, and I am so glad you made that decision to be her mom. I love you Victoria." My mom blurted out all at once. She looked so proud of me and I was glad that she wasn't angry anymore. 

I got up from the table and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "I love you too mom. I am just going to put some more comfortable clothes on and I will be back in a sec." I told her, referring to my dress I still had on from last night. 

As I passed by Emily's room, I heard a soft voice singing. I guess she had woken up. I put my ear closer to the door and listened as Emily sang the words to Who Says by Selena Gomez. I grinned as I realized that my little girl could sing. 

I quickly went to my room and got changed and made it to her door just as she was finishing up "Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars. I quietly tapped on her door and I heard her gasp and everything go quiet. 

I chuckled to myself and entered the room to find her hiding under her covers. 

Emily's POV:

I had woken up and suddenly felt the urge to sing. Sometimes at the Girls' Home I had quietly sung to myself and even sometimes Alicia. I knew I wasn't good at all, but when I sang it cheered me up. As I sang the last chord to "Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars, I heard a soft tap at my door. I gasped louder than I thought and dove under my covers. I hope Victoria didn't hear me sing. My door opened and I heard someone shuffle inside. 

I felt the bed dip and a soft chuckle. 

"What are you doing hiding under the covers baby girl?" I heard her ask. 

I blushed and took them off of me. 

"That's better. Now I can see your beautiful smiling face." Victoria smiled.

I blushed again, while Victoria lifted me onto her lap.  

"So what do you want to do now? I am sure Grandma really wants to see you. I told her about our adventure and she was really worried about you." Victoria told me while playing with my hair. "How about we get you in some nice comfy PJ's and we can have a lazy day for the rest of the day?"  

I nodded my head and grinned. A lazy day was all I needed to help me recover. 

As I finished getting dressed, with of course Victoria's help, she pulled me onto her hip and we trudged down into the kitchen. 

"Oh Emily darling! How are you feeling? I was so worried about you." Jessi exclaimed.

I giggled and responded, "I'm okay grandma, I really am." 

I was shocked to hear the word come out of my mouth as soon as I said it. Grandma. First I had called Victoria mommy last night and now this. I just then realized that I was so more comfortable around these people. 

I guess Jessi had noticed it too because I took in as her face registered in surprise and hope, but then she suddenly let it pass and asked us if we wanted to have some breakfast. 

*Weeks later*

My ribs were almost healed now and my head had stopped having sudden headaches every day. I was feeling better than I had in a long time. But try telling that to Victoria. She had suddenly become really overprotective of me in the past few days and I had no clue why. She wouldn't let me walk anywhere in the house alone and even if she was there to make sure I didn't fall or anything, she would just suddenly pick me up.

Like for example, yesterday I was walking to the bathroom to have a shower, but then I realized Jessi was already using it. So I started to walk down the stairs to go to the other thousand bathrooms we had in this house, and man you should have seen Victoria's face! It was like she just witnessed a murder or something. She was just like "and where do you think you're going little girl?" And I told her I was just going to the bathroom and she seriously, literally had to carry me down there to the very entrance. Like yeesh. The doctor had even said I was allowed now to have as much physical activity as I wanted as long if I wasn't running. I mentally sighed.

"Oh Emily! There you are." A voice said spilling me out of my thoughts. 

I looked up and saw Victoria standing above me, grinning like a mad man. 

I raised my eyebrows and gave her a curious look. Ok, she was officially starting to freak me out. What was with her sudden change?

"Here I am." I forced a smile kind of nervous of what she was thinking about. 

Over the weeks I had known to get her better. How she had an extreme fear of snakes or how her grandparents got in a huge car crash when she was my age.  Weird and odd things she told me at random times. 

What if she was telling me all this stuff to make me understand that it's okay to reveal unknown facts about your past life. 

If she really was, I'd have to be careful. She could get to know what really happened about my past and I'd rather her knowing that later than sooner. 

"Emily are you with me?" I felt the bed dip as she gently pulled me onto her lap facing her. "I was asking if you wanted to go to my concert tonight? Max is going to be there and I thought you might want to see him again." She asked while her eyes darted back and forth between mine. I could see the glimmer in her eyes. 

Wow, she really likes this boy. 


Okay sorry for such the short chapter, I promise the next will be a lot longer. 

I have noticed that none of you guys are commenting anymore! :( plz tell me your thoughts! I WANT to hear them. :)

Please comment and vote!!! <3 And I thank you all so much for reading. I can't believe I'm in the thousands already! 

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