Chapter 23: One Direction - part 3

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Emily's POV:

The car ride was unsociable. It was so awkward. Out of all of it I think Max and Victoria made it the most troublesome though. 

They sat together with me on one side of the limo, shifting uncomfortably and almost nervously, while all the boys sat in a row facing us. The fact that Max and Victoria were acting this way made me feel unsafe. I mean they were my guardians, my protectors, and somehow they weren't acting normal. 

BUT....let me back track a little before I get too carried away cause I know most of you are probably confused.

45 minutes before...

As Victoria asked the boys who they were, we watched them send each other nervous looks, like Max and Victoria did when they wanted to know who we were. As they began whisper-shouting at each other I flinched back because they all seemed angry and my greatest fear was angry men. 

Victoria noticed and pulled me onto her lap, whispering soothing words in my ear. 

Finally, they excused themselves and walked a little ways away where we couldn't hear them.

A few minutes later they came back, all of them looking a little bit more calm. 

"Victoria, just liked you asked us not to share your secret, we're going to need you to do the same thing for us. Just like we kept your secret, we need you keep our's." The lead boy started.

"Okay, yes we can do that, we promise." Victoria reasurred. I could the hear the confusion in her voice though. 

"The reason you recognize us is're One Direction." 

Woah, I never saw that coming. Neither did Max and Victoria because they both had to take a seat again at the table to recover. 

"I know, I know, but you have to keep it a secret. Please. This is like the first time in a while we haven't been seen and exposed to fans in the public, and this is the first time we travelled without bodyguards." The curly lad pleaded, I think his name was Harry. Jasmine had taught me some 1D facts in order to get ready for their concert. 

"We've promised and we're not going to break that, so no need to worry boys." Max reassured the boys standing back up again and patting Harry on the back. 

"Thank you so much, it's so cool to meet other people like us, especially like at a place like this." The hyper dude beamed. It was Louis, right?

"How about we all sit down and eat some lunch together?" Victoria offered. "Just so we're not drawing anymore attention to ourselves anymore." She pointed out to the families sitting around us who were starting to stare.

"Yeah, okay. That's a good idea, thanks." The lead boy said.

Wait lead boy? Why were all the boys looking up to him and asking him for help? Like he somehow in charge of them all? Like a dad? 

OMG he was Daddy Direction! Seated across from me was Jasmine's cousin! 

Liam's POV:

I watched the little girl in front of me, Emily. She was so darn cute but boy was she so scrawny! I mean all her limbs were so skinny like she hasn't eaten in weeks. She suddenly stared at me like she just realized something and her mouth hung open in shock.

It wasn't like fan attack shock cause she would have had that a while ago, but it was like she was shocked at something and the way she was looking at me, I think it was me.  

Victoria noticed her quiet presence and followed her gaze towards me. 

I just smiled politely.

Victoria quickly whispered something to Emily and her cheeks suddenly reddened in embarrassment. 

Victoria's POV:

I noticed Emily's quietness after we had all sat down. Max was making small talk with some of the other boys while Liam and Harry texted away at their phones. 

Emily usually wasn't this quiet but then I had to remember that we were sitting with One Direction, who were all boys. I looked over at her and realized she was stuck in a gaze that was glued at Liam. I noticed him sitting there a little uncomfortably as she stuck her stare.

"Emily." I called just loud enough so she could hear. "Emily Mae it's rude to stare, please don't do that okay sweetie?" 

She instantly zoned in and blushed fiercely like always. 

"I'm sorry." She muttered. "it's just that he doesn't at all resemble Jasmine, like it doesn't even look like their cousins."

"Cousins?" I repeated dumbly.

"Remember Mom? Jazz's Dad is brothers with Liam's Dad?" She reminded me.

"Omg yeah, I completely forgot." I felt so dumb but excited at the same time. It would be great news for Liam to know that we knew where and who, his Aunt and Uncle were. 

"So Liam." I spoke up. I suddenly had everyone at the table's attention. "You may think we're a little weird and stalkerish, but its a small world and we've have actually made good friends with your Aunt Martha and Uncle Tom." 

His face was first shock, but then he erupted into a bright grin.

"Are you serious? This is great news! Finding you guys were such a good thing." He cheered.

That was all it took for that tension to go away. 

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