For some reason I woke up refreshed and ready to start the day. I roll over and look at the clock. 12:00. Holy shit the girls! I scramble out of bed and run to their rooms only to find they aren't there. They're beds are made though. I begin to panic and run down to the kitchen, thinking maybe they came down and tried to get breakfast themselves. They did that once and I walked in to find a whole box of cereal on the floor. I see a piece of paper on the counter when I walk in which calms my nerves a bit.
I took the girls this morning. Figured it would be my last time with them for a while. I don't think I'm gonna be coming home any time soon. Take care of them and take care of yourself. -Brad
I crumple up the paper and throw it in the garbage, slamming the lid. This cannot be happening to me right now. I text Natasha and tell her to meet me at the coffee shop in an hour which I know she'll agree too. She's hardly ever busy. I get ready putting on a simple outfit, straighten my hair and do my makeup. I make my bed and pick up all the dirty clothes then head out for the day.
I walk into the coffee shop and see Natasha sat down waiting for me. I sit down across from her. The shop has a very modern vibe to it and I think that's what we like about it. It's cute and color coordinated. Always busy but yet peaceful.
"What's wrong?" Natasha asks, pushing my coffee towards me.
"Me and Brad are.. On a break right now."
Her eyes open wide and she puts her hand over her mouth.
"What why?"
"He's been seeing someone else for like 6 months."
"Oh my God. So is he staying with you still?"
"No he found somewhere to stay. But that's not even the worst part." I shake my head.
"Tell me."
"I went to the doctor a few days ago to see if I was pregnant and I told them to call me when they know."
"Have they called?"
"No they haven't yet. I'm expecting it any day soon."
"What happens if your pregnant?" She asks, looking at me with sorry eyes.
"I have no idea." I shake my head slightly. If I am pregnant and Brad and I are on a break then I'll be parenting 3 kids all on my own.
"Well you know I'm here to help no matter what." She says, patting my hand gently.
"Thank you so much." I smile, looking down at my coffee. Who would've ever thought I'd be in this situation.
After leaving the coffee shop I go to pick the girls up. A trip to the park seems like a good idea. While the girls are playing I sit on the bench and watch them. Their so young. So innocent. I hope they never have a life like mine. I glance at some ladies across from me and see them whispering to each other. Guess words got out somehow. Bet the girl he's cheating with lives in the town. I probably even know her. I never seen her face that well but I know if I were to see her again I'd know her. She did look a little familiar. Someone sits next to me, breaking my attention from the women. I look over and see Chris sat there. He's Brad and mines best friend. We've known him since high school. He was one of the first people I talked too when I first moved here in grade 8.
"He's staying with you isn't he?" I ask, looking at the girls as they run up to the slide.
"Yeah he is." He says quietly.
"I figured that's where he would go."
"You know I'm still here for you." He says, laying a hand on my leg. "It's just hard to be there for both of you yano."
"I know. I'm not gonna ask you to choose or anything." I say, shaking my head.
"How are they?" He asks, motioning to the kids. He really care about them too. He is their god father after all.
"They know daddy's gone away for a while. Work related."
"What an idiot."
We spend the next hour brainstorming what's gonna happen and talking about the glory days back in high school which when you think about it wasn't that long ago. Longer for Brad than me.
When the girls and I get back to the house I get them out of the car and they go inside. I'm outside grabbing their bags when someone taps my shoulder. I turn around, startled by the contact.
"Hi." I say, looking at the man. He's covered in paint and is wearing brown coveralls.
"Hey. I'm Josh, your new neighbour."
"Oh hi. I didn't realize anyone had bought the house." I smile, shaking his hand.
"It's a fixer upper but I think it could be great."
"Sure could be." I chuckle. "I'd better get inside but it was nice meeting you."
I walk inside and shut the door behind me. Of course I'd be the one to get a hot new neighbour. I make the girls supper and then we sit down to watch a movie. Frozen is always the movie we watch. I could probably recite the whole movie by now. The movies just started when I hear something scratching at the back door. I get up and go to the door. There's a dog there. He's big too. A boxer. I open the door and look at his collar. Josh's dog. I grab him by the collar, put on some shoes and tell the girls I'll be right back. I go over to Josh's back door and knock. He's sat on his couch, looking at a book or something when he looks over to me. He runs over and opens the door.
"Guess he was a little confused in which house he lived in." I laugh. I let go and the dog runs into the house.
"Sorry about that. He isn't used to seeing so much grass. Must've got carried away." He chuckles.
"It's fine. Not often we see dogs on this road anyways. Is it just the two of you living you here?" I ask.
"Yeah. Guessing it isn't just you over there." He says, glancing to the house.
"Just me and the girls." I smile slightly. "Speaking of which I'd better get back to them."
"Of course. I'll try to keep my dog in my yard." He chuckles, closing the door. I wave through the glass before walking away,I walk across the back yards and into the house. When I walk in the phone is ringing but I don't get it in time. Thankfully they left a message. I know the number is the number to the clinic which sends butterflies throughout my whole body. I play it and it's not what I expected to hear.
I am pregnant.

Marriage Mistake
General FictionMeghan had the perfect life. She was the president of the Towns Council, she married her high school sweetheart, had a good job and was a liked person in the town. Everything about her life was perfect. Up until it falls apart, starting with her hus...