Chapter 47- Sunday Spaghetti and Groceries

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"I told her to leave." Chris says, walking into the bedroom. I'm sat on the bed feeding Briella and watching tv.
"Where's she gonna go?" I ask, laying the bottle down on the nightstand.

"She's gonna stay on the couch at the apartment. It's the best I can give her. And you." He says, taking his dirty clothes from work off. As he takes his shirt off I can't help but stare. I wanna say something about his hotness but I know he's in serious mode after his talk with Alana.

"How'd she take it?" I ask instead.
"Didn't seem like she cared too much." He says, sitting down on the bed, slipping his shirt on. "You didn't like her staying here and I should've asked before inviting her." 

I smile and kiss him quickly. I get off the bed and go to the babies room to put Briella down for the night. When she's down I go back to the bedroom and crawl into bed, cuddling into Chris.  

I wake up the next morning to the sound of the doorbell ringing. I glance over at the clock and look at the clock. 5:30. I push the blankets off me and place my feet on the floor. I go down the stairs and turn the corner, turning the porch light on outside. I open the door and see no one stood there but there's a bag on the ground with a piece of paper attached to it. I pick it up and bring it inside, shutting the door and turning off the porch light. I go to the kitchen and lay the bag on the counter. I read the note first.

Thanks for letting me into your home. I wanted to say thanks by giving you this. -Alana

I open the bag and see spaghetti. A container of spaghetti. I roll my eyes and throw it in the garbage. It's probably poisoned or something. I turn the lights off and go back upstairs to bed.

* * * *
~2 Weeks Later~ 

2 weeks have went by and every Sunday a container of spaghetti on the front porch at the same time. I figure she's just being nice. Chris is at work today while the girls are at school. I don't have any plans today except for going and checking up on the house. He has 3 people staying there now and every week he goes over and see how everything is. I get the babysitter to come over when I'm done work so I can go over to the house. I work every day now except for weekends. It's a good schedule. Works great because Chris is off at the same time as me. I get to the house and get out of the van, going inside. It doesn't sound like anyone is home. The place is pretty clean except for a few dirty dishes in the sink. I walk around the bottom floor, looking for anything out of the normal but everything is normal. I walk upstairs and check up there. Every door is open so I can peek inside. I get to the end of the hallway but the door is shut. I don't bother opening it since that's invasion of privacy. I am pretty curious about what it looks like in there but I won't snoop. I turn around and go back downstairs and leave the house. As I'm walking out the door I see Alana walk into the driveway. She's carrying some bags in her hands.

"Hi." She smiles. "How is everything?"
"Good." I smile back.

"Pretty sunny days. Summer weather will soon be here."
"Yeah." I say, getting into the van.
"You guys should come over for dinner some day. Just the 2 of you. The boys are out of town for the week."
"What day?" I ask, starting the vehicle.

"We'll try and make it." I say, backing out of the driveway.

* * * *

I get home and give the babysitter her money. She leaves and I decide to get some groceries.

I put the kids in the van we take off towards the grocery store.

Levi holds my hand as I push the cart around the store and pick things out. I'm in the baby section of the store when I turn the cart around to leave the aisle. I'm shocked when I see someone I haven't seen in forever stood there. Macy.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, pulling her into a friendly hug.
"We moved back. I met a guy and we're doing really well." She smiles.
"Well I'm glad you guys are here. I was really worried when you just up and left."

"I really just had to clear my head after what Brad did."
"I feel ya." I chuckle. 

We sat our goodbyes and plan a dinner date for Thursday when I'm done work. I glance down at my phone and it's 4. The girls are probably already home, shit.  
* * * *
I get home and see the girls sat out on the front porch. I apologize for not being here and they just run inside to play. I bring the kids in and then go back out for the groceries. As I'm bringing them in I spot something moving in the corner of my eye. I glance in the direction I seen it move and don't see anything there. Just one of those moments I guess.

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