Chapter 57- Seeing Her Happy

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If I could go back in time and change one thing it would be moving away from home. Everything I love is back here and I'm probably only saying that because mom is sick. She's coming home today. Rachel is picking her up and bringing her home. I am stuck on grocery duty. I have a list of everything mom wants and everything she wants I have to get. Including 3 neck pillows. One to wear for each meal she eats. I'm just thankful Rachel is paying for it because I would never be able to afford it. I'm walking down the aisle of the store pushing the cart when I hear someone call my name. I turn around and see Mark Lew stood there. I haven't seen him since high school. Everyone told me he moved to Alabama.

"Fancy seeing you here." I smile, grabbing 3 neck pillows from the basket.

"How is everything?" He asks, taking something off the shelf.
"Oh yano. It's going." I chuckle.

"Are you going to the highschool reunion next month?"
"Didn't know there was one. I doubt I'll be going."
"I think you should. I know a lot of people who ask about you."
"I'll think about it." I smile, walking away.
* * * *
I'm in the kitchen cooking supper when Rachel comes in, bringing plates in with her.

"How is she eating so much?" I ask, putting them in the sink.
"She isn't. She just looks at it and has me eat it." She says, rolling her eyes.

"Where's Natasha?" I ask, not looking at her.
"She's on her way here. Angel." She smiles. "I'm so blessed."

I don't say anything I just carry on cooking. Chris will soon be in from the shed fixing some things and I know he's gonna be hungry.

"Natasha never cooks for me." Rachel pipes up.

"Aren't you married?" I ask, stirring the pot.
"Should she cook for me?"
"It'd be nice for her to do." I shrug.

She doesn't say anything after that. She just walks out of the kitchen and into the living room again. It's so weird having civil conversations with her.
I wake up the next morning naked with Chris's arm around my waist. Mom went to Rachel's hotel room for the night last night so we had the house to ourselves. I roll over onto my side and prop myself up with my hand. He's still sleeping so I nudge him. His eyes flutter open and he looks at me, planting a kiss on my lips before laying his head back down on the pillow.

"Waffles." I say, smiling. He rolls his eyes and smiles, getting out of bed. I put my robe on and walk downstairs quietly. Its so peaceful without the kids and without Rachel and mom here. If it was like normal mom would be yelling out wanting stuff and Rachel would be yelling back asking what kind of sauce she wants. I go to the kitchen and make myself a cup of coffee while Chris gets started on the waffles. I go to the patio and sit outside, watching the sun shine faintly through the trees. A little bit of wetness is on the grass from the rain we got last night. Thankfully the patio is covered with a little roof on most of it. This really is the perfect place to collect your thoughts. My ex-husband is dead and now my mother has cancer and doesn't have much time left. Crazy how messed up like can get in a short time.
-Chris's POV-

After breakfast Meghan ran out to get some things while her mom stayed here with me. Natasha and Rachel are at their hotel packing their stuff to move into here. Moms orders of course. I go to the living room and sit down on the couch. Her mom looks over and smiles faintly at me. I hate seeing her like this.

"All I've ever wanted was to see my daughter happy." She says, looking ahead of her to the picture frames on the wall. "With you is the happiest I've seen her. Even with Brad there was something off. But you make her so happy."
"I try too." I smile, looking at her.
"I know you put a ring on her finger and that's great. But it ain't mean nothing unless you mean it."
"I do mean it. I really do."

She reaches out and grabs my hand.

"I wanna see it though." She says, looking at me. "I wanna be there when you say your vows and I wanna dance with her on the dance floor and see my grand babies walk down the aisle."
"It's a bit short notice." I say, nervousness suddenly all over me.
"I already have it planned out. You get a lot of free time in the hospital." She chuckles. "Rachel's gonna get her to the garden on time and you just have to show up." She smiles. "So are you in?"

Marrying the girl of my dreams is something I've always wanted. And I know her having her mother attend would be the best thing she'd have.

"Of course."

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