Chapter 61- Baby Shower

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We get to Chris's mom's house and go to the backyard. The kids run right to the playground back there while Chris and I go up onto the patio. I place my hand in his and he squeezes it, smiling at me. We stand by his mom and she smiles at us.

"Congratulations to you guys!" She exclaims, hugging Chris but not me. "Sorry we couldn't make it. Work." She says, rolling her eyes.

"You were there in spirit." He smiles.

"How's the baby?" She asks, placing a hand on my stomach.
"Great." I smile at her.
"Can't wait to meet him or her." She turns and goes back to the friends she was talking too before. Chris and I head down to the yard and sit with some of his cousins and I watch the kids playing. I love seeing them have fun like this.

* * * *

The day went by so smoothly yesterday. I avoided his mom pretty much the whole time and everyone else was nice to me. They asked about the baby and how Kacey was and that they were sorry they couldn't come to wedding on such short notice. Today Chris and I are going to the doctor for a check-up. We're hoping to find out the sex of the baby. Right now were in the elevator on the way up to the maternity ward.
Were the first called into the office and thankfully the doctor comes in fast. He smiles at me and takes the gel off the stand.

"Ready to find out if it's a boy or a girl?" He asks, placing it on my stomach. It feels cold but I'm used to it by now. I look onto the screen and I can see the little form of a baby. I can also hear the heartbeat.
"That's my baby?" Chris asks, squeezing my hand. I look up and see a tear rolling down his face. I lean up and wipe it off with my hand.
"Ready to know what it is?" He asks, moving the stick around. I look at Chris and he passes me a piece of paper and pen.
"We're actually gonna only let Chris see it and I'll find out at the baby shower on Monday." I smile.

"Sounds good." The doctor smiles, grabbing the paper and scribbling something on it.

Chris opens it and looks at it, obviously keeping it from me. His face has a huge smile on it and he looks so proud. Another day and I get to know.

* * * *

Macy and I spent all this morning getting decorations for the baby shower. It's this evening and while the kids are outside playing and the girls are in school I thought it would be a good time to decorate. I brought my work home to do tonight before bed. It's not a lot so I think I can get it done. Chris is in the shed taking care of the gender reveal which I can't wait to see. I'm holding Macy's legs as she hangs stuff up and when we're done we sit down and look around.

"I'm so excited." She smiles.

"Me too. I just wanna know what it is."
"I think it's a girl."
"I think it's a boy." I laugh.

5:00 comes and people are here already. They started getting her 20 minutes ago and Chris says he's already for the reveal. Macy grabs the camera and we all go to the backyard. I see a giant box in the middle of the yard and I feel butterflies in my stomach. I stand behind the box, Chris standing next to me. There's a piece of cardboard next to us which people voted on wether they think boy or girl. It's pretty much even votes for both. Chris gives me a knife and place it on the box. I slowly slide it down the tape and place my hands on the box flaps.

"Ready?" I ask, looking at Macy. She smiles and I pull open the flaps.

Blue baloons float up out of the box and I jump up and down in joy. Everyone around me is clapping and smiling and they all hug us.

"I knew it was gonna be a boy." Chris smiles, kissing me quickly.

"Oh shut up." I say, smacking him playfully.

3 girls and 3 boys. How luck can a girl get? Apperently very lucky.

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