Chapter 18- Wrecked Houses and Invites

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 We've been staying at Chris's for a week now and already it's getting cramped. The 5 of us and him in his house meant for 3 just isn't working and. Plus we're taking up his space. If he ever wants friends over or to bring a girl home he'll have 5 other humans that he has to be aware of. Doesn't make for the ideal date night. Going back to the house is an option but I don't want Josh to think I'm some lost soul who needs his help even though I am. I haven't talked to Brad either really but Chris has and he says he sounds like he's doing okay. No one has seen him though. The girls are meeting him at the park today with Macy for a few hours and she's bringing her kids too. The girls love playing with her daughter. And they love the baby. I don't like the idea of her being there but I don't trust him yet with the kids yet so she's my only option unless I go and I can't because I have some errands to run. I'm in the kitchen cleaning up from breakfast when Chris comes into the kitchen, his hair a mess cause he just woke up. 

"Any plans for today once the kids are gone?" He asks, sitting down at the table.

"I might run to the house and get some more clothes for the kids." I say, putting the drying cloth down.
"I can come if you'd like."
"Oh you don't have too."
"I want too." He smiles.

"I'll go get ready then we can go."

I go upstairs and get dressed. I get the babies ready and the girls. I'll drop them to the park on the way to the house I guess.

I pull into the parking lot of the playground and see Macy already coming towards the van. I notice Brad is sat on a bench a little ways away, watching her daughter go down the slide and pushing the stroller back and forth. I roll down the window so she we can talk.

"What time do you think you'll have them back?" I ask as Chris opens the door for them to get out.

"4 is the plan." She smiles. "I know how we feel about each other but I'd never do anything to your kids." 
"I believe you." I smile genuinely. I don't like her but the girls do and if they do then I have to make it like I do when I'm around her. At first they really didn't like her but as time went on they warmed up and I guess I have to be okay with that. She's their step mom. She walks away with the girls and when their out of sight I leave. The park isn't too far from the house so it's about a 5 minute drive which isn't too bad. I pull into the driveway and see Josh's car isn't there. I get out and take one car seat while Chris takes another. I unlock the front door and open it. My eyes open wide at the sight in front of me. It's trashed. The coffee table is knocked over and the pictures are all off the walls. I don't even wanna walk inside any further. I take out my phone and call Josh. He says he'll be here right away. 5 minutes of waiting and he's here.

"What the hell happened?" I ask as he gets out of the truck. He looks tired, like he hasn't gotten any sleep and his hands are dirty meaning he probably just came from work. 
"We had a fight." He says, looking in the house. "I didn't think you would be back this soon." 

"Who?" I ask, looking in the house again.

"Me and Natasha. I told her I didn't wanna be with her and she lost her mind."
"So what do we do now?" I ask, folding my arms. Chris is stood on the lawn, listening to us but not giving any input.

"I don't know. I think... we should sell." He stutters out.
"Sell? Seriously?"
"Neither of us are living in it." He points out. I don't say anything. I don't know what to say. He does have a point and I just don't want to admit it. "Look, I'm not done trying to get back with you. I do love you." He says, his eyes looking into mine.

"And?" I ask. I'm not trying to sound rude I'm just trying to know where he's going with this. I didn't really come here for a sob story.

"I was thinking you could come to my families lake house with me this weekend. My mom is gonna be there and so will my sister. You haven't met them yet."
"I.. I.." I look at Chris who nods his head. I know he's trying to be supportive and that's why he's telling me to go but another part of me is telling me not to go.
"If you still don't wanna be with me, we'll sell the house." 

"Fine. Text me the details." I say, walking by him and to the van. Hopefully it's a drama free weekend. But then again, when is my life ever drama free?

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