I'm woken in the middle of the night to the sound of the phone ringing next to me. I ignore it, probably the wrong number. Chris though rolls over and answers it. He can never let a call go to voicemail. Not even in the middle of the night. I close my eyes and try not to focus on the call but Chris taps my shoulder.
"It's for you. Some doctor." He says, holding the phone over me. I sit up and take the phone from him, worry filling my mind.
"Hi, Meghan. I'm afraid I have some news that isn't good."
"What is it?" I ask, pushing the blankets off me."Your aunt. She's had a stroke. Now we looked at her contact list and while you weren't on it her husband told us to call you. Says she wants you to come down and make sure everything's okay."
"I um.. I don't.. Tell her I'll be there in a day or two." I say, trying to hold back my tears.We say our goodbyes and I pass the phone to Chris to put back on his nightstand. He turns the light on and looks at me.
"What's wrong?"
"My aunt.. Remember the one you met? She had a stroke and wants me to come down."
"I'll cancel my trip, drive down with you."
"No no. I can do the trip myself. You need to have a job even if it means going away." I say, laying back down. Chris doesn't say anything, he just turns the light off and wraps an arm around me.
* * * *~2 Days Later~
It's 8:30 and all the kids are in bed asleep. Chris's flight leaves at 10 and he said he's gonna take a cab and I have to be on the road right after if I wanna get to my Aunt's at a reasonable time. I was trying to pack but Kyson got a little fussy so I brought him downstairs with me. I sit down on the couch and hold him in my arms, hoping he'll go to sleep. After 20 minutes of rocking he does. By 9 he's fully asleep and in his crib. Now that leaves me an hour to pack.
As I'm in the room packing up the bags on the floor in the closet Chris comes in, his jacket on and he's ready to go. He sits down behind me, his legs coming around to the front of my body. I lean back against his chest and close my eyes, taking in this. The last moment together for a while. We sit in silence for a moment until I turn around, facing him.
"I'm gonna miss you so much." He says, kissing my forehead and pulling away, looking me in the eyes.
"Call me everyday." I smile. "Levi and the girls will wanna talk to you."
"Of course I will." He smiles.
He kisses me long and hard before getting up off the floor. I watch as he walks out and all I can think of is the day he's coming back already.

Marriage Mistake
General FictionMeghan had the perfect life. She was the president of the Towns Council, she married her high school sweetheart, had a good job and was a liked person in the town. Everything about her life was perfect. Up until it falls apart, starting with her hus...