Chapter 14- Names And Fights

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I wake up in a hospital room with an IV in my arm and Josh sat in the chair next to me. I'm in a sitting position and I can feel a bandage on my stomach as my stomach rises and falls with my breathing.In my mind I'm panicking wondering where the babies are and if they're okay. But on the outside I'm calm because I have no energy to physically look like I'm panicking.

"What happened?" I ask, dragging Josh back to reality. He's been staring out the window now since I woke up and he hasn't noticed me.

"You're awake!" He exclaims, a little startled by the sudden sound of my voice filling the silence. "You had high blood pressure." He says, grabbing my hand.

"Where are the babies? Are they okay?" I ask, looking into his eyes. I can tell from the no change in his facial expression and the way he doesn't lose eye contact with me that they're okay. 

"They did a C-Section and took them out. Their in the NICU because they were born so early." "Can I see them? What are they?" I ask, a huge weight suddenly being lifted off my shoulders. 

"A boy and a girl." He says, kissing my hand. Wow. A boy and a girl.

I spend the next 2 days resting. We're allowed in to see them twice a day. I can't hold them or touch them yet, just look but that's enough to me as long as. Kacey and Jill in the NICU too for 2 weeks before I got to bring them home so it's not my first rodeo here. I just wish I was home instead of in another town though. There's something about being in the comfort of your own home that makes everything 80% better. But that's all we can do. Aunt Linda hasn't left the hospital and the rest of the family is already gone back. Except my annoying sister. She won't leave. I gave strict orders she isn't to come into the room or see the girls. I don't want her around so I don't know why she's staying. Just as I was leaving the house when I passed out, Josh told me that Natasha was just getting there. She's at Aunt Linda's taking care of the twins for me. I have a load of help. When we get out of the hospital mom is coming to the house to see the girls and help. 2 extra kids is gonna be a lot of work. Especially with two 4 year old's and a dog. I'm getting out of the hospital today but I'll be back for normal visits with the girls. Right now Josh is getting my bags while I'm putting on my sweater. When I get home I have to take it easy which of course I planned on doing anyways. I sign the discharge papers and soon were off.

* * * *

 It's been 5 days since they've been born and I still haven't chosen a name. I've spent a lot of my time thinking about what I wanna call them but I just don't know. Josh suggested David and Marion but I really don't like those names. They don't fit in well with our family. Kacey, Jill, David and Marion. No. I sit up and slowly get out of bed. I'm able to walk around now but I have to go slowly. I go downstairs to the kitchen where Aunt Linda, Josh and Rachel are. She still hasn't left. I don't know why. I do notice her sitting a little too close to Josh which makes me angry but I hide it. Tensions are high enough with her here I don't want to make them go any higher. 

"I've come up with a name." I smile. Everyone stops talking and looks at me.

"Well... What is it?" Aunt Linda asks, a huge smile on her face.

"Briella Hope Brenson and Kyson David Brenson." I say happily.

"Oh their lovely." Aunt Linda beams.

"Hope? Isn't that Brad's moms middle name?" Rachel asks, a look of disgust on her face.

"Yes what about it? I called Brad and we talked about it together last night I was just trying to see if it really fit."

"You called your ex husband about it?" She asks, her eyes never leaving mine.

"Yes. He's their father." I roll my eyes.

"Wow." Josh says, getting up and walking out onto the patio, slamming the door behind him.

"Thanks." I say,shooting a glare at Rachel before walking outside. I sit next to Josh in silence. There's a small breeze and it feels so nice. Aunt Linda has it hot in that house.

"Why would you call him about it? He has done nothing for them and yet you still let him help with everything!" He says, raising his voice a little.

"He's their father. The girls father. We were together since high school. He still has a say in what happens to his kids life." I explain calmly. Raising my voice too won't help. He's just upset and needs to cool down. I used to go through this with Brad sometimes and even Chris at times. 

"I don't understand how you can let him. He isn't even there for them! I am!"

"Josh he's their father," I say, again. "Whether you like it or not Brad is in our lives and you can either put up with it or leave." I say, immediately regretting it. Josh just rolls his eyes, stands up and walks angrily off the patio and around the house. Where he's going I have no idea. 

* * * *

There's a million places he could've gone. He could've went home, went for a drive, went to a bar, went out to the garage. I just don't know. His phone is left here so there's not even a way for me to call him. It's 10:00 now and I've been in bed for an hour. The girls are in bed, Rachel is gone to her hotel and Aunt Linda is downstairs cleaning up from some friends she just had over. She's such a social butterfly. I'm flicking through channels when Josh comes in through the room door. He doesn't look angry anymore. He begins to get ready for bed as I sit and watch. He opens the suitcase and pulls out his pajama pants. 

"Listen." He says, stopping in front of the tv, his hands on his hips. "I didn't mean to go off on you. I've just never been in a relationship like this before."

"I haven't either. This isn't easy for any of us. It's all trial and error really."
"I know." He says, sighing. 

"But I wouldn't wanna go through it with anyone else." I smile slightly.

"Me either." He says, coming over to me and kissing me softly. He pulls back and looks into my eyes for a moment and I can feel just how much he truly cares for me. I smile and lie down, turning my lamp off as he goes around to his side of the bed. He climbs into bed next to me and lays down, his arm snaking around my waist gently. At least I'm going to bed peacefully.

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