I wake up in the middle of the night to the dog wanting to go out and use the bathroom. I get up out of bed and slip on my slippers. As I enter the living room I notice someone on the couch. I flick on the light in the kitchen and I'm able to make out who it is. Alana. I roll my eyes as I open the patio door quietly. The dog goes out and when he's done I turn all the lights off and go back upstairs. As soon as I get into the bedroom I turn on my lamp and stand over the bed. Chris wakes up after a moment which I know he will. He hates lights on when he's asleep. Always has.
"What's wrong?" He asks, looking at me with sleepy eyes.
"Why is Alana down on our couch?"
"She needed a place to stay and I offered her a room at the apartment but I couldn't find the extra key. I didn't wanna drive across town to let her in."
"And you did that why?" I ask, getting into bed.
"Because I wanted to be nice." He says, rubbing his eyes with his hand."Yeah well next time, don't be nice." I say, leaning over and turning the light off.
Alana never liked me. When they dated I wasn't allowed to visit because she would always make some remark about me being pregnant young or not letting Brad go and exploring the other options out there for me. I just naturally don't like her.* * * *
Brad dropped Kacey and Jill off to school and brought me back the babies a little while ago. He said he'd like to take them next weekend as well and I told him he could sine he hasn't seen Briella and Kyson a whole lot lately. As the babies are in their high chairs waiting for their food Levi is at the table eating his toast. I sit down on a chair and move closer to them. The dog is lid down next to us, waiting for some of Levi's toast to fall to the ground like the crust normally does. Chris comes downstairs, doing up his belt. I glance at him for a moment before looking back at Briella. I hear him pouring up his coffee but still not saying anything to me. Alana comes out into the kitchen too and I hear her pour a cup of coffee. Chris mumbles something to her but I ignore it. Probably just a 'good morning'. He's late for work which is why he's been rushing around this morning. He usually sits and eat breakfast with us."Okay so I'll be home around 5, in time for the soccer game." Chris says, kissing me quickly on the cheek.
"And don't forget tomorrow is Kacey's doctors appointment."
"Right." He smiles, walking to the door.
"You're forgetting something." I call as he's about to open the door."Of course." He says, coming back into the dining room. He kisses the babies and then Levi and finally gets to me. He places his hand on my on cheek and kisses me hard before whispering to me.
"I love you."
"I love you too." I smile, suddenly not even remembering that he invited Alana to stay at his place.
When Chris is gone, Alana sits at the table with us, watching me feed the babies. It's a little uncomfortable having her watching me but some things you just have to deal with.
* * * *
Around 1 I fall asleep on the couch while Briella and Kyson are napping in their cribs. I wake up to the sound of a knock on the door. I get off the couch and quickly put the dog outside. I run to the front door and open it. There's a woman stood there, around my moms age.
"Can I help you?" I ask, smiling."Is my daughter here?" She asks, trying to look behind me.
"Um I'm sorry?" I ask her, confused."Alana. Is Alana here?"
I didn't even think she had a mom.

Marriage Mistake
General FictionMeghan had the perfect life. She was the president of the Towns Council, she married her high school sweetheart, had a good job and was a liked person in the town. Everything about her life was perfect. Up until it falls apart, starting with her hus...