*A Week Later*
Chris has been such a huge help around the house. But yesterday I got my stitches out and I'm able to do things on my own again. I can bathe the kids, cook their food, bring them to school. I can even get back to my regular work. I've been doing most of it from home but to actually go into the building and do the work will be like everything is really back to normal. I feel like as soon as I get back into the flow of life something come along and messes me up again. This time I'm not gonna let that happen.
I'm in the middle of switching over the laundry when someone comes in the front door. The dog runs to the door, barking. I pull him away and hold his collar while I open the door. If I don't hold him back chances are he'll run. The other day I had a package come and I thought he was outside. Chris and the girls had to spend an hour trying to get him from down the street. When I open the door I see Macy stood there, a look on her face that I can't read.
"Hi." I smile as the dog pulls against my grip.
"Do you mind if I come in for a minute?" She asks, keeping a straight face.
"Sure." I move so she can come in. I let go of the dog and join Macy at the dining room table. She must be here for a serious reason if she asked to come in. As she sits down I open the patio door so the dog can go outside. He runs right out, grabbing his ball off the patio and running down onto the lawn.
"You look like your doing good." She says, cracking a small smile. "When Brad told me it was you that was in the accident I had no idea what to think." She says, shaking her head slowly. I can't even tell if she means this or if she's just stalling.
"Macy... Why are you here?" I ask, cutting right to the point.
"I went into Brad's room this morning. You know, the one where he watches the games and stuff."
He had his room at our old house too. When the game came on we would go in there and watch it when the girls went to bed. One day he went to work and left the door open and Kacey took advantage of that. She broke one of his football trophies by hauling it down on the book shelf. He wasn't very pleased but he managed to get over it. He brought it up for a long time after that and since then his room has been sacred and the door always locked.
"What about it?" I ask, trying to figure out why she's bringing this up to me.
"I found a lot of alcohol bottles. Empty ones."
"You think he's getting worse?" I ask, looking at her.
"He needs help. But he won't listen to me."
"He's strong headed like that."
"I want you to drive him to rehab."
"And how do you expect me to get him there? You're his wife now, it's your job."
"I don't know. But please, help. I've tried over and over but he just won't listen."
"I'll.. I'll think about it."
"Thanks." She sighs, getting up and walking out.
* * * *
I pull up to the police station and get out of the van. I go inside and the people I know say hi to me. Being married to an officer pretty much makes you part of the family too. Brad was in a standoff once, guy had a gun and was threatening to kill himself. Me and the wives of the other officers called in stayed at the station for 4 hours together until it was all over. From that day forward I realized that we all had something in common and it made me feel at home. I go up the 2 sets of stairs and down the hall to the glass doors that'll take me to the sheriff's office. I knock and he looks up, sliding his circle glasses off his chubby face. I open the door and sit down on the chair in front of his desk.

Marriage Mistake
General FictionMeghan had the perfect life. She was the president of the Towns Council, she married her high school sweetheart, had a good job and was a liked person in the town. Everything about her life was perfect. Up until it falls apart, starting with her hus...