The wedding is tomorrow and although I'm dreading it I'm also excited. The house is done tomorrow too and it'll be the first time we'll get to see it. Right now I'm putting the girls to bed. Josh is downstairs waiting for me. It's taking longer to put them to bed tonight because their so excited for tomorrow. We'll wake up at 9 and take the hour long drive to the venue which is also where the girls will get ready. Then the wedding will happen, Josh and I will stay with the girls until the supper is over and then Brad's mom is taking them back to the hotel with her. She hasn't spent a lot of time with them lately and I think their having a family breakfast the following morning and of course the girls will be going. They're still part of the family.
"So mommy has something to ask you guys." I say, sitting on the edge of Jill's bed. They both sit up, looking at me with wide eyes. "How would you feel if we moved... In with Josh in a new house?"
"What about this house?" Kacey asks, looking at me."Well we would sell it and you'd have a new house."
"Will I see daddy?" Jill asks."And my friends?" Kacey chimes in.
"Of course you will." I smile."Okay." They say at the same time. I finally get them tucked in and I go downstairs. I sit on the couch next to Josh and he wraps an arm around me. I lay my head on his shoulder and stare at the tv.
"I talked to the girls." I say, smiling faintly.
"And?" He asks, his chest vibrating as he speaks.
"I think they're okay with it."
"That's great." He says, squeezing my arm.We sit on the couch for a little while watching tv before I start to get tired.
"I'm gonna head to bed. You can stay over if you want." I say, getting up and walking to the stairs.
I go up and slip into my pj's before crawling into the large bed. Josh pulls down the sheets next to me and climbs in. I turn the lamp off and he turns his off. Within minutes I'm asleep.
* * * *
I wake up to the sun shining in on my face and an empty bed next to me. I look at the time on the clock next to me and see it's 8:30 already. We're supposed to be left by 9:30. I scramble out of bed and to the girls rooms. They aren't in there though. I go down the steps and I hear voices coming from the kitchen. I walk in and see the girls just finishing breakfast. I say good morning and tell them to go get ready to leave. I eat my breakfast with Josh and we talk about some random things. When we're done he cleans the mess from breakfast while I go and pack all the things the girls are gonna need for the next 2 days. It's a lot to pack. They each have a huge bag. Sometimes I think I over pack them. I bring the bags out to the car, strap them in and close the door. Josh comes down to me.
"So I'll see you there at 1?" I ask, hugging him.
"On the dot." He smiles. I kiss him quickly and get into the car.
The one hour drive goes by pretty quick. Frozen plays for the girls and I enjoy the scenery as we drive. I have a feeling this whole day will go by quick. The girls and I go into the venue building and follow a lady down to a room marked Bridal Party. We open the door and see the bridesmaids, who I don't know and Brad's mom. When she sees us her face lights up.
"Nanny!" They exclaim, running to her. She bends down and hugs them both. I walk up and she pulls me into a hug.
"I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for you." She whispers in my ear. Brads mom has always been a sweetheart. After the divorce she called at least 2 times a week and offered many times to fly out and help but I declined. I couldn't have everyone dropping their lives to help with ours.

Marriage Mistake
General FictionMeghan had the perfect life. She was the president of the Towns Council, she married her high school sweetheart, had a good job and was a liked person in the town. Everything about her life was perfect. Up until it falls apart, starting with her hus...