Court. I was hoping after the divorce I wouldn't have to step back inside one. The kids are with the babysitter today while I'm here. I very well couldn't take them with me. My lawyer, the same one I used through the divorce is the one representing me now. We walk into the court room and there's a couple people in the crowd seats. We make our way up and sit in the sets with our names on them. The judge comes in and sits down. Finally, the back doors open, revealing Natsha, Rachel and someone I never thought I'd lay eyes on again. Josh. He's in on this too? They sit down across from us and I glance over. Neither of them looking at me back. I can understand Rachel doing this but not Josh and Natasha. All I wanna do is break down in tears but I know that wouldn't make me look very good. Their the first to take the stand. They tell of how I knew my ex husband was an alcoholic and sent the kids with him. How I'm slowly running out of money and soon won't be able to support my kids the way they need too. How I always move and they don't have a stable home life. How I bring men through there like crazy.
Then it got to my turn. I told of how I'm a single mother who works and my income will get better when I get my raise next month. I told of how I've had one man come in the house and the other man currently there has been part of the kids life since they were born so it's not like he's a stranger. I told of how I moved twice because both the men in my life left me there and selling the house was a way for a little extra money. And lastly I told of how throughout all I've been through I never asked them to drop the after school sports, stop playing outside, stop going to school. They have as much a normal life as the next kid; they just have one parent doing the work of 2.
* * * *
I, of course, won the case like I knew I would. My lawyer from the beginning told me I would. I'm on my way to the van when someone yells my name behind me. I turn around and see Josh coming towards me. I roll my eyes and stand there, staring at him with my arms folded.
"How have you been?" He asks, stopping in front of me.
"Your really asking me that? You just tried to take my kids from me and your asking me how I am?"
"Look, I'm just looking out for the kids."
"But you couldn't do that while we were together." I say, getting in the van and pulling away. For them to do this to me was wrong on so many levels. I have never once proven to be a bad mom.
I'm about to walk into my favorite cafe when Chris texts my phone.
C- Hey, heard how court went. Meet me at the burger place on the corner. Need to talk to you.
I turn around and make my way down the street to the corner. There's only one burger place in this town so I know what he's talking about. I walk into the burger place and see Chris right away. I go over to the booth and sit across from him. I've been coming to this place since I was a teenager and nothing in it has changed. It still looks exactly the same.
"So what was so important I had to ditch the cafe and come here?" I chuckle, sipping his drink.
"I wanted to talk about us." He says, looking at me with serious but happy eyes.
"What about us?" I ask, sliding his drink back over to him.
"Yes. I mean... I think we're ready for... something more."
I think for a moment before saying anything.
"I think we are too." I smile. "But let's keep it on the down low in front of the girls and everyone else."
"Of course." He smiles.
I think things are about to get good.
* * * *
The next morning we sleep in a little. Chris went back to his apartment last night since he hasn't been there in a while. He's decided to rent out his 2 empty rooms or something I think so he has to get those ready. He has some people coming over on Saturday to look at them. Kacey has a doctors appointment today to make sure that everything is okay and I have a meeting with my boss today about my position at the office which doesn't sound good. Our appointment at the doctors isn't until 1 so we've stayed in bed until 11. It's Thursday so Jill has school. I'll drop Kacey off there on the way back and the babies are going with the babysitter until I'm back. Lets just hope everything goes okay at the doctors.

Marriage Mistake
General FictionMeghan had the perfect life. She was the president of the Towns Council, she married her high school sweetheart, had a good job and was a liked person in the town. Everything about her life was perfect. Up until it falls apart, starting with her hus...