The morning after the soccer game is always pretty lazy. The girls are tired and I'm tired. Their in the playroom watching Frozen while me and the babies are in the living room watching tv. They're so into the Wiggles and it's the cutest thing ever. Chris is still asleep in the guest room which is where he's been since this morning. We haven't talked much about what's going on between us since that night I was drunk. I don't think we really know ourselves what's going on. It's rough waters when it comes to what we could be. But I'm fine with the way things are. The last relationship I was in, I rushed it. This time I want it to be different.
It's 10 now so I'm expecting the hyperness of the girls to soon kick in and then I'll send them outside. Around 2 they'll wind down again. Happens on most weekends. They get it from me. This morning my plans are to go to the mall with Macy to get some things for the babies and then I've gotta stop my work to sign on some paperwork. Macy and I are not friends but we have one thing in common and it's honestly what's helping me through all this. We each have kids with Brad and she's the girls' step mother. They like her and I can't just take her out of their lives no matter how much I wish I could. When breakfast is done and everyone is dressed I wake up Chris. I walk in the small room and look around. I don't come in here very often really. It has a dresser with a small tv on it and then there's a bed with a night stand and a lamp. Nothing too fancy but enough for someone to stay a nice while in there.
"Try and have a productive day." I say, opening the blinds. I turn and see him propped up on his elbows, looking at me.
"I think I'll just have a relaxing day instead." He says, closing his eyes again and flopping down onto the bed."Or you could fix the leaking pipe in the guest bathroom." I smile, walking out of the room. I hear him groan as I leave and chuckle to myself.
* * * *
We get to the mall and I park next to Macy's car. How grateful I am there was a parking spot next to her. Now I don't need to go look for her. I get out and take out the double stroller for the babies. I put them in and lock the van doors.
"Goodmorning." I smile, looking at her.
"Let's hope it's a good morning." She chuckles.
We go to almost every store in the mall before the girls get tired of walking around. With everything we came for, we go our separate ways. I don't think I'll be able to afford shopping like this for another while. Money is getting short. Between having one income, paying bills and buying the everyday things humans need to survive, my money is getting short. I wasn't worried about it but now I am.

Marriage Mistake
General FictionMeghan had the perfect life. She was the president of the Towns Council, she married her high school sweetheart, had a good job and was a liked person in the town. Everything about her life was perfect. Up until it falls apart, starting with her hus...