Chapter 12- Ultrasound and Beer

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I wake up the next morning to the sound of nothing. Josh is already gone to work and the twins aren't awake. I look at the clock and see it's 9:00. I have an ultra sound today at 11, the girls have school at 10, Kacey has ballet at 2, Jill has soccer at 3:30 and I have a meeting tonight at 8. Somewhere in between there I have to cook Josh supper. I roll out of bed and I go downstairs to begin breakfast and make the girls lunch. Sandwich's will have to do for today. Soon after me the girls wake up. While their eating breakfast I go upstairs to the bedroom to get dressed. I put my hair in a ponytail and just put on a t-shirt with leggings. I don't have time for a shower this morning. When I'm all dressed I get the girls ready and by 9:45 we're ready to leave the house.

My doctors appointment went good. The doctor says everything looks good. Right now I'm on my way to drop some lunch off to Josh. I do this at least twice a week. Today I picked something up from the cafe for him. I couldn't make something and have it sitting in my car waiting to be eaten. I would be the one to eat it. I pull into his site and he comes over to the car. I roll down the window and hand him the food.

"I'll be home a little late tonight." He says, kissing me quickly.

"How come?" I ask, a little disappointed.

"Boss is having supper for the workers. It's been 1 whole year working on this stupid building and it's almost done."

"Okay well I have a meeting at 8 and need the girls put to bed."

"I'll try and make it." He smiles, walking away. Weird. I didn't think his boss even lived here.

* * * *

7:00 rolls around and Josh isn't home. Natasha is out of town with her boyfriend and I don't really have anyone else around to call. Chris is out on a date tonight, I remember him telling me about it the other day. I pick up my phone and go into my contacts. I click Brad's number. I know I shouldn't but he's my only option right now. I dial it and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" His voice booms through the phone.

"Hi. Can you come over and watch the girls for me? I don't have anyone else and I have a stupid meeting."

"Um.. Sure. I'll be there in 10." He says, hanging up the phone. I didn't actually think he would come.

When the meeting is over I head back to the house. I go in the front door and I hear nothing through out the whole house. I lay my purse on the little table by the door and make my way upstairs to check on the girls. Their both asleep. I quietly close the door and go back downstairs. I turn the lights on in the living room, which was a mistake. Lid on the couch asleep is Brad. 2 beer bottles are on the coffee table and there's a bowl of chips tipped over on the floor. I go to the laundry room and grab the broom out of it. I go to the living room again. I clean up the chips and head back to the living room after dumping them in the garbage. I pick up the broom and hit Brad with it. He jumps up from his position and looks at me, his eyes tired but wide.

"Really?" I ask, picking up the bottles and laying them back in the case they came in.

"I-I can exlpain." He stutters.

"Please. Try to explain to me how you could drink while watching your kids. And then you wonder why I won't let you see them." I say, bringing the case to the kitchen. I lay it on the counter and turn around. Brad is stood up now, looking at me.

"I just.. I need it."

"More than your kids?" I ask, walking to the stairs.

"I can't drive home like this."

"Then walk." I say, rolling my eyes and going up to the room. As much as it does hurt to see him like this, it's not my problem anymore. It's his new wifes.

He must've actually walked because I heard the front door slam beneath me. I crawl into the comfort of my bed and close my eyes. Just as I do the front door closes again. I get up from the bed and make my way to the stairs.

"You can take the couch if you-" I stop talking when I realize it isn't Brad it's Josh.

"Your leaving me on the couch? What did I do?" He asks, a smirk on his face.

"Shut up. I thought you were Brad." I say, turning around and going back upstairs.

Josh joins me in bed after getting ready and we lie in silence for a while until he speaks.

"So you know the supper I just went too."

"Yeah what about it."

"Well the boss is planning a trip for the top employee of the year."

"That'll be fun." I say, rolling my eyes in my mind.

"I know what your thinking and it includes the family too. I was thinking if I win we could go to Hawaii or something with the girls."

"You seem to forget I'm pregnant with twins right now."

"It won't be for another while. They'll be at least 2 months by then."

"I guess that would be cool."

"Well nothing has to be decided right now." He says, kissing my shoulder.

I smile to myself and close my eyes.

* * * *

(A Month Later)

Taking a road trip to my aunts house is not something I wanna do while 7 months pregnant and with 2 daughters. I have to pee every 30 minutes and they can't sit still for an hour let alone 4. But we're doing it. Josh and I. Were taking his truck because it has more room and his dog is coming with us. I don't agree with the dog even living with us but the girls love it and so does Josh. We've been driving now for 3 hours now and we've stopped 4 times already. Only one hour to go and we're there. I can't wait. I haven't seen my family in such a long time. My entire family will be there. It'll be the first time most of them will be seeing the girls since they were born 4 years ago. It'll also be their first time meeting Josh. I'm a little nervous but I know I can do it.

We pull down the long gravel driveway and eventually stop in front of a huge brick house. My moms side of the family has a lot of money. My dads doesn't. When my mother married my father she had a falling out with the family so they won't be here this weekend. Which I guess is for the best because if they were here all they would do is fight. We get out of the truck and make our way to the front door. I open in and walk inside. My aunt and Uncle are stood in the foyer waiting for us. Aunt Linda smiles when she sees me. I hug them both and they tell me where the rooms are. I leave the girls down with them and Josh comes with me. We have the big room. It has a queen bed for us and the walk in closet was renovated into a small room that fits a double bed. That's where the girls will stay. Josh lays the bags on the floor and looks out the back window which overlooks a large grassy back yard with a little pond in the center.

"You guys take this family gathering stuff seriously." He says, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah their all really into it. Wait until everyone else shows up tomorrow."

"Can't wait." He chuckles, kissing my cheek and walking away.

He won't be saying that when they all get here.

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