Chapter 59- It's A Wedding

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In front of me are my family and friends sat in white chairs with black bows on the back. There's flower petals down the center and at the very front there's an arch with flowers all around it and guitar player with a singer over to the left side. Chris is stood under the arch with a tux on and one of his friends from work is stood next to him. I can just make out little heads and I realize it's the kids. All of them stood at the front. Kacey and Jill both wave to me and I wave back, a tear almost coming out of my eye. It's a wedding. We're having a wedding. The music begins to play and we all begin to walk down the aisle. I reach the end and I hug each of the kids, whispering 'I love you' to each one. I get to Chris and he takes my hands in his. He looks at me and smiles and I feel a tear go down my face.

"Happy tears I hope." He whispers.

"Definetly." I smile.

* * * *

I watch the kids dancing on the dance floor and my heart is so happy. I've missed them more than anything. Everyone's done their speeches and now it's time for dancing. Chris and I are about to have our first dance as husband and wife. He takes my hand, leading me out to the dancefloor and my favorite song begins to play. (A Thousand Years, Boyce Avenue). I wrap my arms around his neck and he looks at me, smiling. I take a deep breath and prepare to tell him what I've been wanting to tell him for a while.

"I need to tell you something." I say, looking at his chest then back at his eyes.

"What's that?" He asks, looking at me. I can't help but melt at the way he looks at me. There's so much love in his eyes.

"I'm pregnant."

The smile on his face gets even bigger and he kisses me. He pulls away and turns the crowd, stopping us from dancing.

"I'm gonna have a baby!" He yells. Everyone claps and cheers and I feel myself blushing. How'd I get so lucky?

After the dance with Chris me and my mom have a few dances and then I spend the rest of the nigth with the kids. We've decided not to the honey moon since Chris has missed so much work due to being here and I've been away from the kids for so long. Around 3 Chris and I head back to moms house. The kids went back there with Natasha and Rachel a little earlier. We walk into the house and go upstairs to the bedroom. I walk up behind Chris and see him stood in the door way. I glance over his shoulder and see all the kids in our bed asleep. I chuckle and close the door.

"We can take the spare." I smile.

I take off the dress and take off all my makeup and climb into bed next to Chris. He puts his arms around me and I get comfy. I feel the rings on his hand and smile in the darkness.

"I can't believe we're married." I whisper.

"Me either." I feel him smile on my shoulder.

"I'm gonna make this one work." I say, rolling over and kissing him.

"Me too." He smiles, pulling me on top of him.

* * * *

-4 Months Later-

Mom passed a month after the wedding. We went and packed up all the belongings in the house and brought most of them to ours. Rachel and Natasha are seperating and Rachel is staying in moms house hopefully forever. The twins' birthday is coming up and Levi's is to. Their all getting so old. I've settled back into the daily routines and I'm managing being pregnant for the last time pretty well. 6 kids is enough for us. Chris and I talked and agreed on it. He's already started his new job so he spends the week working and comes home from Friday to Sunday. Monday morning he leaves again. It's hard but we're making it work. I'm just finishing up house work when someone knocks on the door. I leave the laundry room and go answer it. It's Macy. We've been getting close again and I'm so grateful to have a friend I can talk too and that can get me out of the house.

"You ready?" She asks, stepping inside.

"Yeah just gotta get the kids."

Today we're going into town to do some shopping and get some decorations for the birthday parties coming up. I get all the kids into the van and we head off into town. The girls are in school so I only have the 3 thankfully. Levi walks next to me while the twins go in the stroller. Macy holds Levi's hand as we walk down the street.

"Are you excited for this baby?" She asks, looking down at my stomach.

"I think this is the most excited I've been. Knowing this is my last one is a little bittersweet." I smile, rubbing my stomach with one hand.

"I can't wait to spoil it." She laughs.

"Neither can Chris. He's hell bent it's a boy."

"I think it'll be a girl."

"Me too." I chuckle.

* * * *

Today Kacey goes in for a check up with her cancer doctor to see if everything is okay and steady. These things always freak me out but now we're going to it alone. I can't call my mom when it's over to tell her the good or bad news and I can't go home to Chris and cry in his arms or to tell him the good news. I'm alone except for Macy. She's watching the other kids while I come here with Kacey. Chris gets home tomorrow and we plan to go camping which will either go well or go really bad. My kids aren't made for camping. Their made for the city.

We walk into the doctors office and he has a folder in his hands from the tests that they did a few days ago when we came in. We sit in the chairs in front of his desk and he smiles at us. He always does that wether it's good news or not so it doesn't really tell me anything. My heart begins to race as opens the folder.

"Her results are showing here that..."

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