The second night in the hospital was well spent. Chris and the kids came until 9 and when they went home I went right to sleep. The nurse came in and woke me up once for a check and then I went back to sleep. I'm getting discharged this morning at 10. Chris is already on his way. The girls have been staying with Brad and I think they're enjoying their time there. Macy has been sending me pictures. I sit up and place my feet over the side of the bed. The stitches in my leg restrict me from walking for a while so I'm stuck in bed and on crutches until I'm able to get back on my feet. I place the sandals on my feet and wait for Chris to come in.
10 minuts later he does.
"Took you long enough." I chuckle lightly.
"There was a lot of papers to sign." He says, grabbing my arm and slowly helping me up.
"Let's just get out of here."
I place my bag in my lap and Chris wheels my wheelchair out of the room. I won't miss this place that's for sure._________
*Brad's POV*
Meghan got home about an hour ago and Chris and I are in the kitchen cooking her some supper for them all before leaving. Spaghetti is everyone's favorite so that's what we're making.
"How's she gonna get around to take care of the babies?" I ask, stirring the sauce in the pot."I was thinking of staying until she's back on her feet." He says, not looking at me.
"Were you gonna ask me first?" I blurt out. I immediately regret it.
"It's not your decision to make anymore." He says calmly.
From there I keep my mouth shut. A fight isn't what anyone needs now.
When supper is done and we clean up I grab my jacket to leave. I hug the kids bye and then head to the door. I glance behind me and see Chris sitting next to Meghan, Kacey and Jill on the couch. He spreads a blanket across them and the girls giggle. Taking one last look at them, I close the door behind me and go to the truck. I get in and just hit the wheel, anger going through me.* * * *
I get home and Macy is in the kitchen cleaning up from her supper. When she sees me she sighs and lays the dish cloth down on the sink. The baby is in the rocker on the kitchen floor, asleep."How is she?" She asks, looking at me.
"She'll be fine." I say, sitting at the island across from her.
"You really were concerned for her." She says, looking down at the counter.
"Well she's the mother of my kids yeah I'm gonna be worried about her."
"I just... I don't understand how after all this you still care so much for her." She says, looking up at me."I don't care for her. Not anymore."
"Then why does it seem like it?"
"A piece of me will always care for her but I don't love her anymore." I say, standing up. "I haven't in a long time.""Whatever you say." She rolls her eyes and turns around. I do the same but I walk out of the room. Do I regret leaving Meghan? No. We just weren't meant to be and I finally realized that. Will I still care about her a little? Of course. It's hard to just let go of all those years together even if you are divorced and your both moved on. I know even a little bit she still cares for me. She may not say it and I may not say it but it's true. She was my first wife, the mother of my first kids, the girl that got me through high school. She was my life for so long and while I don't regret leaving her, I do regret the way I left her. Cheating on someone is never right.
*Meghan's POV*I'm in bed watching tv when Chris comes and stands in the doorway.
"Girls are in bed and the babies are still sleeping." He says, a small smile on his face.
"Thanks so much for your help." I smile. "Can you bring me the babies?"
"They're asleep." He tells me again.
"I don't care I wanna snuggle." I pout, knowing he'll go get them if I pout.
"I'll be back." He says, backing away from the doorway.
I wait a few moments before he comes back with them. I put out my arms and he lays them in each one. I stare at their sleeping bodies and just imagine what would've happened if I had not survived the crash. The thought of leaving my children without a mother is always on my mind. Since the accident it's been even worse. I don't realise I'm crying until Chris is wiping a tear off my cheek.
"They could've been motherless." I say, not drawing my eyes from the babies."Put they're not. Your home and safe." He says, wrapping an arm around me.
"I guess your right." I say, sighing. I lean back and close my eyes, feeling my perfect creations breathe in my arms. Everything in this moment is perfect, even if I can't walk on my own.

Marriage Mistake
General FictionMeghan had the perfect life. She was the president of the Towns Council, she married her high school sweetheart, had a good job and was a liked person in the town. Everything about her life was perfect. Up until it falls apart, starting with her hus...