Chapter 49- A Drunk and A Glass Of Wine

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-A year later-

"Come on Briella you need to put your shoes on or we can't go to see Chris." I say, holding up her sandal. Getting the twins ready when all they wanna do is run around is a hastle. Now that their almost 2 they just love running and screaming. Especially yelling at each other and running away from each other.

I grab Kyson as he runs by me. I put his shoes on him and I bring him out to the van. When I finally have everyone in, we pull out of the driveway to go down the road.
A lot has happened since that night a year ago. I moved to a new work place and am the manager there. We moved into my aunts house, the one that she gave to me. It's huge and has just the right amount of room for us all and it's so peaceful. We needed a change of space after what happened. 

Things have gotten pretty hectic around here. It's even more hectic now that Briella and Kyson can walk and run. They just get into everything and never want to sit still. Chris is okay. He's working at a construction site a little ways down from us and so we walk and see him every lunch time. It's summer so the girls are out of school. Today they're at a friends house playing a little ways down the road. Everyone is nice in this place, I don't know why we didn't come here sooner.

We ate lunch with Chris and he told me tonight some of his co-workers are going to come over and see the work we did on the house and to meet all the kids. I think it's nice of them to wanna do that. We get back to the house and I turn the sprinkler on for the kids. It's so nice being worry free out here. It's Saturday so I don't have to work but I do have to stop into the office a little later. Hopefully what I'm looking for is there.
* * * *
I go to the office as soon as Chris gets home. I need to grab the check book I left in the drawer of my desk. I go down to the desk and take it out, putting it in my purse. I grab the keys and lock the door behind me as I leave. I turn around and I jump at the sight of Brad in front of me.

"Oh my God you scared me." I say, holding my hand to my chest.
"Sorry." He says, stumbling.
"Are you drunk?" I ask, stepping towards him.
"I-I.. Ya." He says, falling to the ground.

"Go home Brad." I say, walking passed him.
"I wanna see the kids." He says, trying to get up.
"Go sober up and come see us tomorrow." I say, helping him up off the ground. "We can have a bbq and you can stay the night." I smile. I don't hate Brad. He's come along way with his life and I'm proud. Every weekend he drives out here and stays at a motel so he can spend the weekend with the kids. "I'll give you a ride to your motel."
"O-okay." He says as I help him in the van.

* * * *

I get home and see his co-workers sat the kitchen table. The kids are in bed and everything looks clean. I tell him what happened and he just hugs me gently. I sit at the table and have a glass of wine, my first one in forever.

"I'm gonna go get another glass of wine." I get up from the table and go to the kitchen. I open the cupboard and open the bottle of wine. I'm about to pour it when the doorbell rings and the laughter from the dining room stops. 
"Are we expecting anyone else?" I ask Chris, walking to the door.
"I don't think so." He shakes his head.

I open the door and see 2 police officers stood in front of me.

"Can I help you?" I ask them, thinking they have the wrong house.
"Are you Meghan?" One asks me.
"Yes that's me."
"There's been an accident."

Those are 4 words I never want to hear come out of a police officers mouth.

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