*A Month Later*
Flowers everywhere, Josh's side of the family on their side and our side of the family on their side. Only I'm not the one walking down the aisle. My sister is. And stood at the end of the aisle is Josh in his tux, looking perfect as ever.
"You may kiss the bride." The man says, smiling widely at the newly married couple.
They lean in to kiss each other. A slow passionate-"Mom!" Kacey yells, jumping up onto my bed. I jolt up, opening my eyes. "Jill took my shoes."
"Jill give your sister her shoes. Where's nana?" I ask, pushing the sheets off me.
"Gone down for breakfast." Kacey says, leaving the room and going over to the room where mom stays. I've never been more greatful for joined rooms. We're staying in a hotel this weekend because it's my sisters wedding. No I don't want to be here but mom wants to support her other daughter which I can understand. I'd do the same. Mom got the girls ready now I just have to get myself and the babies ready. I have the cutest outfits for them. I turn a movie on for the girls while I get ready and wait for mom.When everyones ready we head down to the van and load everyone up. I double check to make sure we have everything and we pull out of the parking lot. We drove here. It was a 10 hour drive but I wasn't gonna fly somewhere I could drive too. When we pull into the church parking lot, the place is already packed. I get the stroller out and put the babies in while mom gets the girls. They know the rules. To behave and not leave the adults. As for the babies, they can't really follow the rules yet. We go into the church and take a seat at the front. I don't know who she's marrying. It's a complete surprise to me but I bet whoever it is she'll still rub her happiness in my face when it's all over. I move the stroller close to me and turn to mom.
"Do you know who she's marrying?" I ask her. Since her divorce a while ago, I would've never imagined her getting married again so soon but I guess things can change.
"I don't know. She hasn't mentioned anything to me. It's all so last minute."
"I guess they really love each other." I say, turning my attention to the front of the church.
Doors open and out walks my sister. She's in a short white dress and her hair is back in a low bun. She stands at the front of the church and greets the pastor. Why is she stood at the front of the church? Soon enough the piano starts playing a slow love song and the bridal party comes out. Brides maids followed by the maid of honour and then the flower girl. I have to say, it's a well put together wedding. Dresses are matching, the flowers fit in well with everything and it's a packed church meaning that they actually sent out invitations. Nothing I would've imagined her planning. When the doors open again everyone stands. Out walks a bride. A white puffy dress clings to her body and a bouqet is in her hands. I trace the dress all the way up to the face that accompanies it. Natasha.
"Mom. What is going on?" I whisper, tapping her shoulder."I.. I didn't know she was into girls."
"Me either.""I would've never came had I known this."
I try to think of signs that pointed to this or things that could've led to this and I just can't. They're 2 completely different people. But then it comes to me. Natasha has money.
"Natasha has a big inheritance from her father. I bet that's why she's doing it. For money." I exclaim quietly.
"That's all your sister ever wants." Mom says, focusing her attention back to the front of the church.
All through my life I kind of figured that one day she would swing the girl way. Natasha I mean. She would always make comments towards other girls that I just found weird. But my sister. I never thought she would be into girls. I never thought they would be into each other. Everyone sits down and I look into the stroller. Saved by the bell. Briella is starting to get fussy so I exit the ceremony and go to the large part of the building where the reception will be. On a large whiteboard is the story of their love. They met 4 months ago at a cafe in a small town and hit it off. Which is a lie. They met way before that. It also says on the board that they kept in touch, fell in love and denied it at first. They met up again and knew right away that they were the ones for each other. Now here they are today in the church getting married. My sister is a genius at making fast decisions. When she met her first husband she knew him for 3 months before they tied the knot. That ended in divorce. This one probably will too. After all, it is my sister.
When the service is over everyone piles out of the church. I feel someone tap my shoulder and when I turn around it's Natasha. She has a smile on her face but I don't really feel like smiling back."Did you enjoy the service?" She asks. I can tell she isn't asking to be rude, she really means it.
"I can't say that I did, no." I say, pushing the stroller away.
"Don't speak to my wife like that." My sister says, standing next to Natasha."Oh please. I doubt your even lesbian. Your just doing this to get back at me and to get stupid money." I say, giving them both a look.
"Actually we love each other." My sister says, stepping forward.
"Well you should know your precious wife was messing with my boyfriend the months you guys were apart." I say, walking away. I don't have no time for drama. Not in front of my kids.
* * * *
We get back to the hotel and the girls go to bed right away. We didn't end up staying for the reception. I just couldn't handle it. So we left. I didn't talk to them afterwards. How they could do this I don't know. I change the babies into their pj's, feed them and then put them to bed. Mom went downstairs for some food so it's just me up here. I take out my phone and call Chris. I tell him everything. Even the story of how they met. I took a picture of it so I read it word for word. When I look at the time it's 12:00. Mom must've came in through her own door because she didn't come in through mine. I guess she went to bed already. I hang the phone up and pull the covers over my body. What a day this has been.
I wake up the next morning to one of the babies crying. It's Briella and it's a hungry cry. I roll over and pick her up. The twins aren't here and I don't hear mom. She must've took them out somewhere today. I look at my phone and read the text message. Sure enough she took them to the pool a few buildings down to give me a rest. It's already 2 in the afternoon. I'm getting out of bed to make a bottle when someone knocks on my room door. I go to the door, Briella in my arms and open it. Stood in front of me is Chris with take out in his hands and a smile on his face.
"What are you doing here?" I ask, letting him come in."You sounded so upset on the phone so I hopped in the truck right after you hung up, picked up food and drove here." He says, sitting on the bed.
"That's 10 hours." I say, going back to the bottle making.
"Wanted to visit." He chuckles.
"You don't drive that long just for a visit." I say, turning around.
"It's okay. Seriously. You need someone besides your mom and your kids right now."
"True." I smile, sitting next to him once the bottle is made.I spend the next 2 hours ranting about everything wrong with my life and how I wish I could go back and change it all. But still have my kids of course. Chris just listens the whole time, holding Briella and not saying a word. Soon enough, my eyes are closing and I'm asleep.
(No Ones POV)From anyone looking from the outside you'd think they were a happy couple. Meghan cuddled into Chris as she's sleeping. Him not moving a muscle scared to wake her. Her arms is flopped around his waist. Briella's in one of his arms, sleeping sound as well. All is peaceful. He glances down at her, thinking how someone could ever hurt her. She was perfect in every way to him, always has been since high school. She's his best friend. He's her best friend. Moving a strand of hair from her face, he sighs. Meghan moves a little, slowly opening her eyes. It's been an hour since she fell asleep and both of them enjoyed it. She sits up, looking at Briella then at Chris. Her hair is all over the place and her make-up is smudged from the crying she did before falling asleep. She glances down at his shirt and he does too. There's a large smear of eye liner and mascara on his light grey shirt.
"Oopsies." She chuckles, trying to wipe it off. "I bet I look like a mess." She says, getting up and walking to the mirror.
She was thinking that she was the biggest mess ever while Chris wasn't thinking that at the moment.In that moment all he was thinking was that he loved her.

Marriage Mistake
General FictionMeghan had the perfect life. She was the president of the Towns Council, she married her high school sweetheart, had a good job and was a liked person in the town. Everything about her life was perfect. Up until it falls apart, starting with her hus...