Chris and I haven't spoken all day but there's not much to talk about. Nothing feels weird about what happened last night which is nice. I filled Macy in on the Brad situation and we've agreed to just let him do his thing. He isn't in the right frame of mind and he needs to deal with it on his own. Us and the police department have done everything we can for him. It's Friday today so when I get off work I have to take the girls right to soccer practice. They're having a fun day on Saturday which is where I'll be spending the day. It's at least one day away from my regular, dramatic life. Right now I'm coming to the end of my day. I get off in 10 minutes. I'm cleaning off my desk when the door to the place opens. I look up and see Macy there. She looks like she's been crying.
"Macy what's wrong?" I ask, walking towards her.
"Brad was in my house." She says, tears still coming down.
"How do you know that? Did you see him?"
"I have a security camera in the front of the house. We don't live in a real good neighbourhood. "
"Do you feel like he'd... Hurt you?"
"He was drunk. Knocked a frame off the wall and left the bottle behind on the counter." She says, sighing. "I don't think he's a threat to me but if he's driving he could hurt someone else."
"I'll keep an eye out. I don't think he'll come back to your house.""What makes you say that?"
"Because he's probably going to mine next."
I walk away from her and grab my cellphone. I call Chris and ask him if he can stop by the house when he gets off work and just see if everything okay. Of course he said yes. His shift is done in an hour. I walk Macy to her car and then get in my own. I pull out and make the 3 minute drive to the daycare to get the girls and the babies. I park in front of the window and look in. Not a lot of kids go here. Not a lot of kids are even in town. A lot go on trips for the summers with their families. I walk inside and go to the girl who takes care of the kids. She looks at me and smiles."Meghan. I was told you weren't coming to pick up the kids." She says, looking at me confused.
"Who else would've got them?" I ask, giving her the same confused look."Brad did." She says, looking down at the sheet of paper in her hands. "He's on the pickup list."
"Take him off that list!" I say, running out of the daycare.Brad has the kids and only lord knows where he took them.
* * * *
Chris and I wait up for them until 9. They're still not back. I sit on the front porch and stare out into the street. Our street is so quiet. The neighbors aren't loud and their lights aren't even on except for one light in the living rooms of their houses. I'm just waiting for a call saying the kids are safe and with Macy or something. Or the opposite and they're all in a hospital somewhere because he drove drunk. The house door behind me shuts and Chris sits next to me. He puts his arm around me and I lay my head on his shoulder. I'm about to speak when a truck comes in the driveway and I recognize it right away. Brad's. I get off the step and run to the car. I open the doors and take the kids out, holding each one in my arms before moving onto the next. Brad gets out as well but instead of coming to me he goes right to Chris.
"You think you can just take over my life? The life I built?" He screams.
I walk the girls in through the back door of the house and bring them up to their room. I lay the babies on the floor and tell the girls to stay with them. I go back down to the front porch, closing the door behind me. Brad and Chris are still stood out there, looking at each other like the other is crazy."I'm not trying to take anything." Chris says back calmly. We've all learned by now that you have to be calm around him.
"That's my wife! My kids!" Brad yells again, giving Chris a nudge.
"I'm not your wife anymore Brad!" I yell, coming down off the porch. "Leave!"
"I'm not going anywhere." He says, looking at me with the nasiest look.
"Get off my property Brad." I say sternly, folding my arms across my chest.
He hesitates for a moment before speaking."This isn't over."
He gets in his truck and backs out of the driveway. I turn to Chris and I can feel tears coming out of my eyes."How'd I get here?" I say, wiping my eyes with my hands. Chris doesn't say anyhting, he just wraps his arms around me.
How the hell did I get here?

Marriage Mistake
General FictionMeghan had the perfect life. She was the president of the Towns Council, she married her high school sweetheart, had a good job and was a liked person in the town. Everything about her life was perfect. Up until it falls apart, starting with her hus...