Monday morning. The most rushed day of our routine because no one wants to get out of bed on time cause their all too lazy and it normally takes until Wednesday to get back into the school routine. 7:30 and the kids still aren't up. Normally I wouldn't care if the girls slept in until 7:50 because it was just 2 of them that had to go to the bus but now there's more people to get ready. This morning their taking the bus. I have groceries to pick up, I have work at 11 and I have to drop the other 3 off to the daycare.
When the school kids are gone I begin breakfast for the little ones. Briella and Kyson are having oatmeal with some pears; baby food from the store of course. Levi is having toast as usual. It's like the only thing he'll eat in the mornings. I tried bacon and everything but he only wants toast.
When the babies are done eating I bring them to Chris' room Levi running in before me, jumping on the bed. I pull the blinds open and let the sun shine in on him as he wakes up from Levi jumping on him."It's 8:40." I say, turning around and smiling slightly at him and Levi.
"And?" He asks, looking down at Levi who's sprawled out on the bed.
"It's Monday, you have work in an hour."With a groan, he gets out of bed. I swear men have never heard of an alarm.
* * * *After work I go right to the grocery store and then go over to the daycare to get the kids. I pull into the parking lot and notice one vehicle right away. Brad's. I sit in the van for a moment, realizing I'm walking right into a fight. I get out of the van and run into the daycare. He's sat down on a bench, Mackenzie next to him. When he sees me he stands up, voice blaring.
"You took me off the pickup list?!"
"Yes." I say calmly.
"Why the hell would you do that? I have a right."
"No." Is all I say.
"Brad, let's go outside." Mackenzie says, standing up next to him."Give us a minute." I say to the woman holding Levi's hand. I go outside on the sidewalk with Brad and Mackenzie.
"They're my kids!" He yells again.
"I took you off the list because I was scared you would be drunk and come and take them and then they'd get hurt."
"I wouldn't do that." He says, lowering his voice.
"You have before." I say, turning and walking back into the daycare. I apologize to the woman working there and she tells me it isn't the first she's seen something like that. But that doesn't make me feel any better.* * * *
~Brad's POV~
I storm into the house and go into the bathroom. Mackenzie tries to get me to come out but I ignore her. All I can think of is how disconnected I am from my family. both of them. Meghan is scared I'd hurt the kids. Before she knew I would never do that. Macy took my son away out of town and I don't even know where they are. My kids are my life, the reason I wanted to get better. Clearly things won't ever be better between me and Meghan. But I can try to prove to her that I'm better and really serious about being a father this time. A better father to all my kids.
When I'm cooled down I leave the bathroom. Mackenzie left me a note saying she had to run to the mall to get something. I'll take this oppertunity to go visit an old friend.
* * * *
I pull into Chris's driveway and get out of the car. I walk up to the door and go inside. He's in the kitchen, putting away some dishes. When he sees me he smiles his genuine smile."I don't know how to make things right." I say, sitting on a stool. He hands me a water while he takes out a beer for himself. Smart move.
"With Meghan?" He asks, leaning against the counter behind him.
"Yeah. And Macy. They've all completely lost trust in me."
"You gave them a reason too. If you really wanna show you're serious, which I believe you are, then you have to do something."
"Like?" I ask, sipping the water."Christmas is coming up."
Christmas. I know just what to do.

Marriage Mistake
General FictionMeghan had the perfect life. She was the president of the Towns Council, she married her high school sweetheart, had a good job and was a liked person in the town. Everything about her life was perfect. Up until it falls apart, starting with her hus...