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The last day of the exhibition. The team decides to visit the game pavilions and look at the new technologies in the world of gamemade and not only. There are a lot of stands in this pavilion, and there is something for everyone to see, considering that all the team members are big fans of games. They left the most interesting things for themselves at the end.

The day had been more fun and busy than the previous few days, and they were also excited to be going home soon. The weekend was ahead of them and they would be able to have a good rest from such a busy week. Once the exhibition was over, the team went out for dinner and sat together comfortably discussing the previous day. They also discussed check-out time from the hotel and what time it would be best to pack up - they would have a few more hours to leisurely pack.

Throughout the afternoon and evening, Rose and Jennie glanced at each other periodically and enjoyed their time together. It was enough for them just to look into each other's eyes, smile warmly and continue chatting with their colleagues. Only they both understood their meaningful glances and frankly enjoyed it. Memories of the previous evening, when they'd sat cozily on the hotel patio under the starry sky, fingers touching, lingered deep in her memory, filling her chest with warmth, awakening a tickling sensation under her ribs and a pleasant tingling at her fingertips. Despite the complexity of the situation between them, the feelings they felt each time they were near each other were stronger than their fears and prejudices, sometimes making them more determined to act toward each other.

Rose hides a sad smile when Jennie raises her happy eyes to her in between. But as soon as the girl returns to the dialog with her colleagues, Rose looks at her longingly, feeling a painful sense of guilt and regret clenching her ribs. Everything inside her is bursting with conflicting, selfish thoughts and feelings, and it's so hard to fight it. On the one hand, she wants to be with Jennie more, to feel her presence around her, to see her smile every day and it's unfair for Jennie herself to keep her around, but on the other hand, her whole gut is just screaming: "Let go!" And the latter makes Rose want to plug her ears and not hear it, ignoring it and sinking into the maelstrom of brown eyes.

Excitement and fear wrapped around her chest, her stomach twisting into a tight knot, making even her heart beat faster. There they were, standing at the door of their rooms after a hard but busy day, and Rose struggled with herself, but realized that the right thing to do was to tell.

Jennie stands across from Rose, looking at her serious face, and in the back of her mind she senses that something not good is about to happen. She has sensed it from Rose for a long time, but until now she had little idea of the reason for her tension and brooding, and it seems that now the moment has come when Rose will dare to tell. Somehow Kim is almost certain that she won't like it.

-What do you want to tell me?

She asks confidently, squinting a little, but keeps eye contact with the eyes opposite and tries to count more emotions. Rose keeps her face unfazed, only running darkened eyes over Kim's face. The blonde lets out a heavy sigh and runs a hand through her hair and glances away, looking at the numbers on the doors of the neighboring rooms.

-I wasn't sure I was obligated to tell you this.- Park spoke up, and then turned back to Jennie, looking her squarely in the eye.- But now I think I should.

Jennie feels the growing excitement, her pupils visibly dilating, running across Rose's serious face. Now it seems to the girl that she is completely unprepared to hear what the blonde wants to tell her. A wild urge appears, a premonition - to close her eyes and mute the sound, completely ignoring the future words that will hurt her.

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