Chapter 5

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**Scott's POV**

I sit up and stretch, looking over to my side and I don't see Mitch. "Huh." I say to myself. I get out of bed, and I walk in the bathroom. I see something shine and I look at the floor in front of the bathtub, the blade. I carefully pick it up and I throw it in the trash. He doesn't need you anymore, and never did. I think to myself. I wash my face, brush my teeth and change clothes. When I walk into the kitchen, I see a plate of eggs, oatmeal, and bacon. There's a note beside it with my name on it. I grab the note and a piece of bacon. 

Dear my lovely husband,

You looked so peaceful when I came into the room this morning that I just let you sleep. I'm taking Karlie to go get coffee (None for her don't worry. ) And I'm gonna run by the post office and other boring things. I love you so much. 

Karlie insisted I make breakfast for you before we leave, so I hope it isn't too cold when you read this. :) 

Love, Mitchie <3

Awwe. I take a bite of bacon, and it's still pretty warm, so it hasn't been too long. I grab the plate and sit in the living room, flipping through channels as I eat. Local news talking about how Karlie's "Father" escaped jail, normal kid shows, and other things. I stop when I hear, "And Mitch Grassi from Pentatonix..." I flip back and listen to the story. "...Bandmate, Avi Kaplan, and good friend Todrick Hall, seen here leaving a mall with, what looks like a little girl on Scott's hip." "Damn it!!" I throw the remote, I swear since when did we turn into Beyonce?! "It already was a surprise to some fans when two years ago Grassi and Hoying got married. Could this be a potential Grassi-Hoying baby??" I shut the T.V. off, taking the last bite of my eggs I put my plate in the sink. To kill time, I unload the dishwasher and reload it, then I wash mine and Karlie's clothes, dry them, and put them away. "Come on Karlie." I hear Mitch's cheerful voice. I walk back into the living room and I see Karlie in a purple sundress we got for her yesterday, her blue Heelys and her hair's brushed. "Here, the normal." Mitch smiles, looking at me through his adorable glasses."Eyes were refusing contacts today." I roll my eyes. "We need to talk." I say pulling him into the kitchen. 

**Mitch's POV**

"What's up??" I ask Scottie. "Someone saw us yesterday and now the media is all over it. It's like suddenly we're Justin Bieber or something." I sigh heavily. "Well. Tomorrow's Tuesday so we'll have to introduce Karlie then." "Do what??" I look down at Karlie, who is looking terrified. "Honey," I crouch to her height. "We have this channel on YouTube, like Mickey." I start to explain as she nods. "Well, we need to make a video introducing you to our fans tomorrow, okay??" I grin as she nods. "We need to talk about something else I just remembered, Karlie, babe, can you go play in your room for a second while Daddy and I talk??" She nods, walking to her room. "Why didn't you say when we talked about school that you wanted to homeschool Karlie??" I freeze. "Todrick told you??" "Well yeah, I sorta walked in when you guys were talking about it, what is it that I don't understand Mitchie??" He grabs my hand. "It's just...I don't want people to outcast her or use her because of us, and some of us weren't the most liked person in school, some of us still have scars from past bullies, chasing us home and slamming us in lockers, calling us "Little girl." because we had a high voice, and throw food at them at lunch." I well up at the bad memories I had when I was little. "We should at least try it, Karlie needs to have the experience we got in school. But you still should have told me." Scott wraps me in a hug. "If anything happens we'll be right here for her." "But what about tour, what will we do then??" I mumble in his chest. "She'll be with Todrick or someone like him, she'll be fine." He rubs circles in my back. "Alright. I guess we could, but as she gets older, i-" "If she doesn't like it, then we'll homeschool Karlie." Scott interrupts me. "Speaking of Karlie, I promised if you were awake when we got back that we'd play with her." I look up at Scott as he pecks my lips. "Okay but first..." I scream as he starts to tickle my sides. "Scott!!" I squirm, trying to get away. "Stooop!!" I yell as Karlie comes in. "Papa!!" She giggles. "Uh oh." Scott stops tickling me and I break free of his grip. "Run Karlie!!" I laugh as Scott chases us around the house, when we get into Karlie's room, he grabs her and starts to tickle her. "Daddy!!"she giggles. "Let go of my princess!!" I announce, running after Scott, "Never!!" He runs from me. I chase him into the living room, Wyatt freaking out and running away. "Myatt!!" She laughs. Scott stops, turning to me. "Oh no, Wyatt!! My one true weakness!!" I laugh, calling for Wyatt, when he comes up to me, I grab him and move towards Scott, who lets go of Karlie, I drop Wyatt by Scott, as he runs off again, I grab Karlie and we run back to Karlie's room, hiding in her closet. "I'm gonna get you two!!" Scott yells. "No he isn't!!" Karlie whispers to me, giggling. "Shhh." I laugh quietly. We hear him come in the room, and walk around. "Now, if he opens the door don't say anything, okay??" I whisper in Karlie's ear as she nods. "Are you guys in here??" Scott says, walking to the closet. I cover Karlie's and my mouth as she starts to giggle. He opens the door but he doesn't see us from all her clothes. "Hmm." He flips through the clothes as Karlie and I quietly slide down, "Guess not." He closes the door back and leaves the room. We sit in there a bit longer,me laughing silently listening to Scott call for us. "Daddy??" Karlie whispers. "What??" I whisper "What that??" She points to my arm and when I look over I see...a spider. "Scott!!" I scream pushing Karlie out of the closet. "How did I not see you??" He comes in, "Get it off!!" I scream, showing him my arm. "Mitchie, babe. It's a little spider." Scott laughs. "Scoooott!!" I whine. "Okay, okay." He laughs. picking the spider up and tossing it out the window. "Spider scary??" Karlie stares at me. "Spiders are creepy to Daddy." Scott laughs. "Shut up!!" I yell. "You silly Daddy." She giggles. "So are you!!" I pick her up, spinning her around, her giggling. "We're just a weird family." Scott laughs. Suddenly, my phone rings from my pocket. "Hello??" I answer it. "Hey Mitch!!" Kevin's energetic voice comes to my ear. "Hey!! What's up??" I step out of Karlie's room. "Just wanted to call and remind you guys of practice tonight!!" He replies. "Oh right, well Scott would have remembered!!" I protest as Kevin laughs. "Well, make sure you bring Karlie at least for a bit, Esther said she'll come get her after a while, if you guys want." I look back at Karlie's room, hearing Scott and her laughing. "I'll have to talk to Scott, but I don't see any harm in it." I answer. "Alright, just text Esther, see you at practice!!" he hangs up. I lock my phone, walking back into Karlie's room. "Scott," I look and see him dancing with Karlie. "Yeah??" He looks up at me and quits dancing as Karlie laughs. "Can we talk for a second??" I ask, not wanting to deal with both Karlie and Scott at the same time. "Okay. We'll be right back Karlie." He smiles at Karlie, who nods and grabs her doll. "Fix hair??" She asks me. "I will in a minute." I smile. Scott and I walk into the living room. "So we already agreed to take her to practice tonight, I know." I start off. "Yeah, but she's gonna be so bored." Scott sighs. "Well, I guess Esther was thinking the same thing because Kevin just called and said she could take Karlie for bit while we practice." I smile at Scott. "Really?? Or did you call and ask??" Scott glares at me. "No I did not!! You just heard me get a phone call!! It was Kevin." I glare back. "We forget about rehearsal one time!!" Scott rolls his eyes and I laugh. "Well, I'm going to talk to Karlie, and I guess after that we can eat out or call something in??" I question. "Let's go out and get something then go to the park and eat." He says. "I like that." I agree, walking to Karlie's room. "Hey baby." I say when I get in there. "Pease no go back!!" She yells. "Karlie, what the hell are you talking about??" I say, shocked. "You leave go talk, me go home. Violet say that how it work." She looks at me, tears streaming down her face. "Honey no!! Never!!" I pick her up, getting teary eyed myself. "Karlie, we would never send you back, we love you!! You are home baby girl!!" I start to cry as Scott walks in. "What's going on??" Scott walks in the room. "Karlie thought we were sending her back since I asked to talk to you in the kitchen." I cry. Scott comes over and puts his arms around both of us. 

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