Chapter 23

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All fixed!! If you read before, I changed some things, so read on!!!

**Marli's POV**

I sit under a tree and pull out my sketchbook and a pencil. It's recess, so for me that's 30 minutes of sitting under this tree, getting weird looks from teachers and praying the kids won't notice me today. "Hey mistake." Dang it. "What are you doing??" I don't answer, I just stare at my closed sketchbook. "I asked you a question, dummy." I don't even know who's talking to me, but I know it's a girl. Guys usually ignore me. I see her hand go for my sketchbook, but I pull it back. "Rude!!" I look up to see it's Blakley. The richest and most popular girl in my school. I pull my sketchbook to my chest and just stare at her. Why me?? What did I do to you?? "I just want to look. What's in there?? Your suicide note??" "Hey, that's rude." I hear someone behind me. I turn to see a boy walking up, and he doesn't look very happy. I turn to see Blakely pretty embarrassed, "Your sister wouldn't like to know you're bullying someone, Blakely." He snaps. "No!! Please don't tell her." She whines. "Then apologize and go play." the boy glares. "I'm sorry for trying to take your sketchbook." Blakely pretends to look me in the eyes. "Look her in the eyes." "I'm sorry for picking on you!!" She yells, looking in my eyes. Her and her friends run off, and this boy turns to me. "I always have to get on to her. Anyways, are you okay??" I nod quickly. "Hey, I know you." He smiles as I mentally groan. "You're friends with Karlie Grassi-Hoying, right??" I nod quickly. He plops down beside me. "You don't like to talk much, do you??" I shake my head. "Can you tell me your name?? Write it down maybe??" I stare at him for a while, "You don't have to." He stares at the ground as I open the sketchbook to a blank page, putting my name in the pencil. "Marli huh?? That's cool. I'm Shane." I nod. I stare at him again for the longest time, and I realize he's a perfect mix of Mitch and Scott. 

"You look exactly like Scott and Mitch."

I write down close to my name, showing him. "Thank you, I actually take that as a compliment."He smiles. He has icy blue eyes, dusty blonde hair. He's very skinny too. He catches me staring and I look back down at my sketchbook.

"So, why are you here? You look a lot older."

"That's right, I'm 17 years old. But my mom works down here and I left my lunch, so I came to get it. She's the kindergarten teacher." He explains as I nod. "I'm best friends with Blakely's sister, Riker." I nod again. I know Riker. She comes to get Blakely everyday. She has deep purple hair and drives a black Dodge Challenger. She's very pretty. "Well, I better get going, I'll see you later, okay Marli??" He smiles at me. Yeah, sure you will. And you'll be laughing at me. I smile back, waving, before writing down, "Bye Shane! Nice meeting you." "You too, little one." He walks off into the school. I flip to a blank page of my notebook, and I start to sketch Shane as an anime character. I do this a lot, with the people I see. I draw them the best way I know how. His hair was quiffed, so that's gonna take a bit of work. I think as the whistle blows. I close my sketchbook and walk inside, with my little shoulder bag that I got from the lost and found a couple weeks ago. "No one's claimed it and you always carry a notebook and things around." I remember the secretary saying. I walk to my classroom and sit at my desk, pulling out my drawing of Shane, working on it until Blakely walks in.  "And he totally has a crush on my sister." She and her friends giggle sitting at their desks. "She's 16 and he's 17 so it totally works out." She grins, glaring at me as I snap my head down, wishing I hadn't put my hair in a ponytail, I wipe some dirt of my jacket. "She's so dirty, does she even shower?!" "She's so gross." "Yeeaaahhh." Her friends agree, and I want to be like Lilo and just attack her. "Alright kiddos." The teacher, Mrs.G as she likes to be called instead of Mrs.Guilbert. "We're gonna head over to the music room, so let's line up!!" She motions to the door. I wait for all the kids to line up and start to leave, then I walk over and get in the back of the line. Mrs.G smiles at me as I walk past her, and I fake a smile back. We get to the music room and I see a familiar face sitting at the piano, Shane. "Hey!!" He hugs Blakely, then smiles at me warmly. "Hey." I smile, waving. I pull out a small notebook, and a pen, replying.

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