Chapter 18

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**Mitch's POV**

"Dismissed." The judge says and I rush Marli out of the courtroom. I hate these places. "Mitch wait!!" Kirstie calls from behind me. Please, let us not start anything. "Yeah??" I say, turning to her when I get us out of everyone's way. "Hey, Marli, can you go hang out with Kevin for a sec??" "Sure, Kirstie." Marli runs off to Kevin, who picks her up in a hug. "Hey, let's step outside. I know you hate these rooms." I nod and follow her outside. There's a slight breeze, but other than that it's a perfect. I should take the girls to the park today. I decide. It's a perfect day today. "Hey, look Mitchie." Kirstie starts. "I'm sorry." I'm taken aback a bit. Kirstie apologizing first?? I mean, I know the fans think she would, but she doesn't. Ever. "I..I was just on overload these past days. It's a lot to take. Jeremy is questioning me every 10 seconds, and all this, I just don't know what came over me." I start to tear up, why, I have no answer. "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have been such an ass." She hugs me, and I hug her back tightly. "It's just hard without Scott, or Esther even, huh??" I nod. "Yeah." We stay like that for a bit. "Ya know, it's a perfect day outside today." Kevin walks outside, holding Marli's hand. "I say we should go eat lunch at a park. There's a nice private one not to far from here, it has a playground." Kevin says, scrolling on his phone. "I was just telling myself I should take the girls to the park." I laugh. Kirstie pulls back. "I know where you're talking about. I could go pick up something and meet you there." She smiles at Kevin. "Avi!!" I yell when I see him. "What?!" He yells back as I wave him over. "Yes??" He says when he reaches us. "You wanna join our little picnic at the park??" Marli grins. "Chester and Karlie are coming too right??" "Well, Chester could join if he wanted to, but definitely Karlie." I explain. "Well, I'll give him a call." Kirstie offers, pulling her phone out. "Okay." I say. "Yeah I'll join in. Which park??" Avi agrees . Kevin shows him his phone as Marli runs over to me. "Yes pumpkin??" I smile. She doesn't say anything, she just hugs me. I hug her back, and after a few moments, she pulls back. "What was that for??" "I just wanna thank you for the past week and a half. It's been great." I smile. "And it's not over." "Alright, Chester's gonna bring Karlie and meet us there." "Is he staying??" Marli bounces. "Yes baby girl." Kirstie smiles. "Yay!!" She squeals, but quickly silencing herself. "Sorry." She whispers. "It's okay honey, you're just excited." I pull her close. Poor thing, she took every blow for Karlie she could, and the girls at the home bully her. They call her possessed and demon girl. They tell her that she doesn't matter, and that she'll never get adopted. But I say she's an angel. "Let's go guys. Mitch I texted you the directions." "Alright, thanks Kevin." I nod, grabbing little Marli's hand. She just looks up and smiles the cutest smile, besides Karlie's smile. Marli is glowing, I wonder what is up with her. I shrug it off for now, and focus on getting her to the car. We parked in a weird place, far away, to dodge paparazzi and fans. They have been everywhere lately.

"Yay!!" Marli cheers when we get to the park, again covering her mouth. "I'm sorry." She mumbles. "Marli, you are fine." I give a half laugh, looking at her in the rear view. Scott would never let me drive. "Marli, why are you like this??" "Like what??" She gives me a funny look. "Honey, you can be yourself with us, you can cheer and be loud. Why are you acting like that??" She just keeps giving me the same funny look. "Well, I'm not used to it. I'm used to being told to shut up before I possess someone. Or get hit. Plus, I'm happy for the first time in a long time." (No, not forever. I shall not give you that freedom. Lol.) I just smile at her. "Well, why are you happy??" I ask curiously. "I don't know, it just feels like something good's gonna happen." I shrug and get out. I let Marli out and we walk over to Kevin, Chester, and Karlie. "Daddy!!" She yells, running to me. I pick her up as she reaches me and I kiss her cheek. "Hello babydoll." "Marli!! Park!!" Karlie beams. "Yeah, I know!!" "We love parks." Karlie nods at me. "Oh, do you now??" I laugh. Kev, and I watch Chester play with the girls on the playground, "He's so adorable." I say and start to blush, "I didn't mean to say that out loud." Kevin laughs. "Just like you didn't mean to say 'He looks like a 14 year old with a beard.' Out loud??" I smack his arm. "Shut up!!" I laugh. "Hey guys??" We turn around to see Kirstie and Avi walking over with McDonald's. "I didn't know what to get...So I called Avi." She admits shyly. "Hey, all kids love McDonald's." Avi says, matter-of-factly. "True." Kevin agrees. "Whatever." I roll my eyes. "Chester!! Girls!!" I yell for them. They look up and Chester picks up Karlie and they race over here. "I win!!" Marli giggles breathlessly when she gets here, Chester not to far behind her. "That..." He takes a couple of breaths and puts Karlie down, "Is true." We all laugh as I pat Chester's shoulder. "Omg, look over there!!" Marli points a little ways away, where you can see Todrick and Jesse sitting on a bench together. "Awwe." Karlie and Kirstie say in unison. Marli giggles as Chester just watches them, smiling. "Cute huh??" I say quietly to him. "Mmhmm. I've never seen someone make Todrick so happy." He sighs. "I want something between that and you and Scott." I smile thinking of Scott. "Oh, shit. I shouldn't have said that." "No, no. It's cute." "Let's eat!!" Avi claps his hands as we all laugh again. 

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