Chapter 10

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**Third Person's POV**

"Get her in the car!!" James screams at Hunter, who's having to pry Marli off the doorframe. "Come on, you little brat!!" He screams, ripping her from the door. Marli screams as loud as she can, not knowing why. "Just sit here and be quiet. They won't come, I promise." Terrence whispers to little Karlie, setting her in a black SUV. "Okay." Karlie sniffles, the image of Esther still burned in her mind. Her arms all bloody, her hair all matted, filthy, the look of fear she had. Her eyes dancing with worry, yet relief just to know these girls are alive, the fear of them getting Avi, Mitch, Scott, Kevin, or Kirstie, it was traumatizing. Terrance gets in the driver's seat, James soon in the passenger's side. "Daniel, stay here and watch the woman, and try not to have any fun with her." He laughs, Marli's breath hitches. Avi would kill you, more slowly and painfully than he probably wants to now. Her mind snaps. "No promises sir." He laughs. They drive away, and to the restaurant. They park and wait for Pentatonix. "So, what's this all about??" Terrance asks after a minute. "They have to pay." James growls, staring out the window. "Excuse me??" Terrance says cautiously. "They did this. They took her away." "Who??" "Carrie!!" He mentally rolls his eyes. Here, let me take you on a trip to Wonderland!! To uhh...Deadman Wonderland to be exact...

"Shut the hell up!!" James screams at his baby girl, who was crying again. "James." Carrie, his wife, rests a hand on his shoulder. "Screaming will only make it worse." She picks up baby Karlie. She walks over to a rocking chair, sitting down and rocking her child. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..." She sings the nursery rhyme as the baby in her arms falls asleep. "How do you do that?? Put the girl to sleep." James asks. "Simply by being calm and a song." he rolls his eyes. 

Two months from that day, James comes home very drunk. He was at a friend's all night while Carrie struggled to find food to feed Karlie. "Why don't we have any food James??" She cries. "Shut the hell up, woman." "Excuse me??" James pinned her against the wall, he starts hitting her repeatedly until she is about to pass out. He throws her to the ground with a loud thud, waking little Karlie causing her to cry. "Ugh!! That little brat is driving me insane!!" He goes to head upstairs. "James no!!" Carrie clings to his ankle, protecting her daughter from the monster her once perfect husband had turned into. He tries to kick her off, going up the stairs. Carrie gains enough strength to stand up, and she knocks James down the stairs. She pulls the house phone from her pocket and calls her brother, Terrance. "Hello??" "Terrance!! You have to come get Karlie." "Why??" "Just do it!!" "Okay. Okay!!" Terrance hangs up, quickly pulling on his shoes and grabbing his jacket, he races over to his sister's house. He walks through the door and you can hear Carrie screaming and Karlie crying. "Carrie?!" Terrance runs upstairs. He sees James beating on his baby sister, and he knocks James out with a pressure point. "Fucking bastard." He growls, turning to Carrie, who's clinging to consciousness. "Oh Carrie." He calls 911. Karlie keeps crying, and Terrance walks over, cradling the small baby in his arms. "Where's Karlie??" Carrie breathes out. "Here." He walks over, showing her Karlie. "Thank God. Thanks Terry." She lays back. "Stay awake Carrie." He looks at his sister, concerned. "I am, I am." She picks her head back up. An ambulance and some cops show up, and they take both Carrie and James away. After checking on Karlie, they release her to James. "You need to feed her more." A paramedic says, handing him the small child. "Look." she lifts up the baby's shirt, and you can see almost every rib in her body. "And the mom is worse." Terrance gives her a sad look. "Thank you." He leaves and takes little Karlie home. He stops and gets her some formula along the way. When he gets home, he's never seen a baby finish off 4 bottles so fast, even with the 2 hour breaks in between. It never even came back up. He thinks when the little girl falls asleep.

Eight months later, Carrie is out of the hospital and out of rehab, she was treated for depression and anorexia. James gets out of jail on this day, brother bailing him out. Karlie stays with Terrance for another night, just to be safe. "Please don't go, Carrie." Terrance begs her. "I'm going, Terry." She walks out the door. They make it through a normal night, and day, then Terrance comes to drop off little Karlie. James watches out the window as Carrie runs to her big brother, and darling daughter. They stand and talk for a minute, then James cautiously moves to the front porch when a mysterious truck moves down the street. When gets to their house is when a gunshot rings out. James runs after the truck, screaming at Terrance to call 911. Carrie lays on the ground, blood pouring of her stomach. James catches up long enough to see a tall, kinda pale man, with blonde hair. He locks with his blue eyes as the mysterious man smirks. 

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