Chapter 26

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**Mitch's POV**

As Scott cuts the engine in my parent's driveway, and I fidget with my sleeves again just like I had been the whole way over here. "You ready babe??" Scott asks me, looking at my fidgeting hands. "As much as I can be." I sigh, looking at Karlie through the rearview mirror, she's playing with her toy until she looks up and locks eyes with me. "Here??" She asks quietly, "Yes honey." I get out of the car, getting Karlie out so I can talk to her, "Now Karlie, my family isn't going to be as nice as Papa's..." I say, trying to think of how she'll understand, "Expect the worse, hope for a little better, does that make sense baby girl??" She gives me a worried look, but nods in understanding, "If they get too bad we're leaving." Scott says flatly as we walk up to the door, already hearing laughing and yelling, me feeling Karlie's grip tighten on my shirt.

**Marli's POV**

"You ready girls!?" I hear Avi from downstairs, "Yeah!!" Esther yells back, spraying some perfume on her and myself. I look in the full length mirror as I put my shoes, Esther french braided my hair, my dark blue flannel and black leggings with my ratty off-brand Converse. I look good for once. I think to myself. Once. "Come on Buggie!!" Esther picks me up, running out of the room and downstairs as I giggle. "I don't like that french braid. I'm putting it in a bun in the car." Esther says, putting me down. "Unless you want it, I mean with a bun we'd be twins." "Then I want a bun." I try to say confidently, but I fail, it sounding way to quiet. "You're adorable Marli." Avi says from behind me as Esther goes back in her room, grabbing a hairbrush and bobby pin, "I know how I'll do this." She says to herself as she walks downstairs. I wonder what Karlie is up too... I can't help but think. I mean we're practically sisters and I haven't seen her in like a month because of school. Sometimes I swear Jessie is trying to keep us apart. I don't know. I hope she's okay. "Hey, Av??" Esther asks as we get to his truck, "Yeah??" He answers back, "Don't let me forget to call Mitch later, okay?? I wanna check on them." "Why??" Avi asks, confused as we get in and he starts driving. "Him and Scott had to go to his parent's house today," I study Esther's face, her hazel (They are the same as Avi's right??) eyes are full worry, and anxiety when she says that. I notice she's twirling the hairbrush around, plus she won't look at Avi, nor will Avi look at her. "Oh," He says after a bit, "I will." I look back at momma, who's now looked up at me, probably seeing worry written across my face in bold. "Mitch's family means no harm, honey, it's just that they weren't exactly excited to know their son was getting married to his best friend, let alone adopting Karlie. And they can get a little...loud." I nod slowly. Those freaking idiots, not excepting Mitch or Scott or even Karlie like that. My mind growls, that's rude. 

"Mom!!" Avi and Esther exclaim at the same time when we reach the huge house on a mountain. My eyes widen a bit, but I still get out and walk behind Esther anyway. "My children!!" She hugs them both, "And little Ms.Marli, how are you sweetheart??" She notices me and I smile, "I'm good, how about you??" I say, trying to be a little louder than normal. "I'm great now that you guys are here." She smiles at me. "Let's go in. Come on!!" I follow them up to the huge house, Esther grabbing my hand. The house is breathtaking, it's a log house, with dark logs covering the outside walls, but it's pretty big, there's huge windows, and three places where the roof points up to the sky. It's beautiful. I follow closely behind Esther, her grabbing my hand. We follow Mrs.Kaplan, Avi close behind, into the house, shiny hardwood floors, with lights hanging from a really tall ceiling shining on them is the first thing that catches my eye, "You father will be home shortly, he had to get a few last minute things." Esther nods, "You want to go watch some t.v. with Avi for a bit??" Esther asks me, I didn't even realize how close I was to her. You're annoying her. "If you want me to..." I take a step back, "Well you could do that or help them." Avi smiles, their mom nodding, "That's what you always did, Esther." Esther smiling, she doesn't want you to. "Yeah, come on Mar." Esther puts an arm around me. No, what are you, playing stupid?? They scold, but I still let my feet go in the direction of the kitchen, with Esther's hand still on my back. 

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