Chapter 29

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**Marli's POV**

"Well that's understandable," I hear momma's voice as I wake up slowly. "Karlie needs to rest, yeah. No, I'm taking Marli out for a day in the city. Yeah, she doesn't know that, I'm telling her when she wakes up." I feel her smooth my hair, rubbing a thumb across my forehead. "Okay, thanks for checkin' in Ben. Buh-bye." She kisses my head as I open my eyes. "Good morning sunshine." She smiles. "That's a better way to wake up than little kids screaming." I mumble. "Well good." She kisses my head again. "So," I say sitting up, smoothing some of my bed head. "a day in the city huh??" I laugh when she gives me a skeptical look, "How did you know??" "I woke up as you were on the phone." She nods. "I see. I just thought it would be nice to ha-" "Have a momma and Buggie day??" I guess, seeing Esther grin happily. "Yeah. Plus you need new clothes." I nod dramatically in agreement, "That is accurate." We laugh, "Well, Kirstie got you an outfit for today, and I just called some room service, you okay with that??" "That sounds like a good way to start off the day to me." I answer honestly. "And I'm guessing Karlie gets out today??" She nods, "Yeah, she does. Mitch is ordering a rest day for the three of them. Do you wanna hang out with them instead??" I shake my head. "As much as I love Karlie, I get to spend the whole day with her tomorrow. I would like to stop by and see her later, but she needs time with her family as much as me." Momma nods. "You're so smart, little one." She pats my head. "Thanks??" I question as there's knock at the door. "Go find something to watch on t.v. maybe??" Esther gets up, "Okay." I crawl out of bed, walking over to the big, cushiony couch, grabbing the remote as Esther answers the door.

"This is cute." I say looking over the outfit Kirstie bought me (Picture, also that's what Marli looks like!!) as I finish brushing my hair, a light blue sweater, tank under, with ripped dark blue jeans, and black boots. "Look outside Mar." Momma says, smiling like someone who just got VIP tickets to a Pentatonix show, "Okay..." I walk over to the window, opening the curtain. Outside, I see the white fluffs I'd only seen in movies and online covering the city in white sheets. "Snow?!" I scream. "Oh my gosh." I squeal like the little girl I am, "I thought you'd like it. Now, these are from Scott's mom and Kirstie's family." I turn around as she sets these perfectly wrapped boxes on the table. I walk over, "That's sweet." I smile, grabbing the smaller one. 'To: Marli Kaplan Hope to meet you soon kiddo!!~Mama Hoying' I open the present carefully, seeing that it's a cupcake Neff beanie. "This is adorable!!" I scream. "Sorry, I'm being loud." I whisper. "No, you're fine baby. You're excited." Momma smiles. "Still though..." I trail off, "Go on." She motions to the other box, 'Just wanted to give you a little something, hope you like it!~The Maldonado Family' when I open it I see it's a light blue North Face jacket. "What the heck?!" I squeal, "These jackets are like $100!!" Esther laughs, "Yeah, that's true." "A little something?!" I look up at my momma, her smiling, eyes shining, I can only imagine how ridiculous I look right now. "Well, try it on!!" I take the jacket, holding my sleeves and pulling it on. "A perfect fit." I grin, "And the hat." I pick it up, putting it on. "Cute." She bops my nose. "And you're gonna need it, little Cali girl." I look back outside, wow, this is amazing. "You ready Buggie??" "Yes ma'am." "Well, let's go." We walk out the doors, "Wait!! Let's stop by Kirstie's room and show her." I grin, "Sure, come on kid." Momma wraps an arm around me, walking up to Kirstie's room. When she knocks on the door, I see momma's wearing a grey knitted sweater with a coat and dark blue jeans with black ankle boots. Her hair's down and she left her glasses on. "Yes??" Kirstie opens the door, wearing jeans and a light pink sweatshirt with a cartoon pug on it. "Look at you!!" She gasps, looking down at me as I spin around. "Everything fits so nicely!!" She looks at Esther, "I know." She answers. "I have to get a picture cutie." She pulls her phone out, "Okay." I smile as she takes some pictures. Don't break her camera. A voice snickers in my head, "Awe you're so adorable!!" Kirstie squeals, showing me the pictures. "Thank you." I turn a little pink, "It's snowing!!" I jump up and down, changing the subject, "So I saw. I hope Scott and Mitch have no problems getting Karlie. I got her a little outfit to go with the coat my mom got for her, just like you." She bops my nose like Momma did a few minutes ago. "And tell them thank you so much for it!! They didn't have to get me a North Face though, they're so expensive." I look down at it, "I had a North Face last me six vacations to Colorado when I was younger, mom said it's money well spent!!" We laugh, "But still, thank you so much!!" I hug her tightly, and she hugs me back. "You're very much welcome sweetheart!!" I pull back, returning to Esther's side. "Y'all have fun today, okay??" She hugs Mom, "We're gonna try." She smiles, "You ready babes??" I nod, afraid to speak anymore. We say our goodbyes to Kirstie, then we're off into New York.

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