Chapter 14

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**Mitch's POV**
I wake up and listen for Scott, but then I remember he's gone. I sigh, opening my eyes, looking at the time, 4:15 a.m. I close my eyes and struggle to go back to sleep. After a few minutes, I give up. I forgot how to sleep without laying on Scott's chest. I get up, grabbing Scott's jacket, since it's on top of mine, and my phone. I step on the balcony, the cool night air hitting me. I hop back on the ledge, overlooking the city. I look at my lock screen again, welling up at the look of it. I want my husband and my daughter back here with me. Why can't we just be happy?? I stare at the city, it's more interesting at night, as most things are. Seeing all the colors and lights, it's more to look at. 

"You see that??" Scott whispers in astonishment, looking out the window of our new apartment. "Yeah, it's the same thing every night Scott." "No, it's not. It changes every second, you just have to look. Different cars, different people walking. It's different." His eyes follow a couple holding hands. Then I watch his eyes move from person to person. "You have one interesting mind, Scottie." I smile. "And just look at the sky, it changes every second, yet we never notice. We're changing, everything is changing. It always has and always will. "Look, down there, that little girl." I look down to see a little girl sitting with an older girl who could be her sister, but not her mother, on a bench. "They have been sitting there since I walked up here, they are both changing. Growing older each second. But in that moment, sitting there watching the people, it's as if time is standing still, but it's not it never i-" "You're confusing my brain again babe." I laugh. "Sorry, just my logic again." He wraps his arms around me, "Don't be sorry, I like listening to you talk, how different your look is on the world." 

By now, I've walked back inside, curling up in the bed, without taking Scott's jacket off. It's crazy, how in that moment outside, I seemed to understand everything I didn't back then. I understand every word now. I think more of Scott as I drift to sleep.

"Come on Mitch!!" Scott laughs as we're running up this hill, we're on his grandparents' land, and he practically had to drag me this far. "Why are we out here??" "Because." "Scott!! I need to get home, plus it's cold out here!!" We were home from tour, visiting family and what not. I didn't want to leave, knowing that when I got there it would be a wave from my dad and then my mom talking to me for 2 hours straight about what she's been doing, but this is...outside. "I know what I'm doing, just come on!!" He grins like a goofball. I just roll my eyes and follow him. We get to the top, and I lose all the air in my lungs. It's just the perfect spot to watch the sunset, and there's a blanket laid out, with a picnic basket and fake candles all around it. "I would have used real candles, but Grandpa wouldn't let me." Scott watches me. "Scott..." I cover my mouth. "You like it??" I look at him, then back at the set up. "It's beautiful, and a little cheesy to be honest." I accidentally let out a small amount of sass. "Sorry..." "No!! I didn't mean it like that!! I-umm..." Good job Mitch, "We've been dating three years, and you still do that??" Scott laughs. I smile as he grabs my hand, "Shall we??" I nod, still smiling. We sit down and watch the sunset. "So, what's with this??" I pull the picnic basket towards me. "See for yourself." I open it up, finding two fancy glasses, and a bottle of champagne. "What's with this??" "Keep looking." I see a envelope, "Hey Mitchie." I read the front of it. "Original." We laugh. "Open it!!" Scott gives me an anxious look. "Okay, okay!!" I open the envelope and read the love letter.

Dear Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi,

You are the light of my world, my everything. When I saw this talented 10 year old in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, God, I did not know what I was getting myself into. I didn't know that I was watching a guy who was going to save me time and time again, open his door (Or should I say, bedroom window.) to me on rainy nights when I was thinking too much and couldn't sleep. That this guy would slow dance with me at the school dance when I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me, with Caroline. This guy I was watching, would give me a laugh when I needed it, but also a slap in the back of the head when absolutely necessary. You don't make me better, I know. But you inspire me to be a better me. This boy, I watched walked across that stage, little did I know, would change my life forever. And as we got older, I realized all these people I was dating, putting my all in and getting nothing in return, didn't even get close to the boy with hair black as night, the addictive smile, dimples, and don't even get me started on those creamy brown orbs. The way the change with your mood, but still are full of so many emotions. Your eyes open me to your mind, and you allow it. I love you, Mitchie, and I couldn't bare seeing you with anyone else but me, I know I've fucked up many times, and I don't know how you let me back in so easily. But would you be the love of my life forever?? Please??

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