Chapter 43

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**Marli's POV** 

I tap my foot staring out of the school windows, waiting for mom to pick me up. I try to call her again, "This is Esther Kap-" I hang up when I hear the voicemail box. Ten minutes pass by, then ten turns into twenty, and twenty into thirty. After forty-five minutes of waiting I give up, calling Shane. "Hey Jellybean! What's wrong?" He picks up after one ring. "I'm still at the school. I think mom forgot again." I mumble, blocking tears. "I'll be there in 5, don't move." He answers coolly, "Thanks." I answer quietly, "See you in a bit." I hang up, curling up in the corner, I can't do this. I sob quietly. I pick myself up again after five minutes, when just like Shane said, his PT Cruiser pulls in front of the school. I pick my bag up and walk to Shane's car, climbing in. "Hey, you alright?" He asks comfortingly, "Yeah." No. No I'm not. "Good." He pulls away from the school, we ride in silence, there's something on his mind too. "Does she do this a lot, Mar?" He questions, glancing at me, nodding. "Really." He forces out. "Yeah. Not so much school but that's usually because Mr.Coats calls her after school but he went to a wedding today. She leaves me at dance, the store, Karlie's cheer gym, Avi's house is a common one." I admit, the pain in my chest growing. Shane shakes his head, and I just stare out the window, Shane pressing play on his music.

"...Sharp words like knives, they were cutting her down,

Shattered glass like the past, it's a memory now
Holding onto a dream

While she watches these walls fall down..."  

He changes the cong quickly, but the words stick. "Wait I want to listen to that." I say almost silently, "Oh, okay.." changing it back, Shane continues to drive to my house.

"...You've gotta let it go, you're losing all your hope

Nothing left to hold, locked out in the cold
You painted memories then washed out all the scenes
I'm stuck in between a nightmare and lost dreams..."

I listen to the words, almost crying. He pulls into a parking spot in front of the apartment building. "You want me to walk up with you?" He looks at me, "No, I'm okay. Thank you Shane." I grin, kissing his cheek as he smiles, "Hugs?" Shane stops me, and I almost climb into his seat giving him a hug. "If I need to pick you up later, text me okay?" He mumbles into my ear, "Mkay." I nod, getting out and slipping my bag onto my shoulders. "Bye, love you!" I call, "Love you too jellybean!" he grins wildly as I close his car door, I walk upstairs to the apartment, seeing mom's car. I'm stuck in between a nightmare and lost dreams...replays in my head. The pain returns and I start to become frustrated. Reaching the apartment, I walk in, door unlocked. I hear Esther talking upstairs, I set my bag down, walking up to her office, knocking on the door, "Not right now Mar." She says, back to me. "No, right now." I say lowly. "I need to go.." She mumbles, hanging the phone up. "What is it Marli?" She looks at me, "What is it?" I repeat, becoming furious. "What is it?! Seriously?!" I raise my voice a little, "How'd I get home from school?!" I step into the office, her eyes widening, "I'm sorry hun! I ha-" "Had what?! A meeting? And important phone call?! Oh, you were booking hotels huh?" I challenge her. She just blinks, "You leave me at school, at dance, at Karlie's cheer gym even! Do you even remember you have a daughter?! I never get a 'hey Mar, how was school?' or 'I hope you have a good day baby!' I barely see you and I'm done with it!" I walk out, "What are you doing Marli?" She follows me to my room where I grab a bag, packing it. "It's Friday, I have no homework, so I'm going to Connor's." "Connor?" She doesn't even know about Connor?! "Shane's boyfriend!" I exclaim. "Well, shouldn't you ask your parent if you can go?" She cocks an eyebrow. "You want to go there? Fine!" I yell at the end, calling Shane, "Hello?" He answers, "Can I come over for the night?" "Sure! We'll pick you up in a bit, and we can rent a movie or something." You can hear the smile in his voice, "Sounds great! Love you!" "Love you too jellybean." He hangs up. "There." I wait for her to snap, but she blinks again. Don't back down Marli. 'Nothing left to hold, locked out in the cold...' I finish packing and march downstairs. "Marli." She grabs my arm, stopping me, I glare at the ground. "Can we talk about this?" She's begging. "Sure." I rip my arm away, "Tomorrow when you pick me up at 3p.m." I walk away, grabbing a bottle of water and a little bag of Goldfish. "Where are you going Marli?!" Esther shouts, making me jump a bit. "Outside to wait for Shane." 

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