Chapter 12

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I love you guys...

Oh!! And thebreeze123 is the Starbucks girl!! :)

**Scott's POV**

The next day I wake up before everyone else. I watch Mitch for a while, being asleep on my chest. After I carefully move him off of me, I get up and take a shower. I put on some jeans and a Beyonce T-Shirt. Grabbing my phone, I write a note to Mitch, then leaving to Starbucks. I'm sitting at a stop light when I get a text from Momma Kaplan. 

"Good Morning Scott! I saw you leaving this morning, please be careful!!" "Yes ma'am. Want anything from Starbucks??" "Sure! Just get whatever, surprise me. :-)" 

She is so sweet. I love Avi and Esther's mom. She's a badass with a kind heart. (At least, that's how she looks. Am I right?? Lol.) I get to the Starbucks, I order, then wait around for my order. There's not a lot of people today, so it doesn't take that long. The same girl from last time walks up to me, handing me the drinks. "Three??" I look at her. "I paid for Mitch's." She smiles. "You are too sweet, what was your name again??" I turn a little pink. "I never said it. My name's Hannah." She smiles. "Awe. Thanks Hannah. You're great." I hug her. "So, wait, can I ask you something??" Hannah asks quietly. "Yes??" I nod. "How's the whole finding Karlie thing??" "No luck so far." I sigh. She wraps me up in another bug hug. I pat her back after setting the drinks down, "Thanks, I actually really needed that." I smile warmly. "Well, I'm always here!! Seriously, I work seven days a week." We laugh. "Well I better go before Mitch freaks out." I sigh, leaving. I get to the car, setting my drinks on top of it, I unlock the car when someone tackles me to the ground. We wrestle for a bit and I see that it's Hunter. "You!!" I yell. "Hello." He smirks. By now he's pinned me down holding my arm. "Where's Karlie and Esther??" I growl. "You're about to find out." He pushes a certain part of my neck, causing me to black out.

**Third Person's POV**

"Oh my God!!" Hannah gasps, watching the scene unfold in front of her. She whips out her phone and takes a million pictures of the scene. Hunter knocking out Scott, and dragging him to the black truck, next to the truck. Being in the back of the store, no one sees. Hannah sneaks outside and gets pictures of the truck and even the license plate. Bingo. She thinks to herself, walking inside. At break I'll send these to Mitch. 

"Hey, get back to HQ." That sentence makes Terrence's heart stop. No, Goddammit Avi!! He screams in his head. Terrance drives to the warehouse, and when he gets there, Hunter is just pulling up. Fuck you. He walks up to him. "So, did you get him??" Terrance assumes. "Yeah. He's in the back." He smirks. Sick bastard. "Help." He opens the back passenger door, and he sees a knocked out Scott. Oh hell. James walks outside and sees Scott. "Good." he nods approvingly. They get him inside and Esther opens her eyes. She sees them walk in with the familiar blonde haired blue eyed boy. "Scott!!" She screams. "Shut up!!" James screams as she jumps back. They tie him up by Esther, the same setup but on the other side of the room. Karlie is wide awake when she hears Esther scream. "NOOO!!!" Karlie screams, kicking and beating on the door. "Papa!! Papa!!" She screams out, bawling. "Karlie..." Marli puts a hand on the little girls shoulder. "Paaapaa...." She turns around. Marli cups her cheek and she can tell the child face is covered in tears. "NO!! PAPA!!!" She rams the door with her body. "Karlie!! You're gonna hurt yourself!!" Marli pulls her back by her arm. "I want Papa." She bawls. "I know." She hugs her. Even in the dark, she can tell little Karlie's light that used to shine so bright, is fading out quickly. Someone, please save us. Marli thinks as she starts to sing Hero by Skillet. 

**Mitch's POV** 

I wake up from another nightmare, sitting straight up, covered in sweat and I'm shaking. "Woah, you okay Mitchie??" Kirstie looks over at me, I notice right away that Scott isn't anywhere to be seen. "Yeah, where's Scott??" "I don't know." I go to grab my phone, but I see a neatly folded note on top. Mitch Grassi-Hoying <3 It says across the top. I grab it, showing it to Kirstie. "Must be the answer to your question. Haha." Kirstie smiles. 

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