Chapter 35

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**Mitch's POV**

"Come on baby girl." I shake Karlie a bit, "You need to wake up." She whines a bit, opening her eyes, "Why daddy??" "We're gonna go here in a bit." She nods, "Okay." When she sits up, I look over my daughter, her dark eyes, tangled light blonde hair, her cute face, slightly chubby cheeks, her little body. She's so cute. "Come here honey." I pick her up out of her bed, walking her to the bathroom, "Tank you Daddy!!" I smile, kissing her head before walking to the kitchen and starting breakfast. "Mitch making breakfast??" A damp Scott walks into the kitchen, "This early?? It's too good to be true." I roll my eyes at him, "Go see if Karlie needs help." He nods, laughing and I continue cooking. After I finish, Karlie and Scott walk into the dining room, and Scott looks spooked. "Let's eat in the living room." I smile, carrying mine and Karlie's plates to the couch. "And look Bubble Guppies!!" Karlie runs in, singing along loudly with the animated mermaids. I put her in the floor, close to us but not close enough to hear me whisper to Scott. "Why does it look like you've seen a ghost??" I question him, "I'll tell you later." Just then, there's a loud crack of thunder, Karlie screaming and jumping in between Scott and I, "Shh honey." I smooth her hair, "It's just thunder, nothing bad." She hides her face in Scott's shoulder, I get up, walking to the window I peek outside, "Wow, that's some rain." I laugh. "Not horrible, but it's pouring." Scott sighs, I turn to see him rubbing circles into Karlie's back, "Great. Does Karlie have a raincoat??" I shrug, looking in the hall closet, "Yeah!!" I pull out a little hot pink raincoat. "Cute." I smile, "Oh, that's the one Toddy got you huh baby??" Scott walks over with little Karlie, with her eyes puffy and a tear-stained face. "Oh baby." I kiss her head. "It's okay." She nods, "I no have to do nothin' today?? No mork?? I no mork in long time." I stare at my daughter blankly, "Work?? What do you mean work honey??" I get a little worried. "Mr.Boss says me and Marli mork to smeep inside and eat." She fumbles with her fingers in her mouth, Scott pulls them out, "Never, Karlie Nicole, as long as you are our daughter you will never have to work, ever." He kisses her head, "Agreed." I say back, "We love you, Karlie." She nods, "I love you too." 

I get Karlie's jeans on, and there's another crash of thunder, scaring Karlie, making her jump into my arms, "You're okay honey." I pat her back, "Remember??" She nods slowly, "Safe??" She asks as I nod, "Safe." I agree. I get her a long sleeved shirt with bows all over it, and I put a pair of teal and pink polka-dotted socks over her toes, then I help her into some tan Uggs. I get her hair brushed out and by the time I'm ready it's still pouring outside. "Damn." I whisper, pulling on my jacket. "Where we going??" Karlie asks as we leave the apartment, "On a trip." I say plainly, watching Scott lock the door, "To Esther's." He adds, making Karlie smile. "Now Kar," I pick her up as we wait on the elevator, "I need to tell you something." She looks at me sideways, "Papa and I have a meeting today, with Esther." She bumps in, "Then where me an' Mar go??" I smile, "You'll stay at Esther's house, with a babysitter." "A babysitter?!" She screams, "Shhh." Scott holds his fingers to his lips, "I no want no one to sit on me Daddy." Karlie whispers as we get in the elevator, making me laugh, "No honey. They make sure you're being good, and keep you entertained." Scott explains. "Oh."

**Marli's POV**

"A babysitter?!" I scream, "What do you mean a babysitter?!" Esther shushes me, "We have a meeting about tour, it'll just be a couple of hours babe. You'll be fine." I feel my breathing become uneven as I stare at the rainy world from the window, "You'll like the babysitter, I promise." She kisses my head, "Now go shower and get dressed, Scott and Mitch should be here soon." I smile, "Watch your language mother!!" (Something I say to my Pentaholic mother to much, Lol.) Esther rolls her eyes, "Just go." She laughs as I stand up, saluting her like a soldier in the army. I walk upstairs and to my room, brushing my hair out, and attempting to choose an outfit. Well, I don't think we'll be going out in the world today, so this should do. I stare at the black and white polka-dot leggings and dark red rock graphic t-shirt. Simple. It's alright. I lay in out, along with some underwear and a sports bra, onto the bed that Mom and Darrien set up earlier while I was asleep, then I walk across my room, to my bathroom. Marli, never in your life did you think you would ever have to stop sharing a bathroom with a bunch of nosy kids, and get one all to yourself. I think as I turn on the water, mixing it perfectly and then taking off my clothes and jumping in, singing To The River as I wash my body, Papaoutai as I wash my hair, continuing as I dry off and walk out, putting on my clothes, but I go silent when there's a knock at my door, "Who is it?!" I call out, putting on the sports bra, "Your mom." Esther opens the door, coming in, and closing it behind her. "A sports bra??" She smiles at me as I shrug, grabbing the shirt, "It's comfy." She laughs at me, "I know." She grabs a comb as I sit down on my bed, "You have long hair kiddo." I smile, "Thank you. I love it." She combs my hair out slowly, and when she finishes there's a knock at the door, "I better go see who that is." She pats my head as I grab my phone again, staring at it, what does an 8 year old do with a cell phone?? "Marli!!" I hear Karlie running up the stairs, "Kar!!" I squeal, jumping off the bed and running to my door, opening it. "Hi!!" She hugs me, "Hey." I hug her back, "I bought her." She shows me her bunny. "Cool. Come on." I grab her hand and we run downstairs, me running into Mitch's arms, "Hey girlie." He hugs me, "Hello." I move from him to Scott, "Uncle Scooter!!" He picks me up, spinning me around a bit. "Hey Mar." He smiles, we all sit on the couch and talk for about an hour, when there's another knock at the door. "That must be him!!" Esther jumps up, oh no. The babysitter's here. I think to myself, but the annoyance/disgust feeling is quickly replaced with anxiety and panic when Shane walks into the livingroom. "Hello." He smiles warmly at Scott and Mitch, "Hey Marli." He waves at me, which I silently and slowly wave back. "Babysitter??" Karlie questions, hiding behind me, I just nod. "Awe." He smiles. Why is he here?! Why him?! I'd rather take on Riker. Nope, scratch that. I start to have a panic attack as everyone starts talking to Shane, but he seems to quickly notice. "Marli, you alright??" He sits by me, grabbing my hand. That's what sucks, I wish I had panic attacks like some people, where they go into a mental state where they're like... asleep, (Like me... asleep.) but I just don't have control anymore. I still hear, feel, and see. And remember. "Marli??" Momma walks over to me worried, "Marli." Shane shakes me very very lightly, somehow 'waking me up' "I'm good now." I say when I find my voice, leaning on Esther. "You sure??" Shane asks, "Uh huh." I nod, "I promise." I look at Karlie, who is hiding behind Scott, "I'm okay." I sit up, moving towards Karlie, "He's safe." I whisper, her running to my side. 

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