Chapter 17

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(It's a beautiful day outside!! So, I decided to sit outside, until my laptop charged a bit, then now I'm outside writing, waiting on a friend to get out of a meeting. Lol #InternetKid)(Written Yesterday Lol.)

**Mitch's POV**

It's been two days now, and Karlie won't let me out of her sight for more than 5 seconds. They let the girls out of the hospital and Jesse is letting Marli stay at the house with me and Kar, well when we're there. Karlie wants to go back to the hospital and check on Esther and Scott as soon as we get in the car. Tomorrow's the court date to decide what happens to James, Ms.Carter, Hunter, Leah, and some guy named Justin Case. So that means I have to bring Marli to the courthouse while Chester watches Karlie. "Hey Karls??" I say the new nickname I came up with. "Yes daddy??" She looks up from her coloring book. "Can we talk??" We were in Esther's room, somehow they let us stay in here. Marli's out at the mall with Todrick and his boyfriend. "Yes daddy." "Honey, there's this thing I have to do tomorrow." "Uh huh." "And you have to stay with Chester." She runs over to me, climbing in my lap. "No!! Me come too." "Karlie, you can't. They think you're too little." "Marli go too??" "Yeah she has to go with me." "But...but-Okay. Me stay with Cheeto." She pouts. "Come on Karlie, you'll have fun with Chester!!" "But I wanna be with you." She snuggles into my chest, I wish she could understand how much it hurts to leave her with anyone right now. Kirstie and I seem to be fighting about everything right now, so Karlie's really all I got. Avi always worried about Esther, and his mom and Kevin are trying their best to comfort him in any way. I just don't get why me and Kirstie are just starting to fight so much. My phone buzzes as I see Karlie falling asleep.

"You better not bring Karlie tomorrow." It's Kirstie. "Why would I?!" "Oh, idk, it just seems like you." "Come on Kit, you know me better than that!!" "At least were on the same page for once. And Marli isn't going either, right??" "She has too." "No she doesn't Mitch!! She's been scarred enough." "Okay, but I have no choice." "OH sure you don't." "I really don't!! They said she has to come!! The judge himself said so!!" "There you go lying again." "I AM NOT LYING KIRSTIN WHY THE HELL WOULD I FUCKING BRING POOR MARLI TO THIS SHIT WHEN I DON'T EVEN WANT TO GO?!!?!?" 

I lock my phone in frustration. She's blaming everything on me right now. It's my fault that she can't see Scott when I couldn't see him either that day. It's my fault Avi won't talk to her. Next thing you know it's gonna be my fault they got kidnapped!! It'll be my fault Scott and Esther are in the condition they're in. "Daddy??" Karlie mumbles. "What do ya need baby girl??" "What you think Easter is dreaming 'bout??" I smile warmly, this girl is just too adorable. "I don't know honey." "I wonder if she's dreamin' 'bout Dagon and puppies." "Puppies??" I laugh. "What?? Everyone love puppies." "Yep, they sure do." I sigh as Avi walks in. "Oh! Hey guys." He smiles weakly, I smile, but also take in his appearance. His stance is off, shoulders drooping. His normally bright, shining green eyes, are replaced with dark green, and are always puffy and red. He's not smiling that much anymore, just as like a greeting. No jokes, no laughing, and overall no Avi. I hate this. "Do you want us to leave??" Karlie starts to fall asleep again, not noticing Avi, I just play with her hair. "No, it's okay. Just came to check on her." He sighs. "Everything's the same Av." I look at the sleeping Esther in the hospital bed. "She's got two days." Avi sniffles. "Then they have to unplug." "Don't talk like that." I say, standing up with Karlie. "Kar??" I shake her a bit. "Hmm??" "You wanna go tell Papa another story??" She nods quickly. "Alright, I'll be there in a bit." I set her down and she runs off to Scott's room. "Avi..." I look at him, opening my arms. He quickly runs over and hugs me tightly. "Thanks." He says after a bit, pulling back. "Hey, I needed that too. Oh, and by the way," I go to tell him the news I got from the doctor this morning. "Yeah??" "Her eyes twitched today and her arm flinched when Karlie closed the door this morning , so they're giving her another day." I watch his reaction. He gives a honest grin, "So she has three days??" "Yeah. And honestly, I think that's more than enough." 

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