Chapter 30

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**Marli's POV**

"Wake up Marli..." Mitch says, lightly shaking me. "Hmmm??" I open my eyes to see Karlie holding a plate of pancakes, with a small topping of whipped cream on top with a candle. I sit up to see Avi, Kevin, Kirstie, Scott, Momma, and Ben in here too, then everyone starts singing Happy Birthday to me. "Here!!" Karlie hands me the plate when they get done singing. "Thanks Karls." I smile. "No, let me see it." Kevin grabs it as Avi picks me up, "Oh hello." I giggle as I'm carried to the couch. "There ya go." Kevin hands me my pancakes back. "Thank you." I smile.

"Alright, let's get dressed." I look up at Momma, "Okay. What are we doing today??" "You'll see." I give her a strange look. "It'll be fun I promise." "Okay." I shrug. I put on an outfit, (Picture) and brush my hair out, then braiding it. "Cute," Momma says when I walk out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth. "let's go." I look at Momma's outfit, navy blue t-shirt with a dark brown cardigan and blue jeans with the same ankle boots. I look down at my boots that Jessie bought for me when she first came to the Home as Esther puts on her jacket. "Y'all ready?!" Scott knocks on the door as you can hear Mitch slap the back of his head, "Ow!!" "Yeah!!" Esther opens the door to show Scott rubbing the back of his head and Karlie and Mitch covering a smile with their hands. "What was that for?!" "Dere was a bug Papa." Karlie giggles. I let out a laugh as we walk out the door.

"Duude!!" I say when we walk up to the Build-a-Bear workshop. "Woah." Mitch laughs. "We thought it would be fun for you and Karlie, since your birthdays are so close." Karlie gasps, "Me too?!" "Yep." Scott smiles. We walk inside, greeted by a lady saying, "Hi, welcome to Build-a-Bear, my name is Lizzy how can I help you??" Esther talks to her as I walk to Mitch, "You guys are going to get one too, right??" "Huh??" Mitch looks down at me, "It's only fair." "Could we??" Scott smiles, "We could make each other one." "That would be adorable." I giggle. "Pleaseee!!" I beg. "Pweaaseee??" Karlie, who is on Scott's hip, helps me. "Okay, okay fine." He laughs. "We will make some bears too." "So all of you then??" The Lizzy girl asks. "Yes." I answer, not really giving mom a choice. "Yes Esther, you too. If I'm doing it, you have to." Mitch agrees as Esther sighs, "Fine. Avi said for me to make one too." I smile. "Alright, let's start you guys off by picking a new friend." I look at all the options, picking out a light brown bunny, Karlie joining me. Momma picks a black and white puppy, Mitch picks a dark brown bear for Scott, and Scott choosing a white bear for Mitch. I laugh as they hide it from each other.

"Okay, now go dress your new friend up in some stylish clothes!!" Lizzy exclaims, mainly for me and Karlie. I smile at her as we wander off to dress up these toys. Momma dresses her's in a winter dress, mine in a gold and red fancy dress, Karlie's in a Rapunzel dress, Mitch dresses Scott's in a shirt, jeans, and vest combo, and Scott puts Mitch's in a red shirt with some jeans and a leather jacket.

After we leave the store, Karlie is telling me about her's, "And her name is Mazzy." "Razzy??" I question her name for it, "Yeah!! Short for Mapunzel." "Oh," I smile, "I get it." We walk around the store a while longer, a couple of fans spotting Mitch, Scott, and Esther. We stop by a candy shop, buying a buttload of candy, and go back to the hotel room. "Wow. It's only 11:56." Scott says, surprising all of us. "Movie party??"I suggest, getting a bunch of confused looks, except Karlie, knowing it's her termanology. "For the rest of the day we can watch movies." They all agree after that.

"Okay." Mitch sighs after the 6th or 7th movie. "It's 5:30 and the reservations are for 7:00 so we should start getting ready." He says, standing up and stretching. "Yeah." Scott agrees, picking up a sleeping Karlie. "Get ready for what??" I ask, looking at them. "You'll see. Go take a bath and your outfit's in there." Mitch explains, walking out the door. "Uh, okay." I stare at the door, "Go take a shower so I can do your hair in time." Momma smiles as I nod slowly, walking to the bathroom. I hop in the shower, mindlessly singing along to To The River. When I'm done, I get out and change into a fancy dress, mommy blow dries my hair and puts it in this cute bun. (Picture shows all outfits) Momma gets all dolled up, "Do I look okay??" She asks, "Perfection." I answer with a grin, a nice dress with a leather jacket. "Here." She hands me a little leather jacket, "You ready??" I nod, "Then let's go check on the others."

"This is unbelieveable." I say when we walk inside this super duper fancy restaurant. "Over here!!" Ben calls out to us from a table. It has a white tablecloth on it, and the centerpiece has a little dark blue candle in a clear glass vase, lit with tiny yellowish fairy lights around it. The whole place is white and gold, the curtains are white with gold sparkles, a gold tile floor, everything white and gold except the employees, dressed in black and navy blue, and the candles. When we reach Ben, my mouth almost drops to the floor, Vinny freaking Castronovo from the old ICONic Boyz is right there!! (Look them up, used to be obsessed when they were together, still follow them on social media, plus picture,the poofy hair with Ben.) "Oh. My. Gosh." I whisper, he's kinda my favorite dancer ever. "Hello Miss Marli, happy birthday." He smiles. "And hello Mitch, Scott, Esther and Karlie, how are we this evening??" He's so polite. Probably because he works at his dad's restaurant and his family. "Good." Esther answers, "Good. I'm Vinny, by the way." He shakes everyone's hands, including Karlie. "Please, sit!!" Ben smiles at us. Vinny holds out a chair for me and I sit down, "Thank you." I say quietly, "You're quite welcome, lovely." He grins at me, pushing the chair a bit before sitting in between Ben and me. "What is all this??" I question Momma, who is sitting beside me. "Ben heard you saying how you'd always love to go to a fancy restaurant all dressed up, the boy, I don't know." I nod a bit, "He's the greatest dancer I've ever seen in my life." She smiles, "I see." We laugh and talk for hours, just the way I had dreamed it to be, then we ate, and after we talked more.

After dinner, we were getting ready to leave, "Here." Vinny hands me a nice sized box that's perfectly wrapped. "Happy birthday, kiddo." He kisses my head, making my heart jump. "And Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you." He says a little louder so everyone would hear, "Same to you, Vinny." Mitch says. "Agreed." Says momma, smiling at me.

When we get back to the hotel, I take off my flats and open Vinny's present. "Ahh!!" I scream when I see it's a pair of Vlados. "What is it??" Esther walks over, seeing the shoes, "Cute!!" She compliments the purple, turquoise, white, and black beauties. "How?!" I look in the box and find a note,

'Dear Marli,

I really hope you like these Vlados, they're gonna be a little big on you because they're women's size 7, I hope you don't mind that. Bianca picked them out. Happy birthday! Stay GRAND! ~Vinny'

I look back at the shoes, "They're too big now, but they're still amazing!!" I squeal. "That's good Buggie, I'm glad you like them. Now, let's get ready for bed my 8 year old daughter." She kisses my head, "Okay Momma." I smile at her, putting the shoes away. I get changed into a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, and after a while of watching t.v., Momma and I go to bed, and I fall asleep way faster than I thought I would.




Like I said, short, but I'll have to write the Christmas one later. Hope you liked it!!

New Chapter ASAP

Love and Hugs!!

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