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There are two posts I posted on Facebook about the events of today. I can't imagine how everyone there must feel. My heart aches for the ones who lost their lives, it aches for the people who lost the ones they love. You notice I don't say loved. I hate that, if you lose someone close to you, you don't just stop caring. There is no past tense to be said. This is the present.

My mind is swarming about everything that is going on the rest of us have yet to learn, people's families and how they are taking such horrible circumstances.

The little dark part of my soul is happy that some of the terrorists died. They deserve to suffer horribly. They should pay for hurting so many people.

And as for the Japan earthquakes I'm extremely relieved that our babies are okay. Not just Pentatonix, but the crew too. (Esther, Ben, maybe Jake, etc.) They are alive and well. I haven't seen anything about what happend to the people there so if you know anything, please comment or message me!!!
If I am leaving anything else out, I apologize. Please feel free to comment and let me know.


Love and Hugs!!!

"Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten." I love you all and I am here for you. Forever and always. <3 ♡

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