Chapter 36

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(There might be some YouTubers people might not know in this, if you don't know them and want to feel free to comment and I'll give you their YouTube name!! :3)

**Mitch's POV**

"Chester!!" I call for the smaller stressed blonde. "Yes!?" He walks in, letting go of some more balloons. "Can you hand me the tape??" I ask, reaching for the roll of tape, just a little out of my reach. "Here ya go!" He hands me it, "Oh, and Chester?" I look at him, "Yes?" He looks at me confused, "Who all did Toddy invite...?" I dare ask. "Oooohhh..." he gives me a oh-shit look, "Chester." I groan, "I told him not a lot of people. Karlie's still being introduced to socializing." He nods, "Yeah, he remembered that. Honestly it's just a few YouTubers he's worked with." I sigh, well it could be worse I guess. "And a couple of them are bringing their niece and nephew." I nod, "Hopefully she won't freak out." I sigh. My phone rings, and who I expect to be Scott, is actually an old friend.

"Kate!!" "Hey Mitch!! How are you??" "I'm doing great, you??" "Fine. So, is there a reason that Scott wants me to come over to Todrick's??" Duh! I should've thought of that. "Oh!! Because it's our daughter's fourth birthday party a-" "YOU HAVE A KID?!" I laugh as she screams, "Have you been living under a rock Kaitlin Witcher?!" "Maybe." We laugh harder, "That's so cute!!" She says, "Awe. But you should come!!" I say, knowing if I don't her anxiety will kick in. "You sure?? I'm not that great with people I don't know Mitchie, you know that." I smile, finishing hanging the streamer I was struggling with. "Neither is Karlie, my kid. She's gonna be a little freaked out." I hear Kate talking to I think is her boyfriend, "Alright, are you guys there now??" "Yeah, just about to finish decorating." "Cool!! Just tell me what this little human loves and I'll be off!!" I laugh, "Just get her whatever, she's a four year old girl, Kate, it shouldn't be that hard." "Alright, cool. Be there in a bit, THOR GET OFF MY TRIPOD." I hear her scream at her cat, "Love you bye!!" I hang up, going to find Todrick. "Toddy!!" I scream throughout the house, "Mitch!?" He finally calls back, me finding him in the living room... the room I just left not even five minutes ago to go find him. "There you are!" I groan, "Yess??" He asks, dragging out the 's' like a snake, "How many people are coming and where is my husband??" I question him, "Well," He starts, pulling out his phone, "let's see how many people are coming." He's silent for a minute, I watch him scroll on his phone, "I invited about 20 people and looks like about 13 of them are coming." I nod slowly, better than the last time I had an actual birthday party. So. Many. People. Not that I minded it. "Alright, and I have a few people, and...??" "Oh!! And Scott went with Jeremy to get the cake." I nod, "Alright, Kit'll be here soon with the girls." My phone rings again, "Oh, hello Esther!!" 

**Marli's POV**

"Alright girlies." Kirstie laughs, "We need to get dressed." She stands up, "For what??" Karlie gives a confused face, cocking her head slightly and scrunching her nose, "For Karlie's Magical Wonderland." Kirstie pokes her nose, "Marli, you have an outfit in my room, Jeremy isn't here so you're good, go change." She smiles as I nod, "Okay." I walk to Kirstie's room and I find the coolest outfit I've ever seen in my life. There's also a note on top, 

Just because it's Karlie's birthday doesn't mean you're not gonna be spoiled. :) Love you!! 

xx Uncle Mitchie xx

It's probably the best outfit I've seen!! There's a checkered sleeveless top, a black denim vest, and dark red skinny jeans, with star Converse high tops. I quickly change into the outfit, smiling into the full-length mirror, all these new clothes are great. I wish every kid at the home could wear stuff like this. Kirstie comes in the room, complimenting my outfit, then putting my hair in a high ponytail.  While she gets Karlie ready, I sit on her bed and watch YouTube in my phone. "What you watchin'??" Karlie asks, "No Flex Zone, a dance video." I smile, pausing the video. "You like dance??" Kirstie looks at me, smiling. "Uh huh." I nod, "Always have." Karlie hops up and down from the floor, "Mar can dance Kit-Kat!! She real good." Karlie announces as my eyes widen, "Huh?! What?! Nooo." I shake my head wildly. "I bet you are." She smiles, "Alright Karlie let's get you dressed because we need to go." I continue to watch dance videos until Karlie and Kirstie are ready. After that, we all get in the car and head to Toddy's. 

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