Chapter 7 - Getting lunch and the grumpy guy

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My version of North! Hot and grumpy, but willing to save the damsel in distress.


Sang pov

After I close the door, I immediately look through the peephole. Silas is still standing there with a sleepy, amused expression on his face. I watch him turn around and move out of view. A few seconds later, I hear a door shut.

Turning away from the peephole, I lean against my door and put my hand on my chest to try and calm my heart rate. I haven't talked to anyone my own age since before I moved here and never anyone as handsome as Silas. In the past, most people ignored me, especially guys.

He asked me to "hang out", I wonder exactly what that means? I sigh and decide that I'll daydream about him later.

I sit down at my desk, finish my "to get list", and realize that I haven't eaten anything today. Glancing down, I look at my clothes. I have on a baby pink button down shirt, navy blue shorts and pale pink chucks, good enough for what I have planned today.

Then I grab my old book bag, throw it on my back and put $200.00 in my right shoe, a $20.00 bill in my pocket, and walk out the door. Crap, I turn around and lock the door, almost forgot.

I walk over to the Ashton Gardens Apartment clubhouse and head to the front desk. A smiling lady's standing behind the counter and says in a sweet southern accent "Hello sweetie, my name's June, how may I help you?"

"Hi June, I'm the new tenant in 804 and I was hoping you can help me. I need to know if there's anywhere to eat close by. Is there a nearby superstore to buy supplies at? Also, does a bus stop near here and if so, do you know the schedule?

June's a fount of information and she tells me there's a local cafe about a 10 minute walk away that has amazing food. There's a superstore about a 20 minute drive away, and she hands me a copy of the local bus schedule.

The bus stops right outside the entrance to the main complex, but my stomach decides that I need food first. Quickly, I follow June's directions and find the Southern Charm Café and walk in.

The place's really cute, but I'm a little nervous to be on my own. I stand to the side and look at the menu on the wall. I decide what I want and head to the counter to place my order.

There's an older man at the counter, whose name tag says George. He asks me with a smile "Hey pretty lady, what can I get ya?" I blush at the compliment and say "Hi, I'll have a chicken sandwich with French fries and a glass of water, please"

"That will be $8.00" he says. I pull the $20.00 out of my pocket, hand it to him, and he gives me my change. I walk down the counter and am greeted by a tall, thin, greasy looking guy with a name tag that says his name's Greg.

"Hey baby, wanna go out sometime?" He leers at me. My eyes go wide and I know he can't be talking to me. In a shaking voice I ask, "Is this where I pick up my food?"

"Hey, I was talkin, so don't be rude." he sneers. "So, when are we goin out?" he questions me again.

"I'm sorry, but I-I just want my food" I stammer. I'm started to get nervous and feel my body getting ready to shake. Luckily George, who waited on me, sees my predicament.

"Greg, get back to work and quit harassing the customers. You've been warned about this before" he yells and goes back to waiting on another customer.

"Fine, here's ya food" he slurs as he throws the plate up on the counter and hands me a cup. "Drinks are over there, bitch" he mumbles as I grab the plate and cup and walk away.

Quickly I sit down and start eating my food and realize that it's really good. Too bad about some of the staff though. I grab my cup, fill it full of water, and go sit back down. While I eat, I study the bus schedule.

With a full stomach, I'm feeling much better. So I throw my garbage away, grab my bag, and head for the door. As I get outside, I hear a voice sneer "Ya didn't think ya were going to get away with getting me in trouble, did ya?'

Greg grabs my arm and pushes me up against the building. "Now ya owe me a kiss for all the trouble ya caused" he slurs as his grip tightens on my arm. My heart starts pounding and I'm not sure what to do.

Suddenly, I hear a loud menacing voice say "Hey, get your fucking hands off of her!" The next thing I know, Greg's being pulled off of me and I fall to the ground.

I look over and see a large guy around my age, grab Greg by the collar of his shirt. "You don't treat woman like that, ya shithead" the guy dressed all in black growls. He's tall, almost as tall as Silas, with thick brown hair, a small gold hoop in his left ear, and wide powerful shoulders.

He looks down at me and grumbles "Are you all right? " His eyes are dark and intense and I'm scared to death.

As I start to shake, I climb to my feet and quietly say "Thank you." Then I turn and run. The tall guy in black yells "Hey, come back". He drops Greg and starts running after me.

I run as fast as I can and duck into the nearest alley.  Gathering my power, I feel the tingle and disappear. Then I press my invisible body to the wall. The guy in black's close now and I hear him stop at the mouth of the alley.

"Hey girl, I don't want to hurt you. I just want to make sure you're okay." He moves into the alley, looking for me.

I hold my hand over my mouth to muffle my breathing, as he walks right past me.  He moves further down the alley, still trying to find me. When he gets to the end of the alley and is unable to locate me, he turns around and punches a nearby dumpster.

"Damn girl, nothing but trouble" he grumbles as he heads back to the street. "Try and be nice and help someone out, then she up and disappears on me" he continues to grumble as he heads out of the alley and back towards the café.

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