Chapter 34 - Part 1 of the family meeting

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Family meeting


"Good morning gentleman and lady. We are here to discuss the situation that we have with Miss Sorenson. Why don't you tell us about yourself, young lady?" I say in a formal voice.

"Umm, what would you like to know? Can you ask me questions and then I can answer them?  She asks in a steady voice.

"How old are you and where were you born?" Mr. Lee asks.

"I'm 16 years old and I was born in a small town in Illinois" she says.

"When is your birthday?" Mr. Coleman asks me.

"It's October 6th" Sang says without missing a beat.

"What's your favorite color?" Mr. Luke Taylor asks with a big smile.

"Pink, of course." She says with a big smile. Her voice is getting more confident, wwith the more question we ask.

"When did you realize that you were able to turn invisible" I ask her, looking at her face intently for any sense of dishonesty. Her smile fades away.

She looks around the room and speaks to all of us. "I was 13 when I realized what I could do. My mother, excuse me my step mother, had just finished hurting me. I felt a tingle and then I was gone. When she came back into the kitchen, she couldn't see me. How it happened, I don't know."

"Miss Sang, what do you mean by she just finished hurting you? Dr Green asks her in his best Doctors voice.

She looks into Sean's eyes and says: "My step-mother has never liked me, I had no idea why until she kicked me out. She loved to tear my confidence down and call me names like stupid, lazy, and slut."

"But the worst was when she hit me with her cane. I don't want to talk about that anymore, it's the past. She can't hurt me ever again, so I just want to forget." You can see the strength in her small body. This little bird is broken, but not giving up.

"That fucking bitch!" Mr. North Taylor mutters under his breath. Mr. Morgan and Mr. Korba nod in agreement.

You can see everything that this girl is thinking, what an expressive face. She is telling the truth.

"Miss Sorenson, can you turn invisible for us?" I ask in a clear, cool voice. Let's see how she works under pressure.

"Okay, but I have never tried to go invisible in front of anyone before. Well, not intentionally anyway" she says and winks at Mr. Taylor Jr and Mr. Korba.

She moves to the center of the room away from the table and us. Everyone crowds around, but still gives her space. Sang gets a look of concentration on her face and then her body is no longer there. Everyone gasps, but stays frozen in place, myself included. She is amazing.

"Sang, can you try and touch someone or something, please" Kota asks with curiosity in his voice.

"Sure" says her disembodied voice. We hear footsteps and suddenly a bottle of water starts to float in the air. Then the bottle disappears and reappears. Finally, it is lowered back to the table.

Mr. Coleman makes a squeaking sound and all heads turn towards him. The blond streaks in the front of his hair start to move up and down on their own.

"Damn Trouble, that's too cool!" Mr. Coleman says. "If I try and touch you, will I be able to?"

"Yes, my body is still here, you just can't see it. I will stand still, so go ahead and try and touch me" she replies.

Mr. Coleman holds out a hand and makes a stroking motion. "Damn Trouble, can I style your hair? It's so soft and I have been dying to play with it"

We hear a soft giggle and she says "Sure, maybe later. Hey, watch your hands!"

"Can I have a volunteer to help me with an experiment, please?" Sang's voice asks. All of the guys try and volunteer, but Mr. Korba jumps up and moves over by Mr. Morgan.

"Here Aggele mou, I will be your volunteer" He says in his slightly accented voice.

"Silas, can you bend down please, you're too tall for me to reach? I want to whisper something to you, before I start. Is that okay?" she asks me.

"Sure" Mr. Korba bends over, listens intently, and nods his head. He straightens up and then disappears.

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