Chapter 3 - Moving Day

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I run and grab the empty boxes from the hall closet and head straight to my room. I'm shaking and crying, but I want to be packed up and ready to go, otherwise they'll make me leave with nothing.

Packing the boxes is the easiest part.  I place my books, some threadbare clothes, a toothbrush, and some odds and ends from the bathroom in the boxes. I gently place my stereo in my trunk and wedge it in with my bedding. Hopefully, it will make it in one piece.

What to do with my furniture? He said to pack everything, so I try my best to make everything fit in the either the boxes or my trunk. In the end, I have my bed, trunk, bookshelf, a small table and chair, and three moving boxes. Not much to show for 16 years of life, but it's all mine.

At least father's not going to throw me out into the street or even worse, let her murder me. A shiver runs through my body at the thought. Being alone at 16 is awful, but when I think about it, I have always been on my own.

No love, nothing but hurtful words, and lots of abuse. It has a way of breaking even the strongest self confidence. I never had much to begin with. But now that I'll be free, maybe I'll be able to make a friend or two.

I'm torn between being scared out of my mind and excited to get away. Excited to no longer have to live in fear or be tortured by that crazy woman. But at the same time, I'm terrified about being alone. What if I run into problems and have no one to turn to?

Note to self, remember to ask father for my birth certificate, social security card, and medical records. Not sure where the medical records and immunization forms came from, I've never seen a doctor. But I have to have this paperwork for school.

Also, ask if he'll help me sign up for school next week. Ashley Waters, my new school, has already sent me the registration packet. I picked out my classes, but the packet said I would need a parent signature to approve the schedule.

My packing has taken a little over an hour. Quietly, I walk out of my room and stand at the top of the stairs. Father's on the phone asking about apartment rates. It sounds like he has found one that fits his requirements and says he'll be there in 15 minutes. "I'll view the rooms and if I like it sign the lease, pay the deposit, and first months rent." He states flatly and hangs up the phone.

He grabs his keys and wallet and then walks out the door without saying a word to anyone. He returns 3 hours later with a moving van. I ask him about my paperwork, he goes into the other room and when he comes back, he hands me an envelope with the paperwork inside. When his back's turned, I peek in the envelope to make sure everything's there.

When I ask him about helping me with registration for school, he says "Are you stupid? You had better learn to sign it yourself; I won't do it for you." His face is starting to turn red and he starts yelling again "Don't you understand, you're on your own now. We don't want to see you or speak to you again. I will send you money to your new address, but other than that you don't know us! Do you understand now or are you too simpleminded to get it through your thick skull?" He takes a deep breath to calm down, turns and starts walking up the stairs to my bedroom.

He instructs me to start carrying the boxes down to the van. I move them as quickly as I can, not wanting to anger him again. It's only three mostly filled boxes anyway. He moves the furniture, but I help him with the mattress.

Suddenly, everything's packed and we're in the van ready to go. I'm trembling with fear and excitement, but my stomachs in knots. What's going to happen to me now?

As we pull out of the long driveway, I look out the window. Across the street, I see a tall boy with light brown hair and glasses looking our way. He's the most handsome boy I've ever seen.

I wish I could've met him before I left. Too bad I'll never see him again.

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