Chapter 24 - The Family Meeting - All povs

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Family meeting

Gabe pov

Everyone's here now and we sit down in Kota's bedroom. The guys are looking at me like I'm crazy as I explain that I saw Sang disappear. Son of a Bitch, what do I have to do to convince everyone that I'm telling the truth?

"Gabe, could you just have missed her running to Vic's car?" Kota asks me in a calm voice. North's staring daggers at me and the rest are looking very dubious, especially Mr. B.

"Kota, I swear that one fucking minute she was there and then she was motherfucking gone. It's like she disappeared and then reappeared over by Victor's car" I say in a distressed voice.

Everyone's looking at me like I'm playing, but Shit Fuck; I would never do that about something so serious. Damn, she's in so much trouble! I'm going to ground her ass for life, if I can prove to them I'm right!

"What do we know about this girl and why haven't I heard about her before? Could she be an outside agent, sent to spy on us? Did anyone else see anything to make you suspect possible invisibility?" Mr. Blackbourne demands from us.

Silas pov

"I just met her on Thursday, when she moved into the apartment next door to mine. Her name's Sang Sorenson and she just moved to South Carolina a little over a week ago.

If she's a spy, then she's one hell of an actress. She did kind of vanish on us outside of Kotas, but I didn't see her disappear.

From what she has said, something happened and her parents kicked her out. Her dad's paying for the apartment and giving her some spending money, but she's only 16 and basically on her own."

"She has bad nightmares that she wakes up screaming from. My bedroom's on the other side of the wall from hers and I heard her scream. I went over to check on her and she was crying, almost hysterically" I say in a small voice.

I saw scars on her back and I believe that her step mother was hurting her on a regular basis. When I asked why they kicked her out, she said that I would not believe her if she told me. But that she may tell me later, once she knows me better" I say quickly and clearly.

My stomach's churning as I think about Sang and that she might not be what she seems.

North pov

"You didn't tell them the best part, Si! I go over this morning, knock on her door and this Fucking Asshole answers her door, in only his boxers" North starts yelling.

All eyes turn to Silas. "It was completely innocent, Sang said that she was scared to be alone and asked me to sleep next to her. She was shaking and looked so afraid, so I lay down next to her and we fell asleep. Nothing happened" he says while shooting a dirty look at me.

"I also met her Thursday. I saved her from some asshole that was trying to hurt her outside of the SoCo Café. Once the guy dropped her, she said "Thank you" to me and took off.

"I thought she ducked down an alley, but I couldn't find her anywhere" I say in a pissed off tone. "When I walked back to the SoCo, the asshole was still lying where I left him, so I dragged him inside and got his ass fired" I growl. He's lucky that's all I did.

Kota pov

I look around the room and start talking "From what she said, her parents live over in the grey house across the street from mine. But I've never seen any of the people living there. I did see her 2 days ago, sitting in a moving truck across the street from my house. She looked scared."

Could Gabe be right? I hate to doubt my brother, but this is kind of out there. Is it even possible that she could have disappeared? This isn't Harry Potter after all.

She really made an impression on me, first just seeing her in that van. Then being introduced to her, you just feel the sweetness and vulnerability roll off of her.

I hate to think that she might have been hiding a horrible secret from us. What could it be and how can we help her?

Luke pov

Woah, did I just hear that Silas spent the night with that sweet girl, my future wife? My brain starts to spin into a fantasy of our wedding.

I'm rudely pulled from my fantasy when little brother starts screaming. Damn, he needs to calm down. He's going to die from a heart attack before he's 20, if he keeps this up.

Gabe told me what he saw and while it seems a little impossible, this is Gabe. He's my best friend and he doesn't lie to me. That means that she can disappear.

Wish I could do that; it would help me so much on missions.

Victor pov

I have heard everything my brothers have said and it's a lot to take in. Even the possibility that she has powers is a little mind-boggling.

She was really sweet and made me feel things for her. I try very hard to hold myself aloof, except with my brothers. I learned the lesson the hard way, that if you let people get close, they can hurt you. But something about her makes me want to let her in.

Looking around, most of my brothers have the same look on their faces: confusion, anger, and doubt. We trust each other, but can we trust her?

Nathan pov

Is Gabe playing a joke on us? If he is, I'm going to kick his ass. Invisibility isn't possible, outside of books and movies.

I really liked Sang and wish that I had met her before she moved. I wonder why her family really kicked her out. But if they were hurting her, she had a lucky escape. Wish I had that option when I was younger.

Well, it seems like we are getting nowhere with this conversation. "So, what happens now?"

Dr Green pov

Who is this girl that has our team so stunned? I have never seen them act this way over anyone.

My brothers have said that she has been hurt, kicked out, assaulted, has screaming nightmares, and seems to have enchanted all of them. Maybe she will let me play Doctor with her.

I can't wait to meet her and flirt with her.

Mr. Blackbourne pov

When I saw the group text that mentioned Sang, I knew that something was wrong. Calling a family meeting seemed to be the logical option.

Mr. Coleman said that she disappeared right in front of his eyes. I don't see how that's possible, but I know there are some things, that can't be explained. Still I remain doubtful.

"Before things go any further with Miss Sorenson, I'm going to run a full background check on her. In the meantime, Mr. Morgan see what you're able to find out about her online" I command.

"Are you sure you want to befriend this girl? She sounds like a complication to our lives, that we do not need right now. This Ashley Water assignment's our top priority; the favors are too good and too many to pass up" I remind all of them.

"Remember that family is a choice and she's not family ... yet" I say in a stern voice. Of all people, North looks at me and says "She's hurt, all on her own, and special. If I have my way, she will become part of our family. And I think my brothers feel the same way. She needs us and we need her" he says in a calm, no nonsense way.

I'm shocked by his admission, but look around and see agreement on all of their faces.

"Okay, we're going to take things slowly. If she's going to be family, then no one gets to date her. Be friends, hold hands, but no sex. Do not push her or you will scare her away."

"I want to meet her on Monday at registration, no exceptions. We need to find out exactly why she was kicked out, so work on getting her to open up. Silas, you mentioned a step mother, did she say anything about her real mother?" I look at Silas and then glance at the others.

"She didn't say anything about her real mother, but I'll ask her the next time I see her" Silas says in a curious voice.

"Does anyone have plans to visit our new bird tomorrow?" I say looking around.

"I was going to stop by and see if she wants to do anything. But North and I are taking her to Reeves on Monday after registration. She said she needs to pick up some things" Silas says.

"Oy Fuckers and you didn't think to ask me to come along?" Gabriel asks in a pissed tone.

"Meeting's over, so go home and get some sleep. Goodnight gentleman. " I shake my head, grab my stuff, and walk out the door. The sound of arguing follows me out the door.

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