Chapter 19 - Trouble!

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North pov

This has been an interesting day. Ugh, where to start? First, I go to see Sang and find my Asshole brother half naked in her room. I know it was innocent, but I wish she had called me to come over.

Fuck, how could she call me? She doesn't have my number and I don't have hers. Wait, I've never seen her with a phone. I'll have to ask Silas about that later.

When Silas was in the shower, she asked me questions about myself and I opened up to her. I never do that.

She asked about minor things really, favorite color (black of course), favorite food (a lean steak with fruit and veggies), favorite kind of music (rock), and favorite thing to do in my spare time (tinker with vehicles). But still, I answered her.

It was amazing to get to talk to her one on one, but Silas was quick to shower and get back to us. Not sure if it was because he didn't want me alone with her or he didn't want me to wake his family. Personally, I suspect the former.

Then I find out that not only has she been kicked out by her Asshole Fucking parents, that they physically hurt her, and live across from Kota. And just the thought of them, almost brings baby to tears. Fuckers!

I wasn't sure if she would want to stay once she realized that, but she made me proud, and asked to be introduced to the guys.

You could see just by the look on my brothers' faces that they were completely under her spell. She draws you in with her sweetness and innocence and makes you want to protect her. I'm not sure if I like that or not. But I know, I'll never let anyone hurt her.

She had a good time with me and my brothers today. She relaxed and played and looked so happy. As we were getting to leave, everyone gave her a hug, Assholes!

The shadows in her eyes retreated and when we left she had a mischievous look on her face, but said she was tired. What's that about?

Silas and I walk to my Jeep and baby is right behind us. I go to get in the car and notice that she disappeared again. WHAT THE FUCK?    !

I let out a roar and yell to Silas. "Where did Sang Baby go?" He looks at me with a confused expression on his face, then turns to see where Sang is.

When he realizes that she's gone, he moves over to me and grabs me by the shoulders and says "Did you by any chance look across the road? There's a man over there that I think is her father and he's looking over here. Maybe she hid, so he wouldn't see her. Calm down, get a grip and we'll go look for her." Silas is my voice of reason and I try to let my anger go.

I take a deep breath and then another to try and calm down. But I know if I don't find her soon, I might have to go hurt her parents. Mr. B won't like that, but right now I'm having a hard time caring about getting in trouble.

While I'm standing there, Si tells me to "Come here." I stomp over to him and see Sang huddle by the back of Victor's car trembling. "Is he gone?" she says in a scared voice.

Silas pov

I felt really bad for Sang, when we realized that Kota lives across from her old house. I will not mention who lives there; they piss me off too much. What kind of bastards could hurt and abandon such a wonderful angel? Well, she's ours now!

Everything went great with meeting the guys and everyone had a good time. All of the guys seem as drawn to aggele as I am, and she fits in to our unique group.

As the day starts to get later, I signal North that we need to leave soon for our mission. Sang decides that she wants to head home and tells everyone goodbye.

We head out the door, with Sang trailing slightly behind us. As I was walking to the Jeep, I notice a man across the street getting out of his car. I bet that is Sangs asshole father.

Next thing I know North's bellowing "Where did Sang Baby go?" Snag Baby? I look back to where aggele should be and realize that she's gone.

Quickly, I move over to North and let him know about the asshole across the street. I hope I don't have to hold him back from beating the ever loving shit out of him, I know I won't try too hard if he does.

Then I start to think, where would I go if I didn't want to be seen?

I glance around and notice that Vic's car would hide her, so I go and check there first. And there she is, huddled behind the bumper. Thank God!

Relieved to have found her so quickly, I call for North to come over. He stomps over and she asks me "Is he gone? I look over and notice that the car's gone from the driveway and say "He's gone."

I hold out my hand to help her up and wrap my arm around her shoulders. My body shields hers from any that might be looking over from the other house.

We quickly get in the car and leave. Sang ducks down and stays hidden until we turn off of Sunnyvale Court.

Gabriel pov

I walk to the window just in time to watch Sang, Silas and North head to the Jeep. I can't resist seeing her one more time, even if it's just her leaving. I really wish she would have stayed and maybe I could have styled her hair.

My brothers are almost to the Jeep and sweet Sang's right behind them. Suddenly she stops and then she's gone. Disappeared like she was never there. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!

What the Hell's going on?  Where did she go? I blink my eyes and look around. Wait, there she is hiding behind the bumper of Victors' Beemer. How did she get her pretty ass from the middle of the yard to behind Vics' car?  Am I losing my mind? I got to talk to Kota now!

Damn, that girl's gonna be trouble! "Kota, come here! I need to tell you something, now!"

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