Chapter 18 - Having fun with the guys

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Sang pov

Walking into the house across the street from my parent house was hard enough, but now I'm surrounded by 7 of the most beautiful boys I have ever seen. I swear, they put models to shame.

First I met Kota, who used to be my neighbor. I wish I had met him before I moved; maybe our introduction wouldn't have been so awkward at first.

Kota's about a head taller than me with beautiful green eyes that are slightly hidden by his black rimmed glasses. At first glance, he seems a little nerdy. But as I look past that the nerdiness, I notice that his eyes are kind and he has a lean strong body.

Nathan's the next to be introduced. He has serious blue eyes, reddish brown hair, and a heavily muscled body. Silas, North, and Nathan must work out together. I think Nathan is about Kotas height. His hair looks like rabbit fur and I wonder if it's as soft.

Sitting next to Nathan, is Victor. He has wavy brown and the most fascinating eyes I've ever seen. They sparkle and seem to blaze from within. He looks smaller than Nathan, but his formal demeanor is kind of sexy.

In the first chair, is Luke. I suspect he's very popular with the girls. His shoulder length blond hair and mischievous brown eyes shout out hot surfer dude to me, as does his half unbuttoned shirt.  I bet he's a lot of fun and he has the misty eyed look of a daydreamer.

The last is Gabriel, with wild blue eyes and seemingly endless energy. I don't think he has stopped moving since I walked into the room. I caught him staring at me, but I'm not sure if he's looking at my face or my hair. Something tells me it's my hair and I've caught myself running my hand over it to make sure it's not a mess.

Add in the grumpy, overprotective North and the sweet, gentle giant Silas, all of these boys are amazing. I'm not really sure what they see in me; average looks, small hourglass body, dishwater blond hair, smart, very few social skills, and one hidden, untested power.

It'll really be great to have friends in school for a change, but I worry that they will act like they don't know me at school. I shake my head and tune into the conversation that's going on around me. Suddenly, I realize that all of the guys are looking at me and blush bright red. "What?" I say in a confused tone.

Smiles appear on all of their faces and I realize that they must have been talking to me. Way to make a fool of myself, I think. I glance over at Silas and he smiles and asks "So, what do you think?"

My blush goes even brighter as I have to confess that I wasn't paying attention. "Could you please repeat what was said? I lower my eyes feeling confused and slightly ashamed.

Victor stands up, walks over to me and stands so close to my side that I can feel the warmth of his body. "Sang, we're asking you what you wanted to do with us today? We narrowed it down to either swimming or playing video games. Which do you prefer?" he says in a smooth baritone voice.

"Well, I haven't been swimming in years, so I don't have a suit with me. Actually, I don't even own one right now." I see Gabriel glancing at me and get a calculating look on his face. I have no idea what that look means, so I continue talking.

"But I've never played any video games, so if someone can teach me, I wouldn't mind doing that" I say with enthusiasm in my voice. All of the guys look dumbfounded, when they hear that I've never played any video games.

"Wait, what are we having for lunch?" Silas asks the group. Everyone decides on pizza. Victor orders and Luke goes to pick it up. Mmmmm, pepperoni pizza my favorite, next to chocolate chip pancakes that is.

Once lunch is finished, everyone stands and Gabriel grabs my hands and starts pulling me down the hallway. We continue to an open door and head down the stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs, there are 2 couches and 3 large beanbag chairs. I quickly sit down in the middle of one of the couches and Gabriel sits down on one side of me and North takes the other side.

"Sang, what game would you like to play?" Kota asks me. "Can I just watch for a while and maybe try to play a little later?"

The guys start to argue over what game to play, but quickly decide on a racing game. I try and watch the game to see how they use the controllers, but think it's harder to play than it looks.

The guys play the racing game for a long time and I try to follow along, but still don't really understand what to do. Later, they switch to a fighting game and Luke tries to teach me how to make the character work.  Finally, I get frustrated and start pressing all of the buttons and end up killing Gabriel's character. Yeah, me!

Time's passing quickly and I realize that it's around 6:00pm. Silas and North tell me that they have something to do and ask me if I want to stay or go home.

Everyone asks me to stay, but I have other plans later tonight. "I'm really sorry guys, but I'm starting to get a little tired. Would it be alright if I asked for a rain check? Everyone immediately says yes and I give the guys a huge smile.

Do you have time to drop me off, before your appointment? I ask North. North looks at Silas and they both look at Kota. Kota gives a small nod and North says "Sure, we have time, but we need to leave soon." 

"Goodbye guys!" All of the guys come over and give me a hug and each hug's special. I've had more hugs today than ever before in my life, how sad is that. Then I grab my purse and follow Silas and North out the door. But luck's not on my side, as usual.

Silas and North head towards the Jeep and I'm a little bit behind them, when I look over at my parents house. My father's just getting out of his car and turns to look over at Kotas' house.

I quickly glance around to make sure no one's watching, especially Silas and North. I gather my power, feel the familiar tingle and disappear from sight.

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