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Fast forward 3 years

A few days ago, Father came to me, mumbled something about his job, and told me to start packing, we're moving. I packed up the house as quick as I could and a few days later we moved to Charleston, South Carolina.

It's late summer and the weather's beautiful, if a little hot. Our new house's on a half circle street called Sunnyvale Court. I'm 16 years old now and completely cut off from people. Mother will not let me go outside, so I haven't met any of our neighbors.

I'm barely allowed out of my bedroom, except to go to the bathroom and eat. She even attached a bell to the outside of my bedroom door, to alert her when the door is opened. Then she made me nail my bedroom window shut.

We've been living in the new house for about a week now. Mother woke me up before dawn this morning and I can almost feel the hate and anger pour off of her. It's so early, in fact, that my father hasn't left for work yet. But I know he will not save me.

"What did we do to deserve such a weak useless lump like you?" She shrieks at me as spittle hits me in the face. It sure didn't take mother long to decide to break in her new beating cane. I cower away from her.

Dropping to my knees, I bow my head and wait for the first blow. As she raises the cane to hit me, I feel the familiar tingle. Not now, I think.

I know what's going to happen, but I'm unable to stop it. Poof, my body and clothes disappear!

The next thing I know, she starts screaming. "Phillip, get in here right now!" Her voice rises hysterically as she looks in my direction.

She reaches out her hand in the direction of where my body still lies invisible. Then she tentatively touches my hair and grabs it, pulling me to a standing position.

Wrapping her hand around my hair, I'm unable to move or more importantly, run. Father walks into the kitchen and asks "What're you screaming about now?"

"Do you see what I'm holding in my hands? It's your stupid lazy whore daughter." She screams at the top of her lungs, panting slightly.

My father looks at her like she's crazy and she is. "There's no one in here, but you. I suggest that you calm down and maybe go take a nap" He says in a snarky tone.

"You'll get this freak out of my house today or I swear I'll kill her and blame you for it" She bellows. "She's going to be just like that tramp you knocked up. Thank God, she's not mine. Either she goes or I go to the police and tell them what you did to her real mother" She threatens in a menacing voice.

When I hear what she says, I turn and look into her face. It looks like she's telling the truth. I lose control of my power and my body and clothes appear as quickly as they disappeared.

Her hand's still wrapped around my hair, but as soon as I reappear, she drops it like it was going to burn her. She gives me a look of pure hatred and storms from the room.

I fall to the floor and look up at my father in fear. What's going to happen to me?

Now You See Me, Now You Don't(The Academy-Ghost Bird)Where stories live. Discover now