Chapter 26 - Silas pov of invisibility and Aggeles nip slip

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Silas pov

North drives me home and I talk him into staying for a swim. Damn, it's a hot and muggy night and the pool water will feel so good.

We enter my apartment and it looks like my family's already asleep. Glancing at the clock, I discover that it's only a little after midnight.

Guess this will have to be a quick swim. I need to hit the gym and then go visit Aggele mou tomorrow, I mean today.

Leaving on my shirt, I change into my trunks and grab a towel. North changes in the bathroom and we head out to the pool. As we near the pool area, I hear a soft giggle coming from the pool. I grab North and pull him behind a tree and we try and see who is in the pool.

Lo and behold, there's Sang in the hottest black one piece bathing suit I have ever seen. Just as I'm getting ready to announce us, I notice her look around. Is she meeting someone here?

She seems satisfied that no one's around and gets a look on concentration on her face. Then she disappears. I stand there reeling from what I just saw. I turn to look at North and he's frozen in shock.

Blinking my eyes, I check to see if she's still there. I can't see her, but I see the water move where she was. Fuck, she can turn invisible, Gabe was right! Damn, I wish I had my phone with me to record this.

I shake my head to collect my wits and hear North let out a growl of anger. When I see that he's about to charge over to the pool, I grab him and push him up against the tree.

Pinning him to the tree with my forearm on his neck, I look into his eyes. Furiously he struggles, "North, you need to calm down right now. I want to see what she's going to do, so play it cool. Can you do that?" I quietly ask him.

The anger in his eyes calms to a simmer and he asks "What's your plan?" "I want to see if she will reappear. We jump in and swim for a few, moving in closer and closer to where she is, and if she doesn't show herself, we try and bump into her" I quickly say to him.

"We don't want to scare her, but I need you to promise that you will stay calm. I really like this girl and I think you do too. This could change everything and I want her to tell us the truth about herself. She won't do that if you scare her half to death" I tell him in a calm voice.

My voice's the only calm thing about me. My mind's still trying to wrap itself around what we saw and I know North probably feels the same. "Fine, let's go" he grudgingly states to me.

Hopping the gate, we quickly drop our towels and take off our shirts. Glancing at North's face, I grab him by the shoulder and turn him to face me, then whisper "Are you going to be able to do this? Hold it together and we will be able to get answers. Freak out and she might run."

He looks at me and nods. I see him take a few breaths to calm down and we both turn towards the pool. North hears a wolf whistle and growls "Who's there?" He starts around the pool and doesn't find anyone, so we assume it was Sang.

Sticking his hand in the water he says "Feels good" and then jumps in. I hear my name, but ignore it and dive in the pool.

I start doing laps. The water feels amazing on my now way too hot body, but I'm suddenly unsure as to what I'm going to say to her now. North's floating closer and closer to where we saw her disappear.

I don't want to scare her away, but need to know more about her and what she can do. Does she have other powers? Can you feel her body, even when you can't see it? Is she a sexy alien who wants to conquer the local male population? If she's that last one, she can start with me.

I start swimming laps, moving closer and closer to where she disappeared. Suddenly, someone grabs my swim trunks, so I stop swimming and stand up. North stops floating and I know his patience has reached its limits.

Standing up, I know I look a little startled. I reach my arms out trying to find who grabbed me. Damn, where's that minx?

North looks at me and asks "What the hell are you doing?" "Someone just grabbed my swim trunks and pulled on them, while I was swimming. I'm betting whoever did it's still in the pool." I add with a devious smile on my face.

North growls "Fucking show yourself." When we hear: "North, if you would just calm down, I'll show myself.  Jeez, I was just playing."

"Aggele Mou, is that you? Where are you?" I ask nicely. Then I hear Sang say "Boys, please come over by the steps."

Slowly we move towards the stairs of the pool and wait. I peek over at North and see him start to get impatient.

Glancing over at the stairs, Aggele appears sitting on the stairs. I look at her body and my mouth drops open. She stands up and says "Hi guys!" with a big smile on her face. I can't move my eyes from her chest. "What?" Sang says.

Aggele's beautiful breasts are trying to escape that tiny bathing suit. One small perfect pink nipple's peeking out. I swear my entire body goes rock hard and the God of Love's trying to visit her and say hello!

Quickly, she turns around and rights her bathing suit. "Sorry, about the show guys!" she say in a husky voice. Damn, I wish the entire suit fell off. I want to explore more of that sweet little nipple and see exactly how it tastes and feels.

You can see her embarrassment, but she says in a breezy tone "Silas, North, what are you doing here? I thought you had an appointment tonight." What's she talking about? I can't stop looking at her delicious creamy breasts.

Then I hear North opens his big, fat, stupid mouth and say "Baby, what the Fuck's going on? Who are you and more importantly, what are you?" North roars as he moves towards Sang.

She cowers back against the stairs and throws her arms up to protect her head. "Please don't hurt me" she whimpers. 

God, He's such a dumbass! I just hope I can fix this situation. "Sang, please ignore North, he's being an ass. Aggele, what's going on? How long have you been able to turn invisible? Please know that we will never hurt you. We only want to help you." I say in a soft voice.

She looks up at me and then lowers her eyes. "Can we talk about this in my room? I don't want anyone to overhear what I'm going to tell you" she asks me in a soft quivering tone.

"Of course Aggele, we can talk in your room. C'mon let's go" I say and shoot North the dirtiest look possible. If he hurts her, brother or not, I'm gonna kill him.

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