3). House of Balloons

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*If it hurts to breathe,
Open the window
Oh, your mind wants to leave
But you can't go.*

"Ten more Lani, ten more."

I feel like my arms are going to fall off.

"Bryce, you said ten more like four hundred times. I don't have muscles like you, my arms are going to fall off." I lift up the ten pound weight slowly.

Ten pounds isn't a lot, I know. But when you're constantly lifting it up and down, you get tired.

He ignored my comment, "five....four....three...two... and one.. you see done." He puts his and my weights away. "You're going to thank me one day."

"Yeah yeah, let's just go on the treadmill."

Bryce wipes his face with his shirt that's around his neck and we go to the treadmill.

I don't know why I agreed to go to the gym with him, especially on a school day. I'm going to be exhausted, Bryce won't though. He literally lives at the gym, I say that he's a gymaholic, but he disagrees. Says that he needs to stay in shape for football. Blah blah blah.

"How can you be at the gym, everyday?"

"You know I have to stay in--"

"Yeah yeah, stay in shape for football. But like don't you get tired?" We get on the treadmill and set it to where we're speed walking.

"Star quarterback don't get tired."

I roll my eyes "oh yeah, you're Bryce Jackson the quarterback." I say in a annoying voice.

"No, I'm Bryce Jackson the sexiest Star quarterback." He corrects.

"Yeah no, I'll stick with the quarterback."

"Awe c'mon Lani, you know I'm sexy. If I remember correctly in 9th grade you were hitting on me." He looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

"You're so full of yourself, I was not hitting on you."

"Yes you were."

"No I wasn't."

"Yes you were."

"Whatever floats your boat." I hope he falls on the treadmill.

"Ah ha so you admit that I'm sexy."

"No, that's not-- you know what forget it."

I look over at him a see he's grinning at me, "Lani thinks I'm sexy. Lani thinks I'm sexy. Lani thinks I'm sexy. Lani thinks I'm sexy."

He keeps saying this until we get to my house, I don't understand how he didn't get tired of saying the same thing over and over again.

When Bryce drops me off and leaves I immediately take a shower.


Today is an unexpected pep rally, I am stoked because one the Coach; Coach Mitchens always let me run through the tunnel thing with the football players. And two it's our first pep rally for our first game on Friday.

The beauty of being cool with the football coach and being the team manager.

We have to meet in the locker rooms 20 minutes before the pep rally.

Me and Bryce walk in and see the rest of the football team sitting around, doing nothing.

"What's wrong with you guys?" I say loudly, the guys look at me and start making weird noises. Some guys come and hug me others do a hand shake with me.

Yeah, I got it like that.

The door slams shut with a loud boom.

"Okay listen up,"

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