42). Pretty

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*But at least I have you to rely
Even if for a short time.*

My eyes are met with a beautiful golden charm bracelet.

My jaw falls down as I take the bracelet out the box. It's so pretty, and unique.

All the charms are mini Palm trees.

That makes it extra extra special and I love it.

While I, admiring it I notice little tiny writing. I squint my eyes and read it.

je t'aime

"je t'aime?" I say horribly. "What's that?"

Abel smiles, "Um, it's French."

I give him a look to go on, "Okay, what does it mean?"

"Um, it will be better to leave it unsaid."

Ugh, all these secrets.

"Why can't you just tell me now," I whine.

"Because, I'm not ready to tell you." He says simply.

I shrug, "Fine, I'll just Google it."

"No," He says loudly.

I raise an eyebrow at him.

"I'll tell you myself, later okay."

"What's later?"

He shrugs, "A month or two."

"What," I screech. "That's way to long."

"Promise, you won't look it up or anything."

I don't understand, why I can't just look it up now. I mean if he didn't want me to know what it meant, then why did he put it on the bracelet.

I huff and roll my eyes, "Fine."

He holds his pinky out up to me, "Pinky promise."

I smile at his childish ways and link my pinky with his, "Pinky promise." I repeat.

Abel pulls me to him by my pinky and kisses me.

"Okay, now open your gift." I say when we pull away.

I put on the charm bracelet and dangle it, as Abel has a hard time unwrapping his gift.

"Why'd you put so much tape?"

"I had, to make sure it was secure." I say innocently.

"Yeah, it's secure alright."

"Hey, not everyone can wrap as good as you." I frown.

"You're right, but you can at least be close. Its like you taped the whole thing three times."

"Oh my god, give me it." I say and snatch the gift from him gently.

I rip the wrapping paper easily, and hand him the box.

And he calls himself a man.

He smiles and open the box, my heart is beating out of my chest.

I don't even know why I'm so nervous.

He opens the box and smiles widely.

He takes the chain out the box and admires it, "Babe, I love it."

My heart flutters and I sigh of relief, "Thank god." I mumble.

"How much did this cost?"

"I'm, not going to tell you."

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